
Own business: production of medical bandages. Technology and equipment for the production and sterilization of bandages

medical bandage production

A bandage is a thinned cotton material widely used in pharmacology. Bandage is a tape in the form of a roll. The material for the bandage is not always gauze. In some cases, it can be calico, flannel, elastic material.

Advantages of gauze products

In our country, about 300 companies are engaged in the production of dressings. High demand for this product is noticeable not only in medical institutions, but also among ordinary consumers.

A gauze product absorbs moisture very well - this is its main advantage. Bandages are used in large quantities in medicine. The production of medical bandages does not stand still, but their consumption is constantly growing. They are intended for dressing wounds, stopping bleeding, fixing dressings in the postoperative period, as well as for use for other purposes.

The sizes of bandages are different, it all depends on the destination. Bandages can be sterile, non-sterile and soaked in medicinal formulations.


A sterile bandage is made of bleached gauze, which has a density of 10 x 10 and up to 15 x 15 threads per 1 square. see. From non-sterile bandages, they differ mainly in gauze quality, as well as in cut.

Gauze bandages are made in different widths and lengths. The best selling sizes: 5 mx 10 cm, 10 mx 16 cm, 7 mx 14 cm.

The following requirements apply to sterile bandages:

  • bandages should be made of gauze in accordance with GOST 30112-40;
  • the tape should be clean, without spots;
  • products should not contain seams and edges;
  • There must be proper and tight winding.

The bandage is available in the form of a cylinder and compressed. The thickness of the bandage must also meet the standards:

  • length 5 m - thickness 16 mm;
  • length 7 m - thickness 20 mm;
  • length 10 m - thickness 25 mm;

Products should be wrapped in parchment of the appropriate sample.

The technological process of manufacturing gauze fabric

Gauze production, as an initial step in the manufacture of bandages, begins at the spinning mills. Going through looms cotton turns into gauze. In large rolls, approximately 800-1000 meters, gauze enters the screw-cutting workshop. After that, the gauze pieces are stitched and transferred to the steering machines. For this, a bobbin with a cloth is wound on a wooden shaft, clamped, the winding process begins.

When steering gauze, it is necessary to ensure that the edge is carefully wound and seams do not come across. Seam rolls come in handy for second grade bandages. After that, the rolls are delivered to the press, which makes gauze bandages flat. Then the bandages are dried. The next process awaits them - bandage sterilization.

Several sterilization methods

  1. Dry, hot air. This is air sterilization.
  2. Infrared radiation.
  3. Plasma sterilization, gas, liquid, etc.
  4. Autoclaving with water vapor, otherwise - steam sterilization (a can is used to sterilize bandages - Bix).

Take the steam sterilization method as an example.

The sterilization room should be divided. One part of it is intended for receipt of unsterilized bandage material, and in the other, respectively, is already a sterile bandage. Steam treatment involves the content of bandages in the mode of +120 degrees for 30-45 minutes. This is enough for tissue sterility.

After that, the bandage is dried again and the batch of the bandage is tested. There should not be any deviations from the norm.Pack a sterile bandage in plywood boxes that do not allow moisture to pass through. The attitude to non-sterile bandages is a little simpler; they are wrapped in paper and placed in cardboard boxes.

Pricing policy for raw materials and equipment

The cost of equipment for the production of bandages varies from 500 thousand to 1 million rubles. Also, the price will depend on the manufacturer of this equipment, its quality and how new it is.

The equipment for the production of bandages includes steering machines, press machines, a tape cutting machine and a conveyor. This is the basic equipment. But with financial security, it is possible to supplement the kit with multifunctional packaging machines.

The cost of such a line rises to about 300-380 thousand rubles. But it will be justifiable costs. Buying a multifunctional and high-quality unit will help to pack not only bandage products, but also gauze slices with cotton wool.

Expanding the product range always benefits the business.

gauze bandages

A steam sterilizer (autoclave) can be purchased for a price of 50 thousand rubles or more. It all depends on its characteristics. Important factors when choosing a sterilizer are the temperature regime, the time for processing, the volume of the chamber for sterilization, as well as its reliability and repair.

The production of medical bandages does not have to be associated with the production of gauze. But if the production of gauze is the intention of the bandage manufacturer, then you will need to purchase a bleaching line ($ 170,000), a roll winder ($ 200,000), and equipment for drying gauze ($ 100,000).

Such expensive equipment will not pay off very soon. The process will be costly, and the output will be a roll of gauze, the price of which is 10,000 rubles. Accordingly, it is easier to purchase gauze raw materials.

Production room and staff

The premises for production and personnel must meet special requirements, be spacious and necessarily sterile. Must have a bathroom in the room. The warehouse for raw materials and finished products should be well ventilated, keep the same temperature and, of course, be dry. Sterile bandages and non-sterile are stored in different places. Be sure to have a separate entrance for the truck.

The staff can be limited. 10 people is enough. This number includes two technologists, production line operators, auxiliary workers, a driver and an equipment adjuster.

Product requirements

bandage sterilization tin

Particularly important requirements for the finished products of dressings should include

  • sterility of products;
  • strength;
  • non-toxicity of the material.

Also, dressings should be easy to use, soft and breathable. In a quality gauze sheet, holes larger than 3 cm, oily spots and a tightened edge are not allowed. An indicator of quality products will also be the color and ability of the material to absorb moisture and odor.


The sizes of bandages should correspond to the sizes provided by GOST 1172-93. The edge of the bandage should be trimmed, no more than 0.5 m is allowed at the inner end of the bandage with the uncut edge. Detailed requirements for the characteristics of the dressing, its packaging and test methods can be found in GOST.

gauze production

Take a batch of raw gauze should only be with the accompanying documents. They must certainly contain the data of the producer of raw materials, trademark, name and article number. And there must also be a quality assessment, lot number and the number of rolls in it. Without these conditions, the production of medical bandages is impossible.

Sales of goods

The main consumers of pharmaceutical products in the first place include pharmacies and medical facilities. The main task will be to establish contact with a large network of pharmacies. It is desirable that this was not one network, but several. This will be the most profitable consumer.

The situation is much more complicated with medical institutions, there is a great demand for dressings, but such organizations usually announce a tender for the purchase, which sets out the conditions for the supplier. To gain trust and arouse interest in your products, you need to work hard, and it's not about advertising.

Medical organizations require not only high-quality goods, but also inexpensive ones. To achieve the sale of large parties, you need to be flexible. No need to be afraid to take small losses for the sake of big and profitable offers in the future. This is the policy of any business.

From the foregoing, we can draw the appropriate conclusions

With an initial investment of 3, a maximum of 4 million rubles, necessary for the opening and initial production of bandages (taking into account the costs of the most necessary equipment, the purchase of raw materials, renting space and salaries for staff), the production of medical bandages will pay for itself in at least one year, and a maximum for three. With a successful, vigorous activity, the income does not take long to wait. Yes, and it’s impossible to call him small.

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