
Consumer Corner: requirements, design

Each organization or individual entrepreneur providing services to the population is required to have a consumer corner. In a store, in an enterprise, in an institution, it is necessary to place a stand containing certain information. This obligation is charged with Art. 9 Federal Law No. 2300-1. Further we will consider how the consumer’s corner is made out, what should be on the stand.

The legislative framework

Art. 9 of the aforementioned Law obliges entrepreneurs and legal entities to bring to consumers information about state registration, the name of the authority that supervises the provision of services, information on accreditation and licensing in cases established by regulatory enactments. The requirements in accordance with which the data are posted are duplicated by paragraph 10 of the Rules governing the sale of certain types of goods.

A responsibility

The absence of a consumer corner at the enterprise is considered a violation of the law. It entails administrative responsibility. In particular, according to Art. 14.15 Administrative Code, the offender may be fined. The amount for entrepreneurs is from 1 to 3 thousand rubles, for legal entities - from 10 to 30. Some enterprises are trying to challenge the sanctions, citing the insignificance of this violation. However, it should be noted that it is impractical to appeal the fine. But it is entirely possible to avoid such problems. To do this, timely fill the corner of the consumer. consumer corner what should be

What should be on the stand?

In addition to the required information, the buyer (customer) should be provided with additional information regarding the provision of services in the service sector or retail. Their presence is not directly required by law. However, the lack of requirements in the norms does not prevent the Federal Service for Supervision of Consumer Rights Protection and Human Welfare to verify the presence of such information. The main documents for the consumer corner are as follows:

  • Federal Law No. 2300-1. It regulates consumer protection. It should be noted that a printout of the Law from the Internet is not always accepted by the reviewing authority as appropriate information. Inspectors may require a copy of the publication. At the same time, reviewers refer to the fact that the consumer must receive reliable information that network sources may not always provide.
  • Fire safety regulations.
  • Book of suggestions and reviews.
  • Fire escape plan.
  • Phones For the corner of the consumer, contact details of controlling authorities and emergency services are needed.
  • Information about the extraordinary service of certain (preferential) categories of persons.
  • Other rules governing a specific type of activity. consumer corner in the store

In the consumer corner for the enterprise providing domestic services, price list should be included. For enterprises trading in tobacco products and alcohol, it is necessary to place on the stand information on the prohibition of the sale of these goods to persons who have not reached the age of majority, as well as on time restrictions established by law. Catering and trade organizations are required to provide sanitary and epidemiological rules.

Stand occupancy

The amount of information that is included in the consumer’s corner depends on the type of activity of the organization or entrepreneur. For example, in pharmacies can be placed regulations governing the sale of vital medicines. If a consumer’s corner is drawn up for a hairdresser, sanitary rules and regulations for the premises and equipment used should be provided. phones for the consumer corner

Placement of additional information in the corner

If such information is not present at the stand, then this will not entail administrative responsibility. However, this does not mean that additional information should be completely absent. It should be noted that regional regulatory acts may establish requirements and rules governing a specific list of securities for placement at the stand. At the same time, the information itself, as well as the consumer’s corner, should be in an accessible and convenient place for familiarization.

Is it possible to place the necessary papers not on the stand, but in a folder next to the counter?

The law does not regulate the appearance of the consumer’s corner, nor its specific location. The norms prescribed only one thing - to ensure the visibility and accessibility of information. In this case, it is necessary that the consumer can independently familiarize himself with the documentation. Information should not be placed in a glass closed display case, as this will violate the availability condition. Usually a consumer’s corner is a stand with several transparent pockets. However, it is possible to put paper in a folder. It is important that she is in sight, and that access to it is free. In this case, the folder should indicate: "Information for consumers."

Is it necessary to put on the stand a journal for accounting revisions and control audits?

This document must be available at the outlet. However, an enterprise is not required to place it on a stand. The journal contains information about the checks performed. In particular, it indicates the names of the agencies that carried out the control, the dates of the beginning and completion of activities and their total time, and signatures of authorized persons. If desired, the magazine can be placed on the stand. However, the consumer does not have to provide information about the audits performed. In this case, it is sufficient if the document is with the person in charge of the enterprise.


Thus, based on the foregoing, we can conclude that it is not so difficult to design a consumer corner as a whole. Just in case, in order to avoid problems in the future, it is advisable to check with the supervisor a list of information that must be placed on the stand in accordance with the Federal and regional laws. Experts also recommend that you avoid using printouts of Internet resources. It is better to provide copies of duly compiled publications.

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