
Veteran of labor: how to get in the Crimea? Benefits to Veterans of Labor

As you know, not so long ago Crimea was recognized as part of Russia. This entailed a series of inevitable changes. It is about changing citizenship, introducing a new currency and recounting benefits, as well as pensions. Given that the Russian government has identified the Republic of Crimea as part of Russia, one of the urgent issues for representatives of the older generation has become the process by which you can get the Veteran of Labor medal, as well as the corresponding certificate.

labor veteran how to get in crimea

This article will discuss the procedure for obtaining such a status and a list of benefits that can ultimately be counted on.

Title Veteran of Labor in Crimea

For starters, you should pay attention to one important fact. In 2014, the State Council of the Republic of Crimea considered and subsequently adopted a bill that determined the conditions necessary for obtaining the title of labor veteran. This law came into force on January 1, 2015.

benefits to labor veterans in the Crimea

So all citizens of Crimea who meet certain requirements can count on this status. The list of benefits and possible payments turned out to be quite wide. But before considering them in more detail, it makes sense to pay attention to the conditions under which the title of "Veteran of Labor" in the Crimea becomes available.

Who can claim veteran status

First of all, these are people who have been awarded medals and orders, as well as awarded the honorary titles of the Russian Federation, the RSFSR and the USSR. Departmental insignia in labor are also taken into account, but at the same time, the citizen who received them must have the appropriate work experience. It is a retirement pension or old age pension. For women, this indicator will be equal to 20 years or more. The required length of service for men is at least 25 years.

It is important to understand what exactly is defined as the aforementioned insignia. We are talking about the following list:

  • breast badges and honorary signs;
  • diplomas and titles;
  • diplomas and acknowledgments approved by state authorities, as well as various presidiums of the USSR;
  • any honorary marks approved by the General Prosecutor's Office of the Russian Federation, as well as by the Council and the Federation of Trade Unions.

In addition, the registration of a labor veteran in the Crimea is possible for those who began their labor activity during the Second World War, while being in their minor age. In this case, it is also important to have a working experience of 35 years in the case of women and not less than 40 years for the assignment of the title to men.

What documents are needed

There is a certain procedure and a list of documents that are required from everyone who claims to be a Veteran of Labor. How to get this status in Crimea is of interest to many residents of the peninsula. To do this, they need to pay a visit to the body that deals with social protection and provide the following papers:

  • any identity document;
  • statement;
  • documents capable of confirming their right to receive the status of a veteran of labor.

Those who at one time was awarded with medals, orders, departmental insignia or awarded the honorary title (RF, USSR) must provide additional documentation:

- papers confirming the fact of rewarding departmental insignia, medals, orders and the awarding of any honorary titles;

- in order to become the owner of the “Veteran of Labor” status in Crimea, seniority (length of service) is required without fail, therefore it is necessary to provide documents that can confirm it.

 Veteran of Labor Medal

What is required of the children of war

Special requirements for those who began to work before coming of age during the war. They need to provide the following documents:

- Proof of work experience that exceeds 35 years for men and 40 years for women.

- Documentation confirming the fact of the beginning of labor activity during the period from 1941 to 1945. We are talking about certificates and work books that were issued by authorized organizations and government bodies. It is important to pay attention to the following feature: the experience gained in those territories of the USSR that were temporarily occupied is not taken into account.

You can provide both originals and copies of documents in order to begin the process of obtaining the title of Veteran of Labor. How to obtain a similar status in Crimea, employees of social protection authorities can tell. At the same institution, you can certify copies of documents.

How does the assignment process go?

After all the documents described above have been submitted, including the application, the executive body of state power will consider the situation of the particular candidate and decide whether to grant him the title of Veteran of Labor in Crimea. Russia has fairly clear laws that oblige the executive body to justify the refusal to issue a veteran certificate.

Veteran of labor in Crimea Russia

The law allows 30 days from the moment documents and the application itself are registered to make a decision. The following reasons can be singled out as a basis for refusal:

  • the documents do not have enough information about seniority;
  • in the documentation provided there are various contradictions, errors and inconsistencies that prevent the interpretation of the contents of the securities;
  • lack of confirmation of the fact that a particular citizen began to work during the Second World War;
  • for those who have the Veteran of Labor medal, the absence of documents that confirm this fact of rewarding.

Given this information, it is logical to check all data and information for accuracy and absence of errors. Otherwise, the process of obtaining the desired status can be significantly complicated.

What is important to pay attention to

Although 30 days are given to the executive body and social service for consideration of the issue, an answer can be provided within 5 days from the moment the verdict is issued.

Moreover, the candidate should be notified in writing of the results of the review.

rank of labor veteran in the Crimea

In the framework of the title “Veteran of Labor” title: how to get in the Crimea ”, it is worth noting that it will take another 30 days from the moment the specific candidacy was approved to issue and issue a certificate that will allow you to use certain benefits and expect payments. You can get a ready-made certificate at the social security authority.

It is important to take into account the fact that for the design of this document you will need 3x4 cm photographs.

What benefits can you expect

Considering the opportunities that open to labor veterans who have received a certificate in the Republic of Crimea, it should be noted that they are virtually identical to the federal benefits of the Russian Federation.

We are talking about the following features:

  • Each veteran has the right to independently choose the time at which he will take leave. At the same time, he can count on 30 calendar days of rest.
  • Benefits to labor veterans in Crimea also include treatment in any clinics that are under the authority of municipal or federal authorities. The same is true for public hospitals.
  • As soon as a labor veteran reaches retirement age, he receives the right to free provision and installation of dentures in state and municipal medical institutions. The only exceptions are their cermets and precious metals.
  • Within the country, people, citizens with the status of a veteran, can use free public transport services of both local and suburban importance. This benefit is relevant in any region.
  • Having a veteran’s certificate, you can count on a 50% discount on utilities, housing and telephone services.
  • Another advantage worth knowing is the discount on travel in railway and water transport (50%), which runs on suburban routes.

registration of a labor veteran

The following information deserves attention: those benefits that relate to discounts can be monetized. That is, a labor veteran has the opportunity to receive them annually in the form of financial compensation.


The result is quite simple: Crimean residents with appropriate documentary evidence have every chance of obtaining the status of “Veteran of Labor”. How to obtain such a certificate in the Crimea, you can find out without difficulty in the bodies of social assistance, and then use federal benefits throughout Russia. At the same time, it is worth paying attention to the list of precisely those benefits and payments that are present at the federal level. This will help to understand what labor veterans who will leave the territory of Crimea for a time or without plans for a return can count on it.

Also, when moving to another region and already having the appropriate certificate, it is important to remember the following fact: in various parts of the Russian Federation there may be local privileges for those who have the status of a veteran.

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Reason for complaint
An article on the topic "in the garden of elderberry, and in Kiev - uncle", so readers are at a loss. Indicate at least one number of a regulatory document! 20 and 25 years is for those who have departmental regalia of the USSR or the Russian Federation, and as for Ukraine - here the terms are 35 and 40 years, respectively. Unfortunately, there are no details of these documents at hand.
Tatyana Kinalovskaya
why Aksyonov issued a decree that a labor veteran should have 35 years of female experience. men are 40 years old! ?? in Russia, women are 20 years old, and men are 25 years old. How to understand this !?
Lyudmila Ivanovna
I have 31 years of work experience; I have three thanks for conscientious work, but, in the opinion of social workers, I do not have the right to be a labor veteran; WHY?
Vitaliy Ivanovich
In May 2015 filed with difficulty an application for Veteran Labor. I have 20.5 calendar years (34.5 years of service) in the Armed Forces and since 1995 I have been working as a military driver to this day. Total experience of more than 50 years. Awarded many medals. I did not receive a response. Only in January 2016, through the Prosecutor's Office, the answer was rejected. Military labor is not labor and is not taken into account when receiving BT. So in our city of military glory Sevastopol become a Veteran of Labor!
Vladimir Vitaliy Ivanovich
sue and prosecutor! Service in the Armed Forces is everywhere considered a seniority !!!
Karaite Vitaliy Ivanovich
Among the medals there is at least one combat? Or just anniversary? For military labor, as you called service in the armed forces, you retired at 20.5 calendar years of service / labor. How old were you when you started working while receiving a seniority pension? Why didn’t you reach the veteran of the Armed Forces?


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