
Dining business: what you need to open a dining room. Canteen business plan: documents and necessary equipment

dining room business plan

Any institution of public catering with the competent organization of business can bring its owner excellent profits. Below we present a very realistic and workable business plan for the dining room, which will require a minimum of expenses.

A little bit about designing

First, it is necessary to create an initial concept plan for the dining room, determine general ideas for its development, requirements, calculate the footage of the premises, propose an initial menu and "draw" a general portrait of the visitor, highlighting his main preferences. Immediately think about what to call the dining room. The name must be original and unbroken.

Where to coordinate the basic documentation for the dining room?

An enterprise plan drawn up independently or purchased from a design organization must be agreed upon in the following organizations without fail:

  • SSES (sanitary and epidemiological surveillance);
  • UGPS (fire service);
  • KUGI (state property management service);
  • technical supervision service;
  • GIOP (Committee for the Protection and Maintenance of Historical and Cultural Monuments).

Location Requirements

what you need to open the dining room

Your dining room business plan must take into account its location. Needless to say, it should definitely be located close to large factories, offices and other places that can provide you with a reliable layer of anchor customers.

A great option is to rent a former dining room. Immediately find out from local power engineers whether there are restrictions on the power consumption of electricity.

It should be noted that in recent years, inspection organizations have a very negative attitude towards dining rooms, which are located on the first floors of residential buildings.

Wanting to save your time and nerves, this option is better not to consider. In this case, your dining room business plan is likely to be unnecessarily costly.


When choosing a suitable room, pay attention to the presence in it of a sufficiently spacious hall for receiving visitors, a kitchen and utility rooms, as well as rooms for accounting. The walls in those rooms where direct cooking will be done should be faced with ceramic tiles or plastic. These materials are easily washed and disinfected, resistant to chemicals.

The dining room must have water and sewage, gas and electricity. The wiring must withstand the connection of equipment at 380 V. After completion of all construction and repair work, you will need to issue an acceptance certificate certified by all of the above organizations (UGPS, GSEN, KUGI, GIOP, Tekhnadzor).

Cash and accounting equipment

Do not forget about bureaucracy: you will need to purchase automated systems and software for automated warehouse and accounting. Performance depends on your needs and the size of the dining room itself. Cash registers are best purchased with the ability to pay for orders with plastic cards. This is especially important for cities where the population has little cash on hand.

Kitchen equipment

Any dining room business plan should fully disclose this question. As a rule, most of this kind of production works on electricity, but it’s much more economical to buy gas modifications.This is also due to the fact that far from all settlements, the electric network and the local substation will be able to “pull” the required capacities in general.

dining room profitability

The required minimum includes the following equipment:

  • Powerful hoods.
  • Dishwashers of industrial design.
  • Ovens, ovens and convection ovens.
  • Cutting and production tables.
  • A sufficient number of cabinets and racks for storing kitchen tools.
  • A set of all necessary utensils (with a 20% margin).
  • Refrigerators of sufficient capacity to store raw materials and semi-finished products.
  • Mixers, blenders, meat grinders, etc.

It is advisable to buy equipment from those suppliers that offer full after-sales service. Do not try to save money by buying household models: if your dining room gets fame, then even a household electric meat grinder simply can not withstand the loads.

Furniture for industrial and utility rooms

For utility rooms, shelving, work desks, as well as lockers for changing clothes are needed.

With the dining room itself, the situation is somewhat more complicated. It is impossible to come up with furniture at random, since tables and chairs should be in harmony with the overall design project. By the way, it is preferable to order chairs with rigid and angular shapes, on which visitors will not be able to sit for several hours. In the end, you open the dining room, but not the cafe.

Experts say it is advisable to buy 20% more furniture than was laid down in the project. So you will be protected from unpleasant moments associated with its lack.

Equipment for the dispensing complex

 table business

At this point, you need to pay special attention, since the distribution complex should be quite convenient, not to interfere with visitors. It is necessary to purchase counters with cells for ready meals, refrigeration equipment for first courses and desserts, as well as a conveyor belt.

Note that it is advisable to buy all of the above only new, as the used equipment at the distribution will negatively affect your reputation with customers.

What staff will you need?

It will be necessary to hire not only technologists and cooks, but also administrative workers. In particular, you will need a dining room director and at least one accountant.

The staff includes:

  • cooks for hot and cold workshops;
  • workers who will stand on the distribution line;
  • required number of cashiers;
  • workers responsible for washing dishes;
  • auxiliary workers, among whom must be mechanics.

If your dining room is not widespread, it is somewhat unwise to spend money on your own accounting service. It will be cheaper to hire a company that will provide your catering business with accounting support.

Do not forget about the need to manufacture badges for all employees who directly communicate with customers.

Menu Tips

Professional technologists advise creating such a menu so that repetitions of dishes in it are not found more often than a couple of times a month. Be sure to have in your daily diet meat and fish, poultry, as well as vegetarian dishes. Given the specifics of our cuisine, it does not hurt to diversify the range of soups and pastries. In addition to traditional tea and coffee, mineral water, juices or fruit drinks should be offered to customers.

It should not be mentioned that all dishes should be fresh and tasty, otherwise you can’t count on the loyal attitude of visitors. After finalizing the menu, you need to assure him of the SSES.

What documents will be required?

You need to draw up the following documents to open the dining room:

  • To develop technological regulations for the manufacture of food and its implementation, for the implementation of technological measures (disinfection of premises, disinfestation).
  • Conclude and sign contracts for the delivery of raw materials, for the removal of garbage and liquid household waste.
  • Draw up all contracts regarding the maintenance of your installed equipment.
  • Draw up and certify all agreements with the bank, open your own account for payment by plastic cards.
  • Register a cash register. This is done by the local tax office.

In addition, you must obtain permission to work from Roskomnadzor, SES, as well as other organizations that we spoke about at the very beginning of the article.

Total costs

It may take from 600 thousand to 6 million rubles to purchase equipment. The decoration and repair of the entire premises, the conduct of all necessary communications, the conclusion of contracts and other bureaucratic procedures can be delayed by as much. In large cities, the cost of organizing a food service enterprise can reach thousands of dollars per square meter.

Despite this, the profitability of the dining room is approximately 40%.

business at school canteens

other services

Forget that the dining room is where you just eat. When you get enough promotion, start organizing holidays, social events - it attracts people.

You can take contracts for the supply of dishes to large organizations. During the holidays, even ordinary citizens often require a large number of high-quality and tasty dishes. The business at school canteens is very promising when you deliver food to school facilities.

If you do not set sky-high prices, you can make good money on this.

In general, organizing your dining room is not only profitable, but also allows you to expand your production almost unlimitedly, constantly increasing the size of your profits.

That's what you need to open the dining room!

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