
Water well: photo, diagram, device, operation

In order to provide a private house with water, it is necessary to drill a well. Some landowners in the countryside do this work on their own. However, with the use of a garden drill, only a very shallow, short-lived shaft can be organized. In most cases, a more thorough water well is equipped in suburban areas - “on sand” or even “lime”. In this case, drilling, of course, is entrusted to specialists.

Preparatory work

Before you start drilling a well, you should definitely conduct geological surveys. For this, it is also worth inviting professionals. The fact is that work on drilling mines is paid depending on the depth of the mines (for each meter passed). Therefore, of course, the place on the site where the water comes closest to the surface is worth a look. Finding a specialist who is able to carry out such surveys in a quality manner will not be difficult. Usually this service is provided by the companies involved in the drilling of mines themselves.

water well

Types of wells

There are only two main types of intake shafts:

  • filtrational;
  • artesian.

Aquifers below the ground are uneven. Their first level is often located not too deep, depending on the terrain, - 15-50 m from the surface of the earth, under a sandy formation. To take such water, a not too deep filtration well is drilled, respectively. In another way, it is called a sand mine. The second groundwater level lies under a layer of calcareous deposits. It is located at a depth of 120 and more meters. Wells designed to draw such water are called artesian.

In comparison with filtration shafts "on limestone" have a lot of advantages. Firstly, the water in them is much tastier and cleaner. And secondly, the flow from the mines of this variety hits under pressure. In most cases, such a water well (a photo of it can be seen below) can be operated even without the use of pumping equipment.

But despite all the advantages of artesian mines, most owners of suburban areas prefer to use an inexpensive option "on the sand." In operation, such mines are quite convenient and last a long time.

water well exploitation

Water Well: House Water Supply Scheme

Drilling mines using special equipment. The diameter of the well may be different. But, of course, it is better to order the mine wider (from 15 cm). In this case, there will be more water in it. In order to prevent the walls of the shaft from crumbling, after drilling is completed, a casing pipe of plastic or metal is installed in it.

At the next stage, a caisson is arranged. This is the name of the special “well” with a concrete bottom and walls, in which subsequently the pumping equipment necessary for pumping water into the house is installed. In cold regions, the caisson and its cover must be insulated using mineral wool or expanded polystyrene.

A trench is dug from the house to the caisson and to the casing inside it. In it is laid a highway connected to pumping equipment. Like the caisson, in cold regions, if necessary, the use of water not only in the summer, but also in the winter, the pipe in the trench is insulated.

water well photo

Well Equipment

So, as you can see, the design of the water well itself is not too complicated. Actually, for pumping water from the mine to the house may be responsible:

  • deep well pump;
  • water intake station.

The latter type of equipment in use is considered more convenient.However, stations are usually allowed to be installed only on not too deep wells (up to 20 m). In other cases, deep pumps are used. The most popular brands of such equipment in our country are: domestic "Vodomet", Ukrainian "Aquarius" and Italian "Pedrollo".

repair of water wells

Terms of Use

Sometimes it happens that a recently drilled water well is silted up and ceases to fulfill its function effectively. Most often, such problems deliver the owners of the suburban section of the mine "on the sand." In order to prevent this from happening, one very important rule should be observed - the well should be pumped regularly. Mine downtime must not be allowed. Even if water is not needed too often, the pump should be switched on periodically for evacuation. This must be done. Well repair is not cheap. In any case, the cost of it will be much higher than the electricity used during pumping.

Proper operation of water wells also requires the selection of the most suitable equipment. So, for example, you should not purchase a rotary pump for a mine. Its use greatly accelerates siltation. It is better to buy a modern vibration model. Of course, the casing itself must be closed on top (hermetically). Any debris entering the well also contributes to its rapid siltation.

water well arrangement

Well, of course, during the operation of the mine, care should be taken to ensure that no landfills or cesspools appear near it. Dirt seeping into the soil can easily get into the well itself or into the aquifer.

Repair Features

But what if the water well is still silted up? Of course, on their own in this case it is unlikely to manage. To clean the well will have to call specialists. This service is also usually provided by companies specializing in mine drilling.

Actually, repair of water wells can be done in three ways:

  • pumping;
  • flushing;
  • blowing.

In the first case, all the water along with the sludge is pumped out of the mine at once. Pour it into any convenient place. Flushing is carried out by placing a pipe string into the well and supplying a strong water pressure through them. About the same way purging is carried out. However, in this case, the water well is cleaned using air.

water well diagram

If the mine is silted up, but there is no money to call specialists, independent pumping can be used as a temporary measure. In this case, some kind of inexpensive pump is usually used. For example, you can use the equipment “Baby” well known to all summer residents. Shake the sludge in the well if you just lower and raise the pump on the cable several times.


Thus, it is very easy to solve the water supply problem of a country house - by drilling a well. However, in order for the mine to work stably, and its debit to remain high for a long time, it is, of course, necessary to observe the rules of its operation - to prevent idle time and use modern vibration equipment for pumping water.

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