
Phone insurance: features, types, advantages, reviews

A few years ago it never occurred to any of us that insurance and a mobile phone are two completely compatible things. And today, this service has not only become a reality, but also managed to gain some popularity. After reading this article, you will learn about the main features of such insurance.

phone insurance

Should I use this service?

Recently, representatives of insurance companies have noted an unprecedented surge in the popularity of such a service as mobile insurance. Phone insurance allows you to extend the life of the gadget without spending money on expensive repairs.

It should be understood that the design of such a policy is purely voluntary. As a rule, such a service is offered in the store immediately after the acquisition of the phone. The cost of an annual policy on average is about 10% of the cost of a smartphone. Despite the fact that different companies offer different insurance conditions, there are still a few standard points in the policies, including:

  • the company undertakes to compensate the full cost of the stolen or non-repairable telephone;
  • if the gadget needs repair, then the policy covers the cost of all necessary work.

insurance and mobile phone

How to understand whether it is necessary to draw up a policy?

Earlier it was mentioned that telephone insurance is voluntary. To understand whether it is profitable to draw up such a policy, you need to pay attention to several points. Those who plan to insure the phone against breakdowns so that later they do not have to spend money on expensive repairs, you need to inquire about the cost of repair work before applying for a policy. It is possible that as a result, you will find out that they will cost much cheaper than insurance from them.

In addition, before deciding on the insurance of telephones, you should check whether he has a guarantee. Otherwise, the policy will be completely useless. It is necessary to study the terms of the contract as carefully as possible so as not to end up in a difficult situation.

insurance for mobile phone insurance

Area of ​​coverage and insurance risks

Having decided to use a service such as telephone insurance, at the stage of signing the contract, you need to discuss with the manager the list of places where your policy is valid. Often, after the phone is stolen on the street, it turns out that the coverage area of ​​the insurance is limited to the walls of your home. In this case, the company has every right not to recognize your case as insurance.

In addition, it is necessary to find out in advance whether they are considered insurance risk types damage to the device caused by its owner. Most often, mobile phones can be insured against breakdowns that occurred due to circumstances beyond your control (due to natural disaster, explosion, fire or theft).

mobile phones can be insured

How is phone insurance purchased?

Typically, a policy is issued at the time of purchase. This is done by shops and other companies specializing in the sale of mobile devices. The insurance procedure itself is carried out quite quickly, and this does not require any specific documents. Such a policy can be issued not only on phones purchased for cash, but also on devices purchased on credit.

After completing the necessary papers, the buyer is given the appropriate hands insurance policy, which provides for a whole range of insurance risks. When an insured event occurs, the amount of compensation paid by insurers is determined taking into account the cost of the phone itself, as well as the degree of wear.

mobile phone insurance reviews

How to get insurance payment?

To receive compensation, the owner of a stolen or damaged phone must provide the insurance company with all the necessary documentation, including:

  • own passport and TIN;
  • insurance policy on a mobile device;
  • checks confirming the cost of equipment and payment of the insurance policy.

If necessary, this list can be supplemented by the conclusion of a representative of special state bodies confirming the occurrence of an insured event. Often insurance companies refuse to pay under the pretext that damage or loss of a mobile phone was the result of improper handling of the device. Therefore, before signing the contract, you need to carefully study all of its points.

Some insurance companies rightly fear that their customers may attempt to make money on the policy. In order to protect themselves from possible fraud, they impose restrictions on the number of possible appeals. But in most cases, insurers are content to limit the amount of payments. Typically, the amount of compensation does not exceed the cost of the mobile phone itself.

If the device was stolen by intruders, then to obtain compensation payments on the insurance policy you need to submit a certificate from law enforcement agencies confirming the fact of opening a criminal case. Thus, insurance companies are trying to protect themselves from scammers who intentionally hide phones to get insurance.


Insurance is a great opportunity to protect yourself from the risks associated with a possible breakdown, theft or manufacturing defect. Despite what is such a service available to all buyers of mobile devices, many prefer to abandon it, arguing that it is a banal unwillingness to contact representatives of the insurance company. However, they lose sight of the fact that failure often entails significant costs for the costly repair of a broken gadget. Whereas the people who issued the policy do not have to restore the damaged device for their own money. Mobile phone insurance, reviews of which were divided into two opposite opinions, is a very common service in our country. Those who used this service claim that insurers fully reimbursed the cost of repairing a failed cell phone. But there are also people who have not received payments due to them under the pretext of violating clauses of the contract.

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Reason for complaint
Recently, when buying phones, laptops and other equipment, the acquisition of additional insurance is actively offered, according to sellers supposedly covering any possible damage that occurs when using it from mechanical damage to theft with full compensation for losses. IN NO CASE! NEVER! NEVER!!! Do not get fooled by this cynical, unprincipled divorce, which the maximum that can give you is a naive sense of false security in case you do not have an insured event.
If you believe the persistent beliefs of the sellers have spent their hard-earned money in addition to the new gadget for additional insurance and the insured event still happened, you can only sympathize. True, in an insurance company you will not wait for sympathy, understanding, or ordinary politeness. At least - if, God forbid, you were lucky enough to contact not only insurance, but also RosGosStrakh.
In my experience, if there is “Gos” in the name of the company, it’s generally worth running away from it like hell from incense and RosGosStrakh confirms this like no one else.Over the past 15 years, he often got into insurance companies on CASCO issues and never saw anyone nearby scandal, everyone peacefully resolves issues. On the first visit to RosGosStrakh (in the queue about 2 hours were spent) I observed 3 (!) Tantrums with obscenities, tears on both sides and the blatant rudeness of RosGosStrakh's protection against the client. In general, the sensations from visiting the company resembled a trip to the tax, housing office or other similar government agency. You are shit, nobody cares about you and no one considers it necessary to hide it somehow, but there is no one to complain to. Hopelessness. For your money.
Back to the question. Samsung phone was bought in June 2107 in the MTS salon, which is in the MEGA Teply Stan shopping center, for 27 thousand. Insurance “for shares” cost 2,800 (instead of 4,000 “without shares”). Mechanical damage (keep in mind that you’ve already rummaged that “dropped” this is not an insurance case, so come up with a heart-breaking story that excludes a fall! Why? Well, here it is! I personally damaged my car trunk. And anyway, carefully read it carefully before contacting the insurance agreement !!!! It will still need to be found on the Internet (in my case, this is so. A short version was sent to MTS with a link to the site) happened a few days after the purchase and there was an appeal to RosGosStrakh at the end of June. within 20 d They will inform you of it. After 15 days they called themselves. They said - go to the official Samsung service for an examination. When I asked why they didn’t call, they didn’t say that they need an answer for the examination, I can’t answer the question. After receiving the expert opinion a couple of weeks and here at the beginning of August a decision was made on compensation.
Bottom line: The resolution of the issue took from late June to early August. Three trips to RosGosStrakh with lines from 30min. up to 2 hours (the conclusion from Samsung had to be changed because the insurance did not work out), two trips to the service for examination. The cost of insurance "for shares" 2 800 rubles., Expertise 900 rubles. According to expert opinion, the cost of repair is 7 700 rubles. Insurance Compensation Tadaam! 4500! Those. real compensation minus the price for insurance and expertise amounted to 800 rubles !!! Not counting the time, nerves, gasoline and priceless feeling that you are a loshara and all of us * you!
On a call with a question about why the compensation does not match the cost of damage, they said (after interrupting 4 times) file a statement with a claim, we don’t give such information by phone.
I really hope that my comment will save at least someone from the credulity and reckless spending of their own money to create problems for themselves!
If in the comments someone writes how insurance helped and how pleased he is, I suspect either the seller or the insurance agent. Do not believe !!!
Myskov Sergey
I want to insure the phone against damage even through my own fault. The phone is half a year old. Is it possible to do this7


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