
Types of phones: creation history, description and classification

Life dictates a person his conditions. To keep abreast of all matters and solve problems, you must constantly be in touch. For this, one of the most useful inventions of mankind is used - the telephone. At first it was motionless and for conversations it was required to be near the device. Over time, different types of phones appeared, which allowed not only to move around with it, but also to use as a handheld computer.types of phones


A telephone is an apparatus that transmits speech from a distance. It consists of a device with a call and a handset for negotiations. It is also important to note that the transmission of words occurs through telecommunications by wire.

A device similar to a modern device was invented about 60 years ago. And attempts appeared back in 1667, when R. Hook tried to convey words on the cord with the help of vibrations. But the device got its true distribution after the appearance of electricity. American teacher Bell came up with a completely new device, which he called a telephone.

In 1878, a new method for transmitting speech was invented - a microphone, which had very high sensitivity for that time. And the scientist Edison, having invented an induction coil, gave the device the look it has today.

It is worth noting that the apparatus was widely developed and used in the Soviet Union. It was used in all fields of activity: from the extractive industry to political margins - cabinet ministers and the president.

Types of phones

Today, there are 4 main types of devices. With their help, you can contact relatives, find out useful information or give someone directions:

  • Stationary. It provides stable communication and has been operating for 10 years. The disadvantage is its attachment to one place.
  • Mobile. It is convenient due to the ability to take it with you.
  • Radiotelephone. Based on the principle of the radio. Allows you to transmit a signal in places where other types of phones do not work.
  • Payphone. The device is intended for general use and works after payment.

Landline phone

This type of word transfer device was invented before the others. Therefore, there is an erroneous opinion that the device is no longer in demand. However, this is a serious misconception. Along with the disadvantages, it has several advantages.

landline phone

The most important quality is reliable and at the same time very cheap connection. Enterprises depend on stationary devices. International communication, faxes are tied to the wired principle of work.

If you turn off all automatic telephone exchanges and landlines, then only mobile communications will remain. And she has several major drawbacks - the reception is carried out in the presence of towers and depends on the terrain. In closed and deep rooms, communication may be lost.

In Russia, there are many territories that are not covered by mobile operators. For residents of such regions, a landline telephone is the only way to communicate and receive information. Also, one of the useful properties is its safety for the human body.

Cell phones

This is a device designed to transmit voice messages. At the moment, this is the most common way of communication among the population. Its main advantage is the ability to constantly be in touch anywhere.

types of mobile phones

Types of mobile phones:

  • Cell phone. For work, cellular communication is used.
  • Satellite Information is transmitted via satellite.

By its functionality, 3 groups stand out:

  1. A simple mobile phone. This is a device that uses the developer's operating system.
  2. Smartphone. It works on the basis of the operating system Android, Windows Phone, iOS.
  3. Communicator. In other words, a handheld computer.

Types of phones, varying in form:

  • Monoblock. The phone case is one-piece and has no moving parts.
  • Folding. The housing consists of 2 parts, which are fastened together by a movable module.
  • Slider It has 2 parallel parts that are on the same plane and are shifted using a special mechanism.
  • Rotator. Some parts of the body can be rotated.


This device works after payment with coins, tokens or plastic cards. Emergency calls are free. They are located on the streets or in specially designated places and are made of materials that resist mechanical damage. The design was specifically designed against acts of vandalism.

telephone payphone

Unfortunately, mobile communications are pushing payphones out of life. In 2012, the Russian Federation decided to completely abandon the services of this type of telephone.

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