
Own business: artesian water production. How much does it cost to build a water well

artesian water production

It is unlikely that anyone could have imagined a few decades ago that the production of artesian water can become a fairly profitable type of entrepreneurial activity. As a result, as of today, there are many companies operating in this market that deliver their products both to offices and private consumers.

Making them worthy of competition is not so easy, but still possible. Due to the fact that the water flowing from ordinary taps is far from always safe for human health, more and more people prefer to buy it for cooking.

Where to begin

It is necessary to begin to translate the project into reality by analyzing the existing drinking water market. As practice shows, this is enough for about a month. Almost any entrepreneur, even a beginner, can master such a type of business as the production of artesian water.

In this case, there is no need for any work experience or special education. At the same time, such activities simply cannot do without significant start-up investments and attracting qualified personnel.

Choosing a place for a well

One of the most important factors that affects the quality of water produced and supplied to customers is the place of its production. Information on its availability is available in the corresponding Cadastre. At the same time, one cannot fail to note the fact that not every field has drinking artesian water.

When choosing a place for drilling a well, one should pay attention to clean areas from an environmental point of view. Next, you need to take a water sample from each specific field and conduct a series of tests on it. Such analyzes are done exclusively in the laboratory using specialized equipment.

Once the artesian water has received a positive assessment, you can contact the company that provides services for exploration and well drilling. It should be noted that many of them are ready to perform work from start to finish and to prepare all the necessary documents.

Well design

It takes about six months to develop a project, according to which specialists will give a detailed description of all the qualities of water and its approximate amount in the field. As for the cost of these services, it ranges from one hundred to two hundred thousand rubles, depending on local conditions.

what documents are needed for bottling water

It is very important not only to know what documents are needed for bottling water, but also to issue them in a timely manner. As soon as the project is approved, it is necessary to agree on the drilling point in the SES. After this, you should register the right to ownership or lease of the land, as well as obtain a license for the right to use land subsoil.

The territorial departments of natural resources have the right to issue it. Among other things, you should register as a private entrepreneur or legal entity and register with the tax authorities. In general, to get the whole package you need to get around about thirty different authorities. However, as noted above, firms specializing in field exploration are ready to independently carry out all this work for a fee.

Water Production Equipment

To raise artesian water for the purpose of its subsequent bottling, it is necessary to purchase special equipment.It includes industrial type pumps, a bottling production line and a unit for water disinfection. Its installation is almost always done by the suppliers themselves.

The complete set of the production workshop depends on the place of bottling and the estimated volumes of production. The best option would be to place the casting shop in close proximity to the well, since otherwise the cost of transportation by tanks will increase. Moreover, this will reduce the amount of water contact with air and bacteria.

drinking artesian water

Among other things, in order to establish the production of artesian water and its sale, it is necessary to purchase containers. As practice shows, at present, bottles are very popular, the volume of which is five or six liters, and the 19-liter containers that are installed on the so-called coolers are most in demand.

Mandatory Costs

In order to calculate how much it costs to build a well for water production, it is necessary to take into account that in most cases artesian deposits are located at a depth of up to 300 meters. The cost of drilling one meter is at least 5.5 thousand rubles. Based on this, it can be calculated that up to 1.65 million rubles will have to be paid for all these works. As for the cost of buying the line, a high-quality import installation will cost about 50 thousand US dollars. The price of a 19 liter bottle is about $ 5.

artesian water


The main employees to be hired for the enterprise are instrumentation specialists, drivers, managers, workers, maintenance personnel, and also auxiliary workers. The entire staff will be approximately 35 people. As practice shows, it is better to select personnel among the residents of a settlement located not far from the well and the casting shop.

Certain specialists can also be attracted from big cities. Since there are not so many highly skilled workers in this area on the market, it is necessary to attract them with favorable working conditions and decent wages, which, depending on the qualifications and duties of employees, will range from 200 to 1000 US dollars. It should be noted that many similar enterprises hire managers and dispatchers who are engaged not only in receiving orders, but also in tracking their progress and finding new customers.

Potential profit

Judging by the experience of many firms that specialize in this type of entrepreneurial activity, the costs invested in the production of artesian water usually pay off over a period of up to two years. In the future, net income may reach about six million rubles per year (provided that one developed well is used). As you can see, this type of business can be safely called attractive.

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Reason for complaint
Vasily Rogachev
Federal Target Program "Pure Water"
Description of the problem the Program is aimed at solving:
Providing the population with clean drinking water is the most important area of ​​socio-economic development of Russia.
According to the Concept of long-term socio-economic development of the Russian Federation, approved by order of the Government of the Russian Federation of November 17, 2008 N 1662-r, the priority areas for the development of the water management complex in the long term include the improvement of drinking water treatment technology.
In accordance with the Water Strategy of the Russian Federation approved by order of the Government of the Russian Federation of August 27, 2009N 1235-r, the development of the housing and communal complex, focused on ensuring guaranteed access for the population of Russia to high-quality drinking water, is considered as a task on a national scale.
Drinking water is a source of life, strength and energy, so the demand for products will never disappear.
Pure water from the well is ideal for drinking, because due to the fact that it lies very deep, it almost does not contain germs and bacteria, and impurities in its composition are minimized.
Fresh water is now the same market commodity as oil.
On a plot of land, 10 acres, a deep well of 120 meters, which was drilled to artesian horizons. Wells of this kind have increased water loss and durability, since the water level in them is almost constant, and there is also the possibility of installing an external pump, which simplifies the extraction of water to the surface.
A water well located on a land plot served the military unit in the city and the city hospital with high-quality drinking water.
Given the demand for the most necessary goods, I propose the production of:
1. Extraction and bottling of high-quality drinking water from a well;
2. Making a drink "Live beer"

Main characteristics:
A separate - one-story shop of 210 square meters. m .;
The thickness of the walls is 2.5 bricks. Separate entrance;
Land, 10 acres, owned;
On the land plot, the well is a depth of 120 m.;
The distance of the well to the workshop is 7 m.;
Autonomous boiler room;
Central water supply;
Electricity 380 volts;
The thickness of the walls is 2.5 bricks;
Ceiling Height 4.3 meters;
Internal walls - gypsum;
Two bathrooms;
The Internet;
Motorway - first line;
Access roads are convenient and accessible; The surrounding area is 300 sq. M. m
Convenient location that provides good transport
and pedestrian traffic.
Of such quality, the building cannot be built now.
Object address: st. Working, 61, Frolovo, Volgograd region
LLC BIKOM Vasily Rogachev
Good evening! Need more information, how to contact you?
Sergey Sedelnikov
I agree! Without excess water, everything is on the case and clearly. Thank!
good article thanks to the administration and the author of the article


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