
Chief engineer: duties. Chief engineer: job description

The work of any technical enterprise in many respects depends on the official who performs duties of the chief engineer. From how his work is organized, it will depend on how successfully the company, as well as the size of its profits. The technical training provided by the engineer must be of the highest level. To achieve this, it is necessary to study the achievements of science in general and the best practices of other enterprises in particular. However, its main task is the technical development of an individual enterprise.

Chief engineer: duties and tasks

Chief Engineer. Duties

The chief engineer should thoroughly study the technical policy of the enterprise, and in what direction it can develop. In addition, he must take into account whether it is possible to reconstruct the enterprise, and whether there is a need to rearm the production. It determines the level of specialization of production, and how promising it is.

An engineer should carry out activities that would help increase labor productivity, as well as promote a rational approach to the use of resources.

Only the chief engineer is responsible for the quality of the products or services provided. Products must be competitive, reliable and durable. Compliance with production standards should also be monitored by the chief engineer. If necessary, the chief engineer has the authority to contribute to the modernization of the production process, and undertake guidance on improving the quality of products.

In order to competently develop technical production plans, an engineer must study world standards and modern technologies. He personally approves all documents and drawings that relate to the technical side of production.

Chief engineer: job description. Key Points

Chief Engineer. Job description

The chief engineer is one of the leaders of the enterprise. He occupies the second position in the management, giving way only to the Director General. He must control all production processes without exception.

A person who wants to take the position of chief engineer must have a higher specialized technical education. Work experience in a similar field should be at least five years.

Only the general director can take him to work, as well as fire him, by appropriate order.

Technical services and specialists are controlled directly by the chief engineer. In turn, he reports only to the CEO.

If the chief engineer for some reason cannot fulfill his duties, they are assigned to the deputy or another person, who is entitled to be appointed only by the general director.

What the chief engineer should know

  1. The legislative framework that governs the organization.
  2. The structural organization of the enterprise and the direction of its activities.
  3. How to increase enterprise productivity, expand its assortment, apply new technologies in work.
  4. Production technology.
  5. Productive capacity of the enterprise.
  6. Draw up production plans and monitor their implementation.
  7. How to draw up and execute a financial or business contract.
  8. What are the achievements of science in this industry.
  9. What are the rules of labor activity, and how is it controlled.
  10. Environmental and labor regulations.
  11. Sanitary standards.
  12. Labor protection rules.
  13. Fire safety regulations.

Chief Engineer Position

Job responsibilities at the enterprise

The chief engineer of the enterprise should organize the production process, as well as determine what prospects the production has. His responsibilities include calculating development paths in the conditions that the modern market creates. In addition, it should provide a level of equipment that could withstand competition with similar enterprises. It should help ensure that production is cost-effective, if possible, reduce its costs, while increasing efficiency. The development and reconstruction plans that are made by the chief engineer must be agreed with senior management.

Instruction Chief Engineer

The quality of the products that are produced must also pass the control of the chief engineer. If possible, it should contribute to improving the quality of products, expanding its range. The formulation and technical process of production is also under its control.

Repair work of equipment, its testing and adjustment should be controlled by the chief engineer.

The duties of an engineer include control over human resources. He monitors the continuing education of workers. To prepare additional personnel with the necessary qualifications, he can conclude agreements with universities and scientific organizations.

Work with regulatory authorities is also carried out with the provision of the chief engineer. He performs the functional duties of the director of the enterprise during his absence.

Rights of the chief engineer

Chief Engineer

The chief engineer can conclude contracts with both legal entities and individuals. He has the right to use a personal signature if the documents relate to production and fall within the scope of his authority.

Under his control is the work of technical services and units, he can give instructions to the heads of these services. Production issues can be discussed with the heads of production units.

The chief engineer has the right to receive the information necessary for his work from the heads of departments. The development of the enterprise development program should take place with the participation of the chief engineer.

A responsibility

Responsibility for the chief engineer lies in the event of failure to fulfill his duties. These measures are provided for by the Labor, Civil and Criminal Code of the Russian Federation. They are applied if the production rules violate the safety rules, or labor protection, which entailed material damage. In addition, the chief engineer is responsible for the consequences of exceeding his duties, as well as for offenses.

Position of chief engineer in the field of construction

All work related to construction, as well as accounting for material resources and their rational use should be provided by the chief engineer. The job description in the construction industry provides for the accounting and preparation of relevant documentation for the construction of the facility.

Chief engineer in construction

The chief engineer in construction should study his perspective, as well as participate in the preparation of part of the business plan, which relates to technical re-equipment and ways to increase its effectiveness.

The chief engineer should also participate in the distribution of financial resources that are necessary for construction.

Responsibilities in the construction industry include providing access to all the information that is necessary for the design estimates for the facility. He is responsible for the timely commissioning of the facility and its commissioning. The quality of all construction work must also be monitored by the chief engineer.

Operation of equipment at the enterprise

The chief operating engineer must organize emergency work, check how correctly and safely the equipment used at the enterprise is operated. He must have a higher technical education, at least three years of experience in an enterprise of the same profile, as well as the 5th group on electrical safety.

Chief Operations Engineer

The functional duties of the operating engineer include the investigation and analysis of accidents that occurred at the enterprise, as well as their accounting. In addition, he must prepare a statistical report if the company violated the technological conditions of the equipment.

The qualifications and knowledge of officials who are responsible for ensuring that the equipment is operated safely are verified by the chief engineer. Responsibilities include responsibility for training personnel to work on this equipment. He must select specialists for various types of work.

An engineer is involved in the development of instructions for the safe operation of equipment.

Responsibility of the operating engineer

It is also regulated by job description. The chief engineer is responsible for the consequences of his actions if they did not comply with the regulatory and technical documents that provide for the operation of equipment in what way can be considered safe.

The maintenance engineer is liable if the information provided by him was false, related to violations in the operation of the equipment.

The engineer is also responsible in the event that his investigation of technological violations was of insufficient or poor quality.

If the employees of the enterprise do not comply with the policy documents, the operating engineer bears responsibility for this. He is also responsible for the personal implementation of all directive instructions and labor protection requirements.

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