
Your business: coffee machines. The cost of the coffee machine. How to deliver and maintain a coffee machine

Many modern people, especially residents of megacities, cannot imagine their life without a cup of coffee. And this is not surprising, because such a drink allows you not only to cheer up in the morning before work, but also to relax and be distracted at another time. In this regard, in developed countries, the installation of automatic machines for its preparation has turned into a very profitable business.

Coffee machines are becoming more and more popular every year in our country. Entrepreneurship associated with their use is known by the term vending. As practice shows, in most cases it is quite profitable.

business coffee machines

Business Plan Development

The first thing to consider before installing your coffee machines at different points is a business plan. It is necessary to take into account a number of nuances. In this case, we are talking about the form of the future enterprise, the cost of purchasing automatic machines and the necessary amount of consumables, paying taxes and potential sales, therefore, profit.

Type of enterprise

One of the most important steps in organizing your own enterprise is to determine the type of ownership. There are two options - IP or LLC. The difference between the two is that in the first case, the entrepreneur carries out the maintenance of the units and the collection of revenue on their own. In the second option, you should hire an employee (or several) who will deal with these issues.

It is clear that they need to pay wages - fixed or in the form of a certain percentage of revenue. It should be noted that the decency of employees plays a very important role, and therefore the selection of personnel should be carried out very responsibly.

coffee machines


As for the payment of taxes, here the entrepreneur also has a choice. They can be either fixed or income dependent. In the case when the machines are located in crowded places, it is recommended to give preference to the first type of taxation.

If we are talking about points where the number of potential customers is changing, it is better to dwell on the second form. As an example, universities or colleges, where during the holidays the number of students is significantly reduced. Taking into account such nuances will allow you to create a fast-growing business: coffee machines in this case will not incur unreasonable extra expenses for paying taxes.


As already noted above, the choice of installation location of machines plays by no means the last role. In this case, their key advantage can be called modest requirements regarding the necessary territory. Indeed, one such unit occupies an area of ​​no more than two square meters.

Along with this, several more parameters should be taken into account. To vending has become a very profitable business, coffee machines must be in places with a constant flow of people. The best options are public transport stops, public places, shopping centers, markets, train stations, business centers, cinemas and even government agencies.

In this case, do not forget that the installation location affects the size of the rent. If in a not very crowded place it will be about thirty dollars in domestic equivalent, then in shopping centers it can reach the mark of three hundred American dollars.

Purchase of vending machines

The next important aspect in organizing a business is the purchase of aggregates. This is not surprising, because all the main work for the enterprise will be performed by coffee machines. Their payback depends on a number of factors. Of course, the owner of the business is interested in making this happen as soon as possible.

Along with this, do not forget that the acquisition of the cheapest options is far from the best idea. There is no need for vendors and a large number of service personnel in vending. As practice shows, the money saved on this is better to put on high-quality machines produced by well-established manufacturers. In order to reduce purchase costs, at the initial stage of business development it is enough to purchase two or three units.

The cost of a coffee machine varies in a fairly wide range - from 80 to 300 thousand rubles. Along with this, a device that does not need constant repair, and also boasts a wide range of drinks with good taste, will cost about 120-150 thousand rubles.

coffee machines business plan


Speaking about consumables, first of all, mention should be made of the materials necessary for the care and cleaning of the units themselves. A set for three machines will cost about $ 160. Next, you need to calculate how many ingredients are required per month of operation for each machine.

As practice shows, taking into account the required number of different types of coffee, tea, dried cream, water and cups, an average of about two thousand dollars is spent on each individual unit. Keep in mind that the price per serving is usually set at about four times the cost of production. As a result, coffee machines pay off quite quickly.


The procedure for servicing machines depends primarily on their number. As noted above, you can monitor them yourself or by hiring individual employees for this. It should be noted that one person physically per day can serve an average of ten devices.

The reputation of a new outlet, as a rule, is formed in the first weeks of its operation, in connection with which it is recommended to constantly be present at it at this time. Coffee machines do not just need to be replenished with ingredients on time and take off revenue.

In addition, they need to carry out constant care. In order not to scare away potential customers, you should constantly keep them clean, and in case of problems it is better to contact specialized companies for help. As for communications, it only requires an electrical connection. At the same time, water is poured into a specially designated container inside.

Total costs and profitability

Given the cost of the machine itself, its maintenance, consumables, rent, electricity and taxation, the total costs become quite impressive, especially for beginners in this business. However, as practice shows, for devices such as coffee machines, the payback, or rather its duration, is on average half a year. In other words, a good choice of location, timely and quality care, as well as good drinks will allow you to earn revenue in the amount of about 150 thousand rubles during this time. Such an indicator is achieved if it is conditionally assumed that 70-100 servings of drinks worth 5-10 rubles will be sold daily.


To initially invest less financial resources, many novice entrepreneurs are trying to save on some things. Earlier it was said that it is unprofitable to buy cheap machines, because as a result of their constant repair you will have to spend more.

In addition, in our time, the client wants to get a quality product and pays money for it.Based on these considerations, you can’t save on taste, because customers will go to other service providers, and the coffee machine business will fail.

Some businessmen go the other way - load the device with low-quality cups. The whole problem in this case is that, having become electrified, they stick to one another. The result of this may be that the cup does not fall out, and the drink just spills out. Such a situation harms, first of all, not to the deceived client, but to the owner of the machine, because it beats the reputation of his company.

The main disadvantages of vending

Earlier, the many advantages that such a business has are listed. Coffee machines, on the other hand, differ in some disadvantages. The main one is the high competition that exists in vending.

The fact is that all commercially advantageous places have long been occupied by entrepreneurs who began their activities in this area about ten years ago. In this regard, finding a point that will provide a stable income is now very problematic.

the cost of coffee

Another disadvantage is that there is the possibility of damage to the aggregates by vandals. Therefore, before you put the coffee machine somewhere, it is recommended to pay attention to the presence of security in the room. In large shopping centers there is no problem with this. In the event that a decision has been made to install it at a public transport stop, it is better that it is located in the field of view of the cameras.

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