
Own business: production of washing powder. Technology and equipment for the production of washing powder

washing powder productionMan has always strived for cleanliness, starting from ancient times, when people rinsed their clothes in rivers, and to the present day, when in most cases cars take over this duty.

Of course, initially no one knew about detergents in their modern sense, they used exclusively natural products and water. Soap later appeared, and in 1876 the first in the world history production of washing powder was created. The manufacturer was the German factory Henkel & Cie, led by Fritz Henkel.

Our days: the powder market in Russia

Many years have passed since then, and the number of manufacturers has increased to hundreds of thousands around the world. Among them, of course, there are leaders. And in our country they are foreign companies that occupy up to 80% of the entire Russian market.

Domestic large manufacturers of washing powder in Russia have a small share - about 10%. The remaining 10% falls on small firms and are ideal for newcomers who want to occupy their niche in this segment of detergents.

Of course, it is not easy to fight the giants of the market, which have also long won the trust of most consumers. However, to win over some of them is quite possible. To do this, you need to prove yourself on the best side according to three main criteria: efficiency, safety and accessibility. And how to establish a business for the manufacture of powder, you will learn from this article.

The range of basic questions on the organization of powder production

The production of washing powder is a rather complicated process from the point of view of technology, therefore it requires a competent approach. This is due to the large variety of chemicals used to create it. Due to the multicomponent and the correct combination of elements, the ability of a detergent to effectively remove impurities is provided, without affecting the quality of the fabric. Thus, the main issues that need to be carefully thought out and properly organized are the technology and equipment for the production of washing powder. In addition, it is necessary:

  • choose a suitable room for the workshop / plant;
  • collect the necessary permits;
  • determine the market and think over a marketing strategy.

We will talk about all this further.

Technology: how and from what to produce

The composition of the washing powder is characterized by a variety of components. Almost all the products on the market are made from the same chemicals, and the difference is due to a combination of various ingredients in certain proportions, which directly affects the quality of the finished product.

On how to properly select the percentage depends on how effectively the powder will remove stains, whether it will carefully affect the quality of tissues, their color, etc. In this matter, the role of a chemist is great. Therefore, make sure that your production has a competent and experienced specialist.

The chemical composition of washing powder: a list of ingredients

As for the main components, most of the washing powders contain the following substances:

  • surface-active - separate dirt from tissue (synthetic substances, soap);
  • binding - eliminate water hardness, provide softness of fabrics, prevent scale formation in the washing machine (phosphates or, if it is phosphate-free washing powders, zeolites);
  • whitening - due to the oxygen content they give freshness to tissues, remove vegetable spots on clothes (sodium perborate, etc.);
  • lipases - break down fatty contaminants, amylases - starch, alkaline proteases - protein;
  • antiresorbents - prevent re-contamination of tissues during washing, keeping the removed contaminants in the solution;
  • auxiliary - give freshness to linen, neutralize an unpleasant smell when washing.

Thus, in today's powder industry, as a rule, synthetic substances are used - frozen. If the detergent is intended for washing children's things, then soap shavings are usually added to its composition. It is absolutely harmless and environmentally friendly.

phosphate-free washing powders

If the powder is intended for use in a washing machine, antifoam agents are a must. These substances inhibit the formation of foam during washing. Recently, phosphate-free washing powders in which phosphates are replaced by zeolites, citrates and other harmless components are becoming more widespread. The result is a product that is completely safe for the environment and humans.

Raw materials for the manufacture of washing powder

Raw materials for powder production are not cheap, but quite affordable. The chemical industry is well developed in our country and it is not so difficult to find domestic suppliers for a plant starting its work. If we talk about the cost, then on average the price tag for Russia is as follows (per kilogram):

  • sulfanol powder - about 100 rubles;
  • surfactants - 80 rubles;
  • soap shavings - 45 rubles.

Naturally, these are only the main components. There are many others, additional ones, which will also have to be purchased. However, the cost of one pack (500 grams) as a result of their combination will be low.

equipment for the production of washing powder

Production Process: Powder Preparation Steps

We talked about the lineup. But what is the technology for the production of washing powder? The success of the final result will depend on its proper organization. As mentioned earlier, the most important difference between products from different manufacturers is not the components used, but their combination. It determines the successful (or not so) composition of the powder and determines its qualitative characteristics. For example, some components enhance each other's action, while others reduce it. The process of developing the composition should be held in conjunction with competent chemists.

If we talk about the sequence of actions in the manufacture of the powder, then it is as follows:

  1. The paste obtained by sulfonation of acibenzene combines with other heat-resistant ingredients.
  2. The resulting mass is sprayed through the nozzles of the spray drying tower.
  3. The droplets dried by hot air turn into powder granules.
  4. Further, the powder mass is mixed with non-heat-resistant ingredients (perborate, enzymes, etc.).
  5. As a result of all these processes, detergent is obtained, which is sent to the packaging.

Powder production itself is a fairly understandable and well-defined process. The main thing is to successfully develop the composition of the detergent.

Powder Plant Equipment

To organize the production process, special lines are needed on which the powder will be made. Their cost varies depending on the country in which they are released, and performance. The latter is especially important. So, in order to receive 500 kilograms of detergent per day, you will have to purchase equipment worth about 100 thousand rubles. And if you plan to produce 1.5 tons of powder, then be prepared to shell out 300-400 thousand rubles or more.

The washing powder production line is a set of the following components:

  • liquid raw materials storage section;
  • front dosage section;
  • solution supply section;
  • powder spraying and drying section;
  • rear dosage section;
  • control system (consists of manual and automatic control, the recipe is entered into the computer to calculate the required parameters).

In addition, you need a packaging machine. His choice depends on which package you prefer - a cardboard box, plastic bags, etc. Depending on the model you choose, the cost of such a machine varies. So, the technique for packing in soft large pillow bags with handles can cost 400 thousand rubles or more. It’s cheaper to pack in cardboard.

Powder Plant Room

The basic requirements for the room are as follows: it should be large enough and spacious to be able to accommodate all the necessary equipment for the production of powder (directly the workshop), as well as:

  • warehouse for raw materials;
  • storage room for pre-packaged product;
  • Head office;
  • room for employees, shower, dining room.

The room should be equipped with good ventilation and lighting. In no case should you allow excessive humidity, otherwise this will lead to spoilage of the produced product.

powder production

Detergent Production: Documentation

The list of documentation is small, but still there are mandatory permissions and certificates that must be obtained.

  1. First of all, in order to obtain a certificate of state registration, it is necessary to pass an inspection by the authorities of the Federal Service for Supervision of Consumer Rights Protection and Human Welfare. As a result of the sanitary examination, documentary evidence of the safety of the manufactured product should be obtained.
  2. Then you need to get a declaration on all household chemicals used. This is done through sanitary surveillance.
  3. Detergent is certified on a voluntary basis. However, it is best to do this to convince the buyer and regulatory authorities of the safety and quality of your products.

After going through all these stages, you will be able to proceed directly to production with a clear conscience and with all the required documents.

Sales and advertising: how to make yourself known

Be prepared for the fact that customers do not immediately notice your products. The production of washing powder, as well as its implementation, is a rather specific process. Consumers should try, evaluate and get used to your product. And you can help them with this.

The most effective in this segment is television advertising. If you plan to develop your region to begin with, then the video on the local TV channel is also suitable. It will cost several times cheaper, and the result for the conquest of the local market will be comparable. Another good move - various promotions in supermarkets. You can show customers how your powder works.

Invite them to test its effectiveness, conduct experiments to remove difficult spots, and make sure the product is safe. These qualities are decisive when consumers make the choice of washing powder. Of course, the price is important. Do not overstate it, especially at first, otherwise you will not see success.

By the way, it’s a good idea to give out samples of your products during the campaign. This will allow people to test the powder themselves, and will also help to better remember exactly your product.

It is best to arrange sales through local specialized household chemical stores, as well as supermarket chains in your area. Some manufacturers supply laundry powders. In this case, they should be packed separately - for wholesale.

washing powder production technology


In this article, we examined the main points on which the production of washing powder is based. These are issues relating to technology, raw materials and equipment for its manufacture, as well as the nuances associated with the premises for the powder workshop, the collection of necessary documentation for starting a business and, of course, the features of effective advertising and marketing of this type of product. We hope that the advice received will help you start your own business, and the manufacturers of washing powder in Russia will receive another serious and successful competitor in your person.

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I work a lot. I often go on business trips and travel with children on vacation. Sometimes I take the gel with me. Veleri chose for his excellent qualities. Even after rinsing, especially light tissues, they look like new and smell good. I know that it is safe for me and my children. No allergies or contraindications. The gel does not have a sharp chemical smell. My eldest daughter also successfully erases them.
So I recently visited a friend of mine in St. Petersburg and she told me that there is a local manufacturer of washing gel for washing clothes of excellent quality, they say Paul uses them already) ... returned home with a huge bottle of gelleri gel for delicate washing of cashmere items. I really liked it in the application, and the aroma on the linen after it remains simply divine.
I am a housewife, mother of 2 children, the youngest - 1.5 years. You understand, things of children of this age are most difficult to wash away. Previously, I used the gels of well-known companies. But somehow Veleri gel liked it. The funds are enough for a long time, the clothes are washed off superbly, the color of the linen is really perfectly preserved. It would be nice to not only order this product on the website, but also buy in any stores.
And I want to share my experience using Veleri Soft Baby washing gel. Among other laundry detergents, Wellery also launches washing gels for children’s clothes. I am the mother of two children, the youngest is 1.5 years old. You understand that at this age, things are most difficult to wash away especially sweaters in the sternum area (food contamination), even for those who use bib. Previously, I used the gels of famous companies. But somehow the gel about Veleri was to my liking. The funds are enough for a long time, and most importantly it is safe, the clothes are washed off perfectly, the color of the linen is really preserved in its original form. It is a pity that when the eldest son was smaller, there was no such means, so part of the clothes would be inherited by the younger in almost pristine form. And now we postpone the daughter’s clothes for my niece, because she looks like new.
They told me here that in our region (the Leningrad) plant, it turns out it works on the production of washing gels and dishwashing gels. But I didn’t know. It is called New Chemical Technologies (NCT), and its head office is in St. Petersburg. So now we have no sanctions!)) You can still fill Europe with all of your products! I read that everything works so competently for them. Good gel composition. I even read that there is a children's gel for washing dishes based on soda. So soon these 10% of manufacturers, as it is written in this article, will grow to 90%. Why not? There is security, there is efficiency, accessibility - by itself.
Many thanks to the author for the article, it turned out to be very informative and useful, and, most importantly, that it is written in an accessible language!


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