
Own business: distilled water production. How to make distilled water: the necessary equipment and technology

How much is distilled waterBeginning entrepreneurs are often in search of new ideas that you can earn. At the same time, as practice shows, in our time it is realistic to receive income in almost any field of activity.

Water production was no exception. As a business, its delivery to offices and private consumers in bottles is considered quite profitable.

Along with this, there is another interesting direction that is associated with it. In this case, we are talking about the manufacture of distilled water. To open the appropriate company, it is enough to register as a legal entity or private entrepreneur and register with the tax authorities.

Scope of use

To organize the production of distilled water does not require special skills, knowledge and skills. By itself, it is ordinary water that is purified from any impurities and other elements. The use of distilled water is primarily associated with technological needs.

In particular, we are talking about heating systems, car batteries, wipers and so on. In everyday life, it is practically not used. At the same time, some housewives pour such water into irons, since it practically does not leave scale.

Due to its purity, such a liquid is sometimes used to fill aquariums and water plants. It should be noted that such a field as medicine, where it is an integral part of injections, and is also used for breeding various solutions.

Production methods

Speaking about how to make distilled water, it should be noted that now two methods of its production are used - purification by reverse osmosis and multiple boiling. When applying the first of the mentioned methods, water during distillation passes through the system, which consists of a complex of filters.

An essential advantage of this method is the low consumption of electrical energy. There are several drawbacks that are the need to constantly purchase filters for replacement, expensive equipment, and the relatively low speed of cleaning.

As for the second method, the whole technological process in this case comes down to the actual evaporation of clean water. The steam goes into the next tank, and the impurities remain in the previous vessel. After the steam turns into water in the second vessel, boiling is done again.

Depending on the number of tanks in the system, the process can be repeated up to six times. The more of them, the cleaner the finished product will be. Regardless of how the manufacturing takes place, the resulting product must meet the requirements of the state standard.

Distilled water production

Production room

The first thing you need to start this kind of entrepreneurial activity with is the search for a suitable room. The production of distilled water can be arranged in a barn, garage, production hall or other place, the characteristics of which correspond to the basic requirements of the technological process. First of all, the room should be equipped with a good ventilation system. In addition, it is necessary to obtain an opinion on its fire safety.

Tools and equipment

The most expensive part in this area of ​​activity is the acquisition of special equipment. The most important unit, which can not be dispensed with, is an apparatus for making distilled water, which is called a distiller. The simplest models are quite compact and have a capacity of about seven liters per hour.

At the same time, they are characterized by a relatively small consumption of electricity and water for cooling. Estimated cost of such models is 2 thousand US dollars. With the expansion of the business, it will be possible to purchase more productive equipment. Along with this, it should be remembered that it costs more. For example, a distiller designed to produce 100 liters of water per hour will cost 4 thousand US dollars.

distilled water making apparatus

In addition to equipment, it is necessary to purchase containers for storage of finished products and installations for its discharge. It is very important to take care of the availability of spare burners and electric heaters in case of failure of the main elements. In addition, you need to purchase containers for filling finished products and a pump for pumping them.

Service staff

As noted above, special knowledge and skills in a field such as the production of distilled water are not required. This greatly facilitates the young entrepreneur in such an aspect as recruiting.

At the initial stage of development of the company, most of the work can generally be done independently (subject to a small volume of production). Over time, with regular orders and established sales of products, you can think about hiring staff. In particular, it will be necessary to attract several drivers, a technologist and an advertising manager.

Promotion of products on the market

One competent organization of the production of distilled water to create a successful business will not be enough. In addition, it is imperative to establish its market promotion and marketing. When developing an appropriate plan, it is recommended to pay attention to the target audience. At the same time, we must not forget that the production of only high-quality products will allow us to form a whole circle of regular customers who will probably recommend it to their colleagues and acquaintances.

Advertising and potential buyers

Consumers of distilled water are usually divided into several main groups, depending on the scope of use. The first of them includes the owners of private houses, which use it to fill heating systems. In this regard, when searching for potential buyers, it is recommended to distribute advertising of their products in suburban villages.

The second large group are motorists who use this fluid in the form of a battery electrolyte or fill it into an expansion tank. This suggests that the placement of a point for the sale of such products in an area with heavy traffic will be a very good solution.

The third group of potential buyers for whom it is possible to produce distilled water is the owners of photo studios. The fact is that it is diluted with chemicals that are necessary to ensure color printing. All other buyers (including private ones) are usually assigned to the fourth group.

Investments and cost of production

As practice shows, in order to establish the production of distilled water, a start-up capital of about one million rubles is needed. This includes such expense items as obtaining permits, purchase of equipment, rental of premises, salaries of employees, utility bills, advertising, transportation and other expenses.As for the cost of production, for one liter of finished products, it ranges from two to four rubles.

Distilled water

Business prospects

Many of us saw in automotive parts stores how much distilled water costs - about 30 rubles per one and a half liters. Given the simplicity of the technological process of its production, as well as the low cost, we can confidently talk about the prospects of this type of business.

In addition, it should be remembered about the nuance that the demand for it will be significant even in a small city. As for the payback period, in our country in this field of activity it is about one and a half years. This duration is due to the fact that initially the number of sales will be scanty. It will increase only after regular customers appear.

Conclusions and recommendations

At first glance, it might seem that distilled water production as a business can be implemented very easily. In fact this is not true. The main catch in this case is the sale of products, because the most profitable outlets have long had their regular suppliers.

In this regard, it is advisable to have your own store for the sale of finished products or to take care of the presence of a customer base before opening the enterprise. At the initial stage of the development of the company, it is better to produce a small amount of distilled water. It is recommended to expand and increase production volumes as regular customers appear.

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