
Own business: do-it-yourself mannequins

The most effective way to showcase clothes is to use mannequins. As practice shows, this helps to increase sales several times, so every self-respecting entrepreneur orders such products. However, the production of mannequins is not only a costly task, but also quite time-consuming. Let's see how to establish our own business for the production of such products.

mannequin production

Some general information

The whole point is that most high-quality mannequins are made by hand, therefore, for a start you will need a lot of staff. But this is not all the nuances, because you are waiting for a large investment, which will pay off depending on how your sales go. Currently, the market is already saturated with such offers, but most companies are foreign, so it’s quite possible to open such a business locally, and this will bring good money.

As for the mannequins themselves, it is customary to divide them into two groups: male and female. Both sell well. Let's deal with each item in order, because in this case there are many pitfalls that you have to face.

Types of mannequins, or What can be produced?

As noted above, such products are divided into two large groups. But, in addition to this, it is customary to separate them in form, purpose and other parameters. The most common are humanoid. Mannequins are naturalistic, stylized and profiled. The former are considered quite expensive and difficult to manufacture. The fact is that they completely create the impression of a living person. Hairstyles, makeup, color of nails - all this is done by the designer manually.

Profiled mannequins are notable for having a wide variety of poses. It can be both pregnant women and children, and domestic animals and others. They differ in high quality and, as a rule, in complex manufacturing technology (seamless production).

You can also sell the so-called crash mannequins, which are used to check the safety of the vehicle (accident simulation). There are also demo forms that are used to display watches, hats and other accessories.

Mannequin Production: Part 1

Before you start making a mannequin, you need to make sketches on your computer using special software. In other words, a 3D model of the mannequin is created. At this stage, its appearance, dimensions, etc., are determined. The prototype of the matrix is ​​projected by the designer, and after that the molds are made for individual parts of the future product. As raw materials can be used gypsum, fiberglass or special plasticine.

The sculptor begins to work, who manually sculpts his hands, torso, legs and other parts of the body. As a rule, about one hundred finished mannequins are obtained from one matrix, however, their production can last about a year. At the end of the operation, they proceed to the practical part.

To get the finished product, use plastic, polyester, as well as other materials such as fiberglass and gypsum. The most important thing is to get a durable and durable product, so fiberglass and polyester are most often used. Also, this design is relatively inexpensive and affordable for the consumer.

manufacturing mannequins

Mannequin Production: Part 2

Now we have a prepared matrix, or rather, several of its parts. To connect the two parts, high-strength adhesive material (liquid nails, etc.) is used.Next is the drying process of the product for 60-80 minutes. After that, excess material and glue are removed, as the next step is grinding, and then - puttying. In conclusion, the final grinding is carried out. In principle, the mannequin is ready for painting.

It is advisable to use a special spray or car paint, as this allows you to get a high-quality surface. Eyes are drawn, eyelashes, hair and other details are made. I would like to draw your attention to the fact that you can produce articulated mannequins that imitate human movements. On average, a professional takes about 3-4 hours to make one unit of production.

DIY mannequin making

Purchase of necessary equipment and raw materials

As an example, take the production of fiberglass mannequins. In this case, the production line will consist of several main units and auxiliary ones.

The most expensive equipment is an extruder, which is used for casting parts of a mannequin. On average, such a machine can cost about 1 million rubles. Also, a mold with which different parts of the product are obtained is indispensable. Such a device will cost 200,000 - 250,000 rubles.

As for auxiliary equipment, this is a compressor with a capacity of 100 liters, its approximate cost is 30,000 rubles. Consumables are also required. Firstly, it is advisable to buy a new tool - these are hammers, saws, knives and much more.

You need to buy car paint, its price varies in a wide range, an average of 500-1000 rubles per half liter. To establish the production of mannequins, we will need a polymer resin, at 60 rubles per liter, as well as fiberglass itself at 400 rubles per meter. Also do not forget to purchase polyethylene at 30-40 rubles / kg.

articulated mannequins

Payback business and a little more about the costs

In addition to the fact that you need to purchase the above equipment, since without it it is simply impossible to establish production, you need to invest about 100,000 rubles in the development of the matrix. It is worth noting that the design of manufacturing a high-quality matrix is ​​a time-consuming process, and takes about four months in time.

As for the cost, the manufacture of a mannequin with your own hands is long and difficult, therefore the cost of such products is quite high. On average, one anatomical specimen will be sold for 8,000 rubles. Stylized options have a lower price - about 4 thousand.

Torsos for demonstration cost 600 rubles, and different parts of the body - about 200 rubles each. As for profitability, it is on average 150%, a lot depends on how the sales go. You will be able to get a net profit in six months, which is pretty good, given the large investment.

Extrusion method

As noted above, the production of mannequins is possible from such an inexpensive material as polyethylene. But this is a special technology, which consists in the fact that the material is pressed through an extruder. Accordingly, the material is preheated to a certain temperature. To get high-quality mannequins for clothes, a mold is made of metal.

Please note that such products have a minimum price of about 400 rubles, but their life is short. Most often they are used as demonstration forms. The most important thing is to get a high-quality extruder that works according to a given algorithm. The important thing is how well and quickly the material is blown out for the future product.

pregnant mannequins

A little bit about the manufacture of custom products

We have already figured out with you what mannequins are made of. As you may have noticed, these are a variety of materials. As a rule, the cost of a finished unit of production is calculated based on the cost of materials. As for the concept of a non-standard mannequin, this is the same product, with only a few differences.For example, glass or metal is used as the material. And the rest, a lot depends on the flight of your designer’s imagination, whether he will make a retro-style mannequin or use a futuristic direction.

Such products can be installed in cafes or restaurants to advertise any product, this is especially true in combination with mechanical joints. The mannequin will move according to the given algorithm and repeat the specified phrase. Undoubtedly, this will positively affect the company's reputation or sale of any things.


We have examined the most various types of mannequins. As you can see, there is plenty to choose from. You can start a business with the release of any one type of goods, for example, inexpensive polyethylene products, and over time expand production and make mannequins for pregnant women, children, non-standard products, etc.

Please note that the rather high costs will be on the salaries of your staff, this is due to the fact that your staff will be quite wide. It will require an extruder operator, designer, programmer, cleaning staff, etc. In any case, although the production of mannequins is a complex and time-consuming task, quality products will find their buyer and bring you income.

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