
Own business: production of ventilation ducts. Technology and equipment for the production and installation of ventilation

production of ventilation ducts

In modern construction - at least multi-story, at least cottage, at least commercial, at least residential - systems of passive and active ventilation, air heating and air purification are widely used.

If earlier for these purposes voids were specially left in the ceilings and walls, today ventilation ducts are laid using ventilation ducts (they are also called air ducts, ventilation pipes). These are special tubular hollow structures that allow you to distribute the supply air and remove contaminated air.

Types of ducts

The production of ventilation ducts can be quite a profitable business, but first you need to decide what specific types of structures you want to produce. Air ducts can be classified according to various criteria. So, depending on the shape, round and rectangular ventilation boxes are distinguished, based on the material used, the structures can be plastic, steel (galvanized or stainless steel), aluminum, polyester, thermoplastic, silicone, fiberglass and so on.

By the presence of special properties, air ducts are divided into fireproof, stainless and others, according to the method of connection - into those that have special fasteners and those that are connected with nipples. There are two main types of ventilation ducts: flexible (they are also called frame) and rigid.

Choose which ducts to produce

The manufacture of rectangular or round ventilation pipes from aluminum or steel is the easiest option. Such structures are faster and easier to install than plastic ones, and also have a lower cost price, they do not rust, are fire retardant, and have low aerodynamic drag.

Installation of ventilation with such air ducts can be carried out at enterprises, in offices, sports, educational, cultural and entertainment institutions, public catering organizations and in general in any buildings where there are large areas, during the operation of which active air exchange is assumed.

manufacturing ventilation pipes

Making flexible ducts is a more complex process. They can be used only in specific conditions, for example, in rooms with a complex configuration or in such buildings where installation of ventilation using large galvanized ventilation pipes is not possible. Also, such structures are used in rooms where it is impossible to provide active ventilation systems, for example, hoods for the removal of hot air and acid fumes.

The cost of manufacturing ventilation pipes from rigid materials will be required less, but it is not necessary to start production from them precisely because of this, but because you can sell such air ducts faster.

Production process

Designs of any kind are made on special automatic devices. In essence, the manufacturing process is the usual roll forming operation. We will not talk in detail about how to make a ventilation duct. After all, this is not done manually, but with the help of technical devices. Therefore, the most important task for you, if you want to create a successfully functioning enterprise, is to choose good equipment for the production of ventilation.

ventilation installation

We take into account important parameters

When choosing fixed assets, be guided by the main parameters of the ducts: stiffness, area and section shape (based on the degree of demand on the market). We already spoke about rigidity, so everything is clear with this. Flexible ventilation boxes can be realized more expensive than rigid ones, but they are also less in demand.

As for the area and the shape of the cross section, here the choice is more complicated. Different indicators, for example, the air flow rate, and, consequently, the noise level emitted by this flow in case of exceeding the speed standards, will depend on what specific structures you will use.

Other selection factors

The production of round ventilation ducts is less laborious, since they are fastened with nipples-latches. Also, such ducts are faster and easier to install, because they do not have protruding parts. They are durable and due to their more natural form create less aerodynamic drag.

At the same time, rectangular ventilation pipes show the best air flow in a room when a significant cross-sectional area is required or when installation is carried out in conditions of increased complexity, for example, over suspended ceilings.

The manufacture of round and rectangular ventilation ducts is carried out from the same materials: either aluminum from a thickness of half a millimeter to a millimeter, or galvanized steel. According to statistics, their sales are also almost equal, they are in the same demand.

And yet, if you want to make your business more successful, purchase equipment for the production of ventilation, including lines for the manufacture of pipes of both round and rectangular cross-section. What kind of cars do you need?

We equip the ductwork workshop

So, the production line for the manufacture of ventilation ducts of any section should include:

  • feed device;
  • an automatic machine for unwinding a metal roll sheet;
  • sheet straightening apparatus (the technology allows the diagonal of both the blank sheet and the duct itself to be deflected by 0.8 millimeters - if the ventilation pipe has a strong geometry violation, a lot of noise will be emitted from the air flow, therefore, modern technology necessarily includes a straightening device );
  • industrial system of numerical program control;
  • guillotine that cuts off the finished duct.

manufacture of ventilation ducts

The line used for the manufacture of rectangular and round ventilation pipes differs only in that in the first case, the forming units are corner-cutting devices, a system for applying stiffening ribs, an automatic sheet bending equipped with a rotary beam, and in the second - rolling rollers.

Production line cost

The production of ventilation ducts is quite expensive. A line for manufacturing circular ducts (provided that the manufacturer is domestic) will cost about one and a half million rubles.

The cost of the line for the production of rectangular ventilation pipes will be from 1.8 million rubles and above. That is, in order to purchase both lines, you need to have neither more nor less, but 3.3 million rubles by the most minimal standards.

Payback period

But there is good news. Profitability in this business is quite high. And if you release a running meter at a price of 120-3000 rubles (depending on the diameter of the pipes), then even if you work in one shift five days a week, you can recoup the costs for six months already.

Development prospects

Production of ventilation ducts is a promising business.Having established the technological process, you can expand the business and also engage in the manufacture of connecting and fixing fittings for pipes: plugs, nipples, "umbrellas", tie-ins, mounting punched tape and other things. Such products can be produced from substandard goods, scraps and other waste.

In addition, try to enrich the product range: start manufacturing rigid plastic, polyester, silicone, flexible polyvinyl chloride, rubber and other ducts. This will allow you to at least occupy the regional market segment in the field of ventilation systems.

how to make a ventilation duct

Having worked steadily for at least six months and thoroughly prepared the technological base, you can, among other things, organize services for the design and installation of ventilation systems. To do this, you will need to hire engineers specializing in heat and gas supply.

These are specialists in demand at present, so get ready that their work will cost not at all cheaply. Also, among the staff, you will need installers, but their work is not so highly valued, it is believed that these are low-skilled workers, and sometimes they may not be qualified at all. Having recruited staff, you can offer services for the installation of ventilation systems.

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