
Own business: production of soft toys. Business plan for the production of soft toys: equipment and technologies

production of soft toysSoft children's toys have always been very popular.

Even today, when there are a huge number of similar products on the market, their production is very relevant. We will not consider the industrial production of teddy bears and bunnies, and focus on the home business.

Indeed, practically everyone can start this business: only certain skills or a desire to master them and a very small starting capital are required. Today we will tell you how to start making soft toys with your own hands and make a successful business out of it.


Even if you plan to start small, that is, with your own manufacture of goods for sale, you must first draw up a business plan. The manufacture of soft toys with their own hands, of course, is a low-cost enterprise, but you need to clearly understand the future steps.


If you decide to start making soft toys with your own hands, then first you need to learn how to sew, if you still do not have these skills. In fact, there is nothing complicated in this process. However, in order to learn how to do this as efficiently as possible, it is recommended to enroll in specialized courses.

Here you will master all the basic techniques and manufacturing techniques of various products, including soft toys, in a few months. Such courses will cost about $ 100-200. Here you will receive quality training, and upon completion of classes you will also be given a diploma or certificate, which may be useful in the future.

However, you can do without courses and glean all the necessary information in specialized print media. The main thing is to delve into the sewing technique, learn how to thread the thread in the machine, understand the types of stitches and their purpose and learn the rules for working with patterns and material.

Registration of necessary documentation

The production of soft toys, even at home, is recommended to start with registration with the tax authorities and the preparation of all relevant documents. After all, it is better to do everything right away in accordance with the law than to constantly worry that you will be severely fined or even shut down. The best option is registration as an individual entrepreneur.

In this case, you will have to pay less taxes, and the reporting system will be simpler and more understandable. Be prepared for the fact that it takes about a month to complete all the necessary documents. It is necessary to start by submitting a USRIP application and paying the corresponding fee. You will also need to notarize your own signature. The next step is to make a print, since its presence is necessary even for an individual entrepreneur.

However, before ordering a stamp, you must obtain permission from the Federal Press and Mass Media Agency. Also, do not forget to find out from the tax authorities the terms and rules for submitting the necessary reporting documentation.

Product certification

In order for your products to enjoy the trust of consumers, as well as to ensure the possibility of selling them through stores, you need to get a certificate from the sanitary service confirming the quality of your products.By the way, without this document, self-respecting outlets simply will not take your product for sale. To get this certificate, you must take one of your toys for examination to the health service.

Equipment purchase

The production of soft toys does not require a variety of expensive equipment. Your main equipment will consist only of an overlock sewing machine. A similar device can be purchased at a price of $ 100.

However, if you want to be the owner of a high-quality sewing machine that works without interruptions, then it is better to give preference to models in the price category of 400-500 dollars. One of the most reliable and popular companies producing such equipment is Singer.

business stuffed toys

Experts recommend giving preference to electric sewing machines. A mechanical device should not be purchased, since work on it will go much more slowly. However, if your home often turns off the light, then you can choose a model that combines both automatic and manual mode.

Also, if you plan to manufacture soft toys, be sure to make sure that the sewing machine you like has an overlock seam that imitates the edge marking made on the overlock.

In addition to the basic equipment, you will have to purchase additional trifles: a pair of scissors of different sizes, multi-colored sewing threads, machine needles, pins, superglue, etc. For the purchase of these materials you will spend about $ 30-40 more.

Selection and purchase of raw materials

In order to sew toys for children, first of all, faux fur is required. You can buy it in fabric stores, but most often the choice of this product there is quite scarce. The best option would be to purchase faux fur directly from the manufacturer or intermediary, because in the countries of the former Soviet Union there are almost everywhere factories specializing in such products.

It is necessary to purchase this material in various colors. So, in your arsenal must be faux fur basic (black, white, gray and brown), bright (red, green, yellow and blue) and spotty colors.

You will also need a filler for toys. For this purpose, a synthetic winterizer is used, which can be purchased at any fabric store. In addition, do not forget about the accessories in the form of plastic eyes and spouts, a variety of ribbons, laces, bows, etc.

In this case, one cannot do without patterns. You can get them at sewing or sewing courses or from any specialized magazine. As a rule, they are also accompanied by detailed manufacturing instructions. After you understand enough in this process, you can begin to independently model patterns and create new products.

Sales of finished products

After you make the first batch of goods, you need to take care of its marketing. The main thing is that toys for children should be bright, beautiful, high-quality and attract attention. It is best to produce goods of different sizes.

Be prepared for the fact that it will take several weeks to establish contacts and business contacts. You can start with sellers in markets and stores, offering them your product for sale. It does not make sense to organize your own department at this stage. In addition, you can sell toys through social networks and your own site. Believe me, if your product has an attractive appearance and high quality, buyers will be found very quickly.

You may need additional advertising for your own soft toys. It can be done through local print media and the Internet.

Business - soft toys of own manufacture: the financial side of the issue

Initial investments in this business, as a rule, do not exceed thousands of dollars.As for income, to maximize it, you must carefully consider the pricing system of your products. So, be sure to include in the cost of the toy the costs of material, electricity, equipment, transportation, etc.

At cost, you can safely wind up 100, or even all 200-300%, if a particular product is in demand. Thus, the production of soft toys at home can bring about 500-800 dollars of net income.

Business prospects

If you have mastered the manufacturing process of soft toys, organized marketing of your products and acquired regular customers, then you can think about expanding your business. To do this, you can attract wage earners who will sew products on patterns that are most popular.

At this time, you can pay more attention to the search for suppliers offering materials at lower prices, as well as the development of new models. You can also, for example, start producing bouquets of soft toys, which are very popular today. You will be happy to take such a product for sale even flower shops.

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