
Profitable business: production of detergents. How to open a detergent production?

production of detergentsModern civilization is literally obsessed with cleanliness. Detergents and antibacterial compounds, washing and abrasive powders ... All this is consumed daily and in gigantic quantities.

If you do not take into account environmental problems, when some manufacturers are not too scrupulous about the substances used in their products, then there is nothing wrong with that: the production of detergents has always been, is and will be very cost-effective, and its products are in demand.

Sales Comparison

To date, powdered products are leaders in terms of production volumes. They are easy to manufacture, cheap, and therefore are in high demand among consumers. In our country, detergents in the form of tablets, which are very popular in Europe and the USA, are practically not common.

In second place are liquid products. Their advantage is that they do not contain “hard” components that can cause allergies.

Possibilities of manufacturing a wide range of products depend on the production equipment necessary equipment. Modern liquid detergents are much more difficult to manufacture, as they contain a lot of components. However, domestic companies often use only the simplest types, which include only surfactant sets, perfume and dye.

The cost of such detergents is also low, and the profitability of production is higher, since up to 40% of the volume falls on water.

Production Technology Information

The technology for the production of synthetic detergents itself includes several main stages: mixing the composition, drying (in the case of powder formulations), packaging.

At the first stage, a rather heterogeneous composition is obtained. In order to reduce the particle size, it is driven through a colloidal mill. As for drying, it is carried out in special chambers, spraying and draining the composition. The process goes under pressure up to 50 atmospheres and at a temperature of 250-350 ° C.

Such a production of detergents is not very advisable from an economic point of view, since it requires considerable energy costs, and dust pollution involves tight control by the regulatory authorities. The crystallization method, for which low-temperature drying towers are used, is much more successful.

Let us recall once again about domestic realities: our manufacturers often simply do not have the means to purchase such high-tech equipment, and therefore the means are produced by banal dry mixing. Slightly less often, spraying of dissolved anionic surfactants onto a previously prepared dry base with perfume and abrasive is used. In this case, it turns out that the production of liquid and dry detergents is approximately equally costly.

List of necessary equipment

As you probably guessed, for the manufacture of even the simplest powdered detergent, you will need a considerable list of modern equipment. Let's list the main thing.

  • Universal faucets.
  • Vacuum chambers.
  • Homogenizing plants.
  • Tanks for detergents.
  • Mixers
  • Pumps, dispensers, other distribution equipment.

On one such line, not only cleaning products can be made, but also the following list of products.

  • Shampoos and hair balms.
  • Shower gels.
  • Bath foam.
  • Soap.


Note that the average production of detergents requires several different lines for packaging finished products at once: for pouring liquid and gel compositions into a PE jar with a volume of 250 ml or more; the same line, but for bottling up to 1000 ml. For each of them it is required to purchase separate storage tankers.

 production of synthetic detergents

Such a requirement is put forward by regulatory authorities to ensure that different formulations do not enter into a reaction, the products of which can be very dangerous to humans. Powder types are easier, but proper packaging is very important. As a rule, they are packed either in cardboard containers or in plastic bags.

Some room information

Note that the equipment for the production of liquid detergents is very cumbersome, so it makes no sense to rent a small room: you need at least 550 square meters of area. A medium-sized enterprise produces about 800 tons of products per year, so storage facilities should be quite spacious.

Since the placement of personnel in the same rooms where the finished products are stored is not allowed, it is necessary to provide separate rooms for rest and meals, isolated from warehouses and the production workshop, having a separate ventilation system.


All equipment, documents, rent and other expenses will result in approximately 6-7 million rubles. The cost of finished block complexes intended for the production of a wide range of detergents is approximately 5 million rubles.

Detergent production pays off in about four years. Such a long period is partly due to the fact that due to the rather stringent requirements of the SES, some entrepreneurs are forced to place their production in the shops of larger enterprises, paying the latter a huge rent. This causes a sharp increase in the cost of production and increases the selling price for it.

SES requirements for the production of detergents

detergent containersSince we touched on this topic, it should be disclosed in more detail. Since the production of synthetic detergents is an activity that is potentially dangerous for both humans in particular and the environment in general, the requirements for it are quite stringent.

Firstly, production should be located only in those rooms, the decoration of which does not allow the accumulation of active substances. Simply put, the walls, ceiling and floor must be finished with plastic or tile, which can be easily washed.

Secondly, all employees should be provided with protective clothing, footwear, as well as respiratory tract protection (respirators).

Weight personnel must undergo regular medical examinations, the results of which are recorded in a personal sanitary book.

Production must be located at a distance of not less than a kilometer from residential buildings, and location on a hill in relation to them is not allowed. The workshops should be equipped with a powerful exhaust system of forced ventilation, water supply, sewage, as well as fire alarm buttons and fire extinguishing means.


By the way, who will need to be hired? Before you start the production of detergents, you will need to find an experienced marketer and sales manager. The competition in this area is very tough, and therefore you will need to immediately pay close attention to attracting customers.

You will need an accountant, a technologist (one for each shift), movers and forwarding drivers, handymen and mechanics. Given the complexity of the same machines for spray drying detergents, it is advisable to conclude service and repair agreements with equipment manufacturers.

Start of sales

As we have already mentioned, the competition in this business is extremely high. Therefore, the viability of your business depends on how you start distributing your products. Distribute ads in local media, conduct as many promotions as possible.The main thing is to immediately attract potential consumers with high quality and affordable cost.

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