
The legislative bodies of the Russian Federation. Legislative power of the Russian Federation

Russia is considered federal state. The country has a special administrative apparatus. Its functioning is carried out in accordance with the provisions of the Constitution. legislative bodies of the russian federation

General concept of administrative system

According to Art. 11 of the Constitution, the implementation of state power in the regions of the country is carried out by authorized bodies formed in the entities. This institution has clearly formulated areas. The country has the principle of separation of powers. In accordance with it, an appropriate institution operates within each area. So, executive and administrative functions are assigned to executive bodies judicial - to the courts, lawmaking - to the legislative structures. Moreover, these branches are relatively independent and independent. Next, consider what constitutes the legislative bodies of state power of the Russian Federation.


The legislative bodies of the constituent entities of the Russian Federation manage their region primarily through the adoption of relevant regulations. Along with this, their competence includes the formation of other structures within the jurisdiction and control over their functioning. However, the legislative power of different regions interacts differently with the executive structure. Differences are also found in the forms of organization of the rule-making process, as well as the procedures for considering certain issues. legislature

Modern realities

In some regions, from time to time there are confrontational relations between the executive and the rule-making branches. At the same time, the legislative branch, in various ways hindering the activities of an administrative institution, in a certain way comes to the fore and thus emphasizes its independence. In stable conditions for the development of social relations, this circumstance does not seem so noticeable. This is mainly due to the fact that the main issues related to public life are regulated by federal law. In addressing the pressing issues facing the region, the executive system is engaged. At the same time, the above arguments do not weaken the fundamental significance that the legislative bodies of the Russian Federation have in conditions of democratization.


Representative (legislative) power is formed in the process of realization of equal, direct and universal suffrage in the course of secret ballot. As a result, a holistic and permanent institution is created. The legislative bodies of the constituent entities of the Russian Federation occupy a certain position in the entire system of the administrative apparatus. Their status is fixed by the relevant regulatory acts. The supreme legislative body of the Russian Federation regulates issues related to life in the country as a whole, as well as in its regions. The main focus is norm-setting activities. legislative bodies of constituent entities of the russian federation


It represents the Supreme Legislature of the Russian Federation. The Council of Federations and the State Duma form the Federal Assembly. In accordance with the current provisions of the Constitution, in a country only one state body has a legislative function. The State Duma has the right to adopt the draft normative act by a majority of votes. The Council of Federations may reject (veto) a law already adopted in the lower house of Parliament. Thus, the Federation Council coordinates and supervises standard-setting work.The purpose of this activity is to reduce the level of political disagreement and to approve the optimal version of one or another normative act.


The legislative bodies of the Russian Federation are formed in various ways. The creation of the State Duma is carried out by secret ballot in parliamentary (general) elections. Currently used proportional system. It provides for voting on party lists. The distribution of deputy seats is carried out according to the official results of the vote. supreme legislative body of the russian federation [

Institute structure

The legislative bodies in the regions are called differently. In particular, there are Dumas (city, oblast, etc.), Soviets, Khurals, Kurultays, etc. In the corresponding scientific publications, the legislative bodies of the Russian Federation are called collectively by local parliaments or assemblies. In most cases, they consist of one chamber. Legislative power in the state can be represented by bicameral structures. For example, this is characteristic of the Sverdlovsk region, the Republic of Sakha, Kabardino-Balkaria.

State Duma and Council of Federations

It consists of 450 deputies. They are selected for 4 years. The election of deputies is carried out according to the majority-proportional (mixed) system. The Council of Federations has 178 members. They are delegated from the constituent entities of the Russian Federation (two from each region). In this case, the job principle applies. The delegates are the heads of subjects and the chairmen of their legislative bodies. TO State Duma functions and SF include:

  • The formation of other government agencies (the appointment of certain officials).
  • The adoption of laws at the federal level.

The most important officials who are appointed by the State Duma include:

  • Chairman of the Central Bank.
  • Authorized Representative for Human Rights.
  • Chairman of the Government.
  • Head of the Accounts Chamber and half of its constituent auditors. powers of the legislative bodies of the Russian Federation [

The Council of Federations appoints:

  • Attorney General.
  • Judges of the Supreme Arbitration, Supreme and Constitutional Courts.
  • Deputy Head of the Accounts Chamber and the second half of the auditors.


The legislative bodies of the Russian Federation in the regions independently resolve all issues relating to financial, material, technical, informational, legal and organizational support of their own activities. The costs of these tasks are also approved within the structures. These costs are provided in a separate line of the regional budget.

Powers of the legislative bodies of the Russian Federation

The scope of this institute is quite extensive. The main powers of the legislative bodies in the regions of Russia, in particular, include:

  • Establishment of the procedure in accordance with which elections will be held in local government structures, as well as the activities of these units within the competence defined in the Constitution.
  • The adoption of programs for socio-economic development proposed by representatives of the executive structure.
  • The establishment of fees and taxes that are assigned, in accordance with federal regulations, to the jurisdiction of the region, as well as the procedure for their collection.
  • Determining the regime of disposal and management of property in the jurisdictional territories.
  • Approval of termination and conclusion of agreements at the regional level.
  • Determining the procedure for conducting and organizing referenda.
  • Establishment of the administrative-territorial organization of regions and the procedure for its change.
  • Approval of the management plan for entities, determination of the structural composition of the highest executive institute of state power. representative legislature

Law-making Initiative

It belongs to deputies and senior officials, representative bodies of territorial power.This right may be granted in accordance with the provisions of the Constitution and the Charter of the regions to other structures and institutions, including public associations, organizations, as well as citizens who live in the country.

Project Review

Bills submitted by senior officials of entities are dealt with as a matter of priority. Consideration of normative acts providing for expenses that will be covered from the regional budget is carried out for at least 14 days (calendar).

Procedure for the adoption of acts

It is determined in accordance with applicable law. It should be noted such important points of the process as:

  • Adoption of the charter of the region, amendments to it is carried out by a majority of at least 2/3 of the total number of deputies.
  • Consideration of the bill is carried out in at least two readings. The decision on its rejection or adoption is made out by resolution.
  • The laws of the subjects are approved by a majority of the established number of deputies, decisions - by the number of elected.
  • An indispensable condition for the entry into force of a normative act is its promulgation (promulgation) by senior officials. legislative power in the state
  • If the law is rejected, the veto imposed by the highest officials can be overcome by a majority of at least 2/3 of the votes of the established number of deputies.
  • The charters of the regions, normative acts come into force after their direct official publication. Laws and regulations on issues related to the protection of freedoms and human and civil rights are vested with action no earlier than ten days after their publication.

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