
The supreme legislative bodies of the Russian Federation: structure and powers

In the Russian Federation, legislative functions are performed by parliament. He is empowered by the Constitution. Let us further consider which higher legislative bodies are included in it. supreme legislative bodies of the Russian Federation


Parliament is a collegial elected or partially appointed body. It represents the sovereignty of the entire population of the country, expresses his will in the form of laws. The structure of the parliament includes the following supreme legislative bodies of Russia: the Council of the Federation and the State Duma. Moreover, the latter acts as a representative of the entire nation. The Federation Council reflects the federal nature of government. Parliament is a permanent institution. It acts as a single organism. However, this does not mean that higher legislative bodies of the Russian Federation, entering into it, act together. The Constitution establishes that meetings of the Federation Council and the State Duma are held separately. At the same time, these chambers can come together to hear the messages of the head of the country, the Constitutional Court, as well as reports of representatives of foreign powers.

Prerequisites for Education

The supreme legislative bodies of the Russian Federation operating today have replaced the former institutions. They were the Congress of People's Deputies and the Supreme Council. These legislative bodies could not become the real parliament of the country. This was due to the fact that the powers vested in them by the previous Constitution were contrary to the principles of government today. legislative bodies


The supreme legislative bodies of the Russian Federation have the exclusive right to adopt normative acts. No federal law can be adopted without consideration of the Federation Council and the State Duma. Moreover, the Constitution prohibits the formation of any other structures possessing such powers. The supreme legislative bodies of the Russian Federation, within the framework of their authority, can influence the country's foreign and domestic policy. This impact is implemented through the adoption of the Federal Law. In carrying out their functions, these institutions are independent of the president and the courts. However, a close relationship has been established between all these structures.


The supreme legislative bodies of the Russian Federation are not subject to any control of executive institutions. They are financially independent and independently determine their costs. The latter are recorded in the budget. The Federal Assembly (Federation Council and the State Duma) independently manage financial resources. The chambers of parliament form an auxiliary apparatus. Executive structures cannot interfere in his activity. The highest legislative bodies of the Russian Federation themselves determine their own organization and order of activity, guided by the constitutional provisions. No one has the right to interfere in the work of parliament. This ensures the true omnipotence of the Federal Assembly, its independence and independence. supreme legislative bodies of Russia


With fairly broad powers, there are restrictive mechanisms. They are expressed in the following constitutional forms:

  1. Veto of the president.
  2. A referendum (when it is convened, laws can be approved without the participation of parliament).
  3. The right of the head of the country to dissolve the State Duma in certain cases.
  4. The requirement of the Constitution to pass financial laws only after agreement with the government.

In addition, ratified international agreements, the legal force of which is higher than the Federal Law, act as limiters of the legislative power in the Russian Federation.

Council of the Federation

It consists of members who represent all subjects of the country. The Federation Council is designed to express the interests of existing regions. From each subject of the Russian Federation in the Federation Council there are 2 representatives. The Federation Council is formed by the election of its members. A candidate may be a citizen of the Russian Federation over 30 years old. Moreover, he must have the right to vote. Representatives from the regions are officials of the legislative and executive bodies of the subject. supreme legislative bodies

State Duma

The Federation Council has an inextricable link with the second chamber of parliament. The activity of the State Duma and the Council of Federations on the adoption of laws is the main function of these bodies. The State Duma is formed through general elections. There are 450 deputies in this body. A member of the State Duma can be a citizen of a country whose age is at least 21 years old. He, like a candidate for membership in the Federation Council, must have the right to vote.

One and the same person cannot simultaneously be a member of the Federation Council and the State Duma. The election of deputies is carried out according to party lists. To ensure proper preparation and subsequent consideration of issues under the State Duma, a special council is created. He plans the work and completes the formation of bills that will be discussed at meetings.

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