
Average salary in China in dollars and RMB: list of professions

For a long time there was an opinion that the average salary in China is very low and most residents live on the verge of poverty, eating only a plate of rice. Do not forget that now Celestial Empire is an economically developed country that is rapidly gaining momentum in various indicators in the world. With the growth of production capacity, wages are growing, which means the well-being of the country. average salary in china

Trading Economics Data

In 2014, the international journal Trading Economics published data on the earnings of ordinary people in East Asia. According to his observations, the average salary in China in RMB has changed over the past 8 years as follows:

average salary in china in dollars

At the beginning of 2014, the nominal average salary in China was 52,388 yuan. This amount was 4365 yuan per month. By the way, this is not such a big figure. Of course, with this money a resident of the Celestial Empire in a small town can afford a lot and not even feel hurt. But for a big city, this amount is very small.

In general, the situation in this eastern country is somewhat similar to life in Russia. The larger the city, the more opportunities, which means high salaries and a rich life. And ordinary villagers, farmers survive with minimal rates. But, as statistics show, the standard of living in Russia is still higher than in China.

Dollar equivalent

If you convert the yuan to international currency, then the average salary in China in dollars is currently about 700. Do not rush to think that this is a very large amount, which is enough for all desires. The Celestial tax system is designed in such a way that every resident must pay a considerable amount. In addition, a small portion of the contributions goes to the insurance fund, while in our country this is done by the employer, and not by a simple worker.

Thus, out of $ 700 of dirty salaries, the average Chinese person receives only $ 500-540. average salary in china in yuan

Why over the past 10 years there has been a tendency to increase wages?

Reflecting on the question of what is the average salary in China, many wonder why in recent years there has been a sharp increase in the standard of living of ordinary people. Many still have stereotypes that the Chinese are poor, unhappy people. But at the same time a little more, and they will break out to the forefront of the world community. In this regard, it is worth identifying the main reasons for the sharp increase in wages in China:

  1. The country has seen a steady and constant increase in productivity and capacity growth in factories and plants. The annual rate is held at 12%.
  2. Modernization within the enterprise is carried out not by increasing quantitative indicators, but by qualitative ones. This means that the latest technology and automated mechanisms are constantly being introduced.
  3. Chinese investors flooded the world. In almost every country there are representatives of the Middle Kingdom, ready to invest their money in other developments.
  4. Another indicator of a country's well-being is GDP. In China, it is growing at 9% per year.
  5. Constantly invested in industries such as science and technology.

what is the average salary in china

List of the highest paid professions

You need to look for a good job in big cities. But you also need to have a higher education and some skills that help to achieve success in a particular industry. The average salary in China is very dependent on education, and not everyone can boast of success in this. Consider who earns the most.

  1. The leading position is held by the pharmaceutical industry.The average salary of a worker in China engaged in the production of medicines reaches 10 thousand dollars a year.
  2. It's no secret that the Chinese have flooded the Internet with their goods. You can earn $ 12 thousand on online trading.
  3. An important issue for the Chinese is the preservation of the environment. They are ready to allocate $ 14 thousand to specialists for safe technologies.
  4. Import-export operations play a leading role in the country's economy, and that is why qualified customs officers receive a rather high salary - $ 1,300 per month.
  5. A sensible accountant, specialist in auditing firms, an analyst in the field of international relations will be highly valued in any country. China is no exception. Specialists of this level receive up to 17 thousand dollars a year.

Salary growth by industry over the past few years is shown in the figure.

average worker salary in china

Five leaders

In the first place among the most sought-after professions in China are translators. In the country, few people know English, especially in Shanghai or in any small town. BUT international relationships require understanding. People who have overcome the language barrier are paid up to $ 3,400 per month.

In second place are 3G workers. This narrow area is now the number one technology introduction world, and the country is trying to keep up with this. The average salary in China for such an employee is $ 3,000 per month.

In third place are workers in the field of telecommunication technologies, namely engineers for the integration of networks at the international level. Their earnings are $ 2,500 per month.

The insurance sector is not far behind. Good agents get $ 2,000 a month.

Closes the top five website developer. His salary ranges from 17 to 20 thousand dollars a year.

Salary by industry

According to statistics, the average wage in China in 2015 by industry was distributed as follows:

the average salary of peasants in china

The smallest indicator is kept by agriculture. The most profitable sectors are science and education, the sphere of innovation and integrated technologies. But most of all earn those who work in heavy industry mining.

It is no less prestigious to work in the service sector. In general, the world continues to trend towards an increase in the number of social services. As statistics show, the more a country provides services, the higher the standard of living in it. But while China retains the status of an agrarian and raw-material state, and, as the schedule shows, it is most profitable to work in heavy industry.

How much do ordinary workers earn?

Many experts believe that the official data do not reflect the real situation regarding the welfare of the country. Yes, in large cities, people employed in various fields receive quite a lot. But in remote regions and rural areas the situation is much worse. The average salary of peasants in China does not exceed $ 150 per month. Of course, if we take into account the prices of the most necessary goods and services, common in rural areas, then this is quite enough for existence, but not for life for pleasure.

China still high unemployment rate, characteristic of the regions mainly agricultural. It’s worth looking for work in big cities.

The difference in income between provinces can be very large. This can be traced using the following figure, which shows the average monthly salary of a simple worker, depending on the region of residence. Data are for 2013. China overtook Russia in average salary

The highest salaries in the regions are: Zhejiang, Hong Kong, Tianjin, Shandong, Jiangzu and Xinjiang Uygur Autonomous Republic. The smallest: Guizhou, Jiangxi, Gansu.

We are ahead of the curve

Last year, China overtook Russia in average wages. This happened for the first time in history and became a real sensation in the world community. And the reason for everything is the sharp collapse of the ruble that happened in 2015.If two years ago, in terms of the dollar equivalent, a worker in Russia received $ 900 a month, today this figure has decreased by 2.5 times.

Now the average salary in China is 733 dollars, and in Russia - 500. Thus, we are almost one and a half times behind China. Today, China is a promising country with huge opportunities and potential. And until we begin to build up our economic power, our backlog will be more and more.

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