
Functional and job duties of a mechanic

A mechanic is a general specialist who is responsible for the technical condition and repair of equipment at a manufacturing enterprise. Which functions an employee applying for this position should perform is decided by the company management together with a specialist from the personnel department. The main provisions of the document should not contradict the legal norms of the Labor Code.

mechanics duties

General provisions of the job description for the mechanic

  1. Who and with what education has the right to hold the position of mechanic.
  2. What knowledge and qualities should be possessed by an employee applying for this vacancy.
  3. Who is the immediate supervisor of the employee as a mechanic.
  4. Mode of operation.
  5. Who should perform the duties of a mechanic in the event of vacation, sick leave and other life circumstances.
  6. Holiday information.

Position of a mechanic depending on the type of activity

mechanic duties

The functional responsibilities of a mechanic depend on which field of activity He works and what position he occupies, namely:

  1. Mechanical engineer.
  2. Mechanic for the production of vehicles on the line.
  3. Chief mechanical engineer.
  4. Driver mechanic.
  5. Garage mechanic (vehicles).

In addition, the specifics of the work of a specialist of such a plan depends on the type of equipment or vehicle that is under his control. For example, a ship’s mechanic, among other things, must pass a special military training and have an appropriate education, which includes knowledge of the science of shipbuilding. Each company has the right to establish its requirements for the job seeker of a mechanic, which they prescribe in the relevant contract, namely - job description. Before signing the employment contract, the employer must familiarize the future employee with this. type of document.

Consider the features of the functional and official duties of a mechanic, depending on the type of activity.

The duties of the chief mechanic

duties of the chief mechanic

  1. An employee holding the position of chief mechanic is obliged to organize and conduct a planned and, if necessary, urgent check of the technical condition of equipment or vehicles at the enterprise.
  2. Draws up a schedule of work and vacations of employees under his jurisdiction.
  3. Evaluates the technical condition of equipment, garage vehicles. Draws up an estimate for its repair and submits it to the higher management for approval of the repair plan.
  4. The duties of the chief mechanic also include organizing the replacement of old equipment with new, conducting its technical testing in operation.
  5. Once every six months, conduct safety briefings, as well as inform their subordinates about new work instructions and orders.
  6. Exercises control over observance of safety measures and working conditions.
  7. Supervises the workflow of subordinates, namely, how correctly they operate the equipment and how efficiently they perform their functional duties.
  8. At the time established by the authorities to draw up a report on the technical condition of the equipment, the costs spent on its repair.
  9. It develops and implements a plan to improve the quality of the equipment or other technical means for which it is responsible for the documents.

Particular responsibility for the technical base of the organization lies with a mechanical engineer whose responsibilities are to optimize production.Consider in more detail what the employee in this position is responsible for.

Responsibilities of a mechanical engineer

mechanical engineer, duties

  1. Carry out quality control of equipment and vehicles at the organization’s disposal.
  2. Conduct an analysis of the effectiveness of the equipment. Based on the results of the study, draw up a plan to improve its performance, which must be agreed with the chief engineer.
  3. Make an application for the necessary components for the repair of equipment or its acquisition.
  4. Once every 2-3 months, check how correctly the equipment under his responsibility is being operated.
  5. Provide monthly progress reports and scheduled inspections to the chief engineer.
  6. Must make suggestions and recommendations for improving productivity in shift form with the provision of facts, drawings and diagrams.

It is worth noting that the mechanical engineer is responsible for the breakdown of equipment and production downtime. The duty of the incumbent is to prevent this incident.

Responsibilities of the driver

duties of a driver mechanic

Unlike his colleagues, the driver is responsible for the vehicle issued to him from the enterprise. His responsibilities include:

  1. Drive the vehicle provided by the organization.
  2. Before entering the line receive a waybill with a mark on passing pre-trip inspection of the driver and the vehicle.
  3. Provide a car to the garage mechanics for scheduled inspection on time.
  4. Carry out a scheduled oil change, refuel with gasoline and repair.
  5. Make an application in the name of a mechanical engineer about the necessary spare parts.
  6. Submit a report on the consumption of fuels and lubricants.

In a word, the duties of the mechanic of a motor vehicle are to ensure that the vehicle they manage is in a technically sound condition. He is also liable for the provided vehicle. If the car breakdown occurred due to his fault, then he makes repairs at his own expense.

Functional duties of a mechanic for the release of vehicles on a flight

duties of a mechanic for the production of vehicles

In connection with the increasing incidence of accidents due to faulty cars, the Russian government in 2015 tightened the pre-trip inspection. Therefore, the mechanics involved in this activity were assigned additional responsibilities, namely:

  1. The mechanic must carefully inspect the vehicle. The technical tool must be completely in good condition.
  2. Checks if the driver of the car has the relevant supporting documents and driver’s license.
  3. He must report to his immediate supervisor about the condition of the cars in the fleet of the enterprise, as well as violations in the actions of drivers.
  4. Maintaining the necessary documentation.
  5. Installs the seal on the speedometer and gas tank.
  6. Verifies instrument performance with existing regulations.
  7. Before releasing to the line, he must make sure that he is allowed to work as a medical professional.

Inadequate performance of one’s duties bears responsibility, which can be expressed in several forms.

Types of punishment of a mechanic with improper performance of duties

mechanic duties

1. Administrative responsibility. This includes verbal or written reprimand.

2. Material. If, through the fault of the employee, the enterprise incurs losses, he is obliged to compensate them. In the worst case, they might fire him.

3. Criminal If, due to improper fulfillment of professional duties, a mechanic was injured in the health of moderate severity of one or more people. For example, if a mechanic launches a technically faulty vehicle on the line, which as a result gets into an accident with fatalities.

Changes to guidelines in the job description

The employer reserves the right to change the instructions developed by him with the functional responsibilities of the mechanic. This is due to the fact that Russian legislation is constantly adopting acts and safety standards at the enterprise and on the road. The representative of this profession is obliged to familiarize each of his employees individually and strictly under his personal signature.

Such a profession as a mechanic is quite in demand at the present time. However, this position also implies a great responsibility in the field of production and transport logistics, the availability of education and work experience of at least 3 years.

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