
The structure of power in the Russian Federation

As the only source of power in Russia, its people are advocating. He exercises his rights directly or through elected representatives. The latter form the relevant state and local authorities. The order of their formation is established by the Constitution. power structure

Power structure

The Constitution of the Russian Federation proclaims fundamental principles relating to various spheres of the country's life. In particular, the Basic Law defines the structure of power. In Russia, there are three forms of its implementation:

  1. Trial.
  2. Legislative.
  3. Executive.

All these areas form a single apparatus. However, at the same time, each of these forms has its own powers, by which they differ from each other. In general, the power structure presupposes the existence of two systems: state and regional. Institutions are established in the country that are endowed with a special status and do not belong to any of these sectors. Along with this, they carry out state functions and act as part of a single system. Such institutions, in particular, include the Accounts Chamber, the Prosecutor's Office of the Russian Federation, the Central Bank, the Academy of Sciences of Ukraine, the CEC and the Commissioner for Human Rights. structure of executive bodies


The power structure is formed in such a way that for each institution operating within it, its own subjects of reference and the limits of authority are established. Their competence should be sufficient for the implementation of state tasks. The structure of government is a single system that guarantees the integrity of the country. The Constitution lays the foundation for the separation of subjects of jurisdiction between state and regional institutions. It is carried out in such a way that the sphere of joint powers does not pass into the exclusive competence of the Russian Federation or entities.

Executive structure

The subjects of delineation of competence are the Federal Assembly, the head of state, the government, the Constitutional Court, municipal structures, legislative and other institutions. With the introduction of the presidency of the RSFSR, the government entered the structure of the executive federal government. In accordance with the current Constitution, this institution independently implements state functions on a par with the head of the country, the Federal Assembly, and the courts.

The structure of executive bodies has its own specifics. So, formally, the president does not belong to any of the branches. However, in practice, his authority allows him to be included in the executive structure of power. In addition to it, the implementation of state functions in this direction is carried out by the government of the Russian Federation, the administration of the subjects. The system includes state committees, ministries and departments, federal services, commissions and supervision, other institutions. executive structure

The structure of executive authorities

It is established by presidential decrees. All institutions are divided into bodies of general and special competence. The first, in particular, include the government of the Russian Federation, the administrative apparatus of the regions. The power structure includes special institutions that operate on a sectoral basis. These include the Ministry of Defense, the Ministry of Foreign Affairs, the Committee on Fisheries, and so on. The main purpose of these structures is the implementation of the provisions of the constitution, laws and other regulations, the solution of various operational issues and so on. These institutions are endowed with special powers. In particular, they can independently manage financial, material and other resources, manage state property, etc.


This body has a special role in the structure of power. In general, this institution is endowed with legislative initiative. According to the principle of separation of powers, it belongs to the executive branch. A government representative is present in the FS. To organize the activities of this institute, councils and commissions are formed. The specified executive body manages the federal ministries and other structures of this branch of power, and ensures control over their activities. Accordingly, departments are subordinate to the government and are responsible to it for the implementation of the tasks entrusted.

government structure

General authority

The government is implementing a number of government tasks. Among them:

  1. Organization of foreign and domestic policy of the country.
  2. Regulation of the socio-economic sphere.
  3. Ensuring the unity of the executive system of the Russian Federation.
  4. Regulation and control of subordinate institutions.
  5. Formation of federal target programs and ensuring their implementation.

Additionally, the government enjoys the right to legislative initiative. Within the framework of the socio-economic sphere, this institution regulates business processes, controls the free movement of finance, services and products. The tasks of the government include forecasting the socio-economic development of the country as a whole and industries in particular.

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