
Military discipline, the charter of the armed forces of the Russian Federation

The importance of military discipline is difficult to overestimate. At all times, only with high diligence of the soldiers command could count on success and victory. Let us further consider the tasks of military discipline. military discipline

General information

The principles on which military discipline and order were based were different in different formations. In the 18th century, many countries used the Prussian system of education and training. She assumed the blind obedience of the soldiers, their mechanical execution of commands. At the same time, employees were considered as mechanisms that do not think and do not reason. Law and order and military discipline can be established through coercion. However, in this case, it is difficult to count on the activity, dedication, initiative of the soldiers. The voluntary, conscious conviction of a person in the need to fulfill his social duty acts as the highest form of submission.

What is military discipline?

It represents the exact and strict observance of certain rules by all employees. In the Russian Federation, they are established by legislation and the Charter of the Armed Forces of the Russian Federation. Currently, the role of these rules has increased significantly. This is due to the introduction of the latest technology, weapons, and the need to strengthen the protection of state borders. All this, in turn, increases the requirements for soldiers. The Charter of the Armed Forces of the Russian Federation pays special attention to the organization and diligence of employees in peacetime. Without them, effective training of employees for hostilities is impossible.

Parenting methods

How is military discipline achieved? First of all, the efforts of the command staff are aimed at educating the employees of high combat and moral-psychological qualities. It is necessary to achieve the conscious obedience of the soldiers. An integral element of education is the provision in parts and subunits of the implementation of the requirements of the charter. Commanders and commanders must skillfully combine and correctly apply incentive, persuasion and coercion measures. With everyday demands on subordinates, they should take care of the soldiers. Charter of the Armed Forces of the Russian Federation

Employee Responsibilities

The Russian army makes quite strict demands on soldiers and officers. Compliance with them is necessary in everyday life, and in battle, out of order and in formation, outside and inside units. Military discipline requires each soldier:

  1. Loyally and faithfully serve the state, be prepared to defend its territorial integrity and sovereignty.
  2. Strictly comply with the provisions of the Constitution and other legislative acts, the requirements of military regulations and the oath, to obey unquestioningly and precisely on time the orders of commanders and commanders.
  3. Persistently endure the complexity of the service, do not spare your life, doing your duty.
  4. Continuously improve their skills, keep equipment and weapons in combat readiness, protect the property of the unit.
  5. To be truthful and honest, cherish the military glory and honor of the defender of his state and people, military partnership, rank.
  6. To behave with dignity outside the unit, not to disturb public peace, not to allow wrongful acts and to restrain others from doing them, to promote the protection of citizens. how military discipline is achieved


The Russian army performs the most important functions of protecting the state and people from all kinds of aggression. One of the means of stimulating the conscientious performance by soldiers of their duty is promotion.Each commander, within the framework of the opportunities provided to him, is obliged to celebrate the exploits, initiative, distinction and zeal of employees. Promotions may be announced before the formation, in person, in order or at a meeting. Presentation of awards to distinguished soldiers is usually held in a festive atmosphere. Together with the announcement of the order of encouragement, employees receive money or valuable gifts, photographs taken with the banner of the unit unfurled. In addition, messages are read to the homeland or at the place of work, residence or study about the exemplary performance by employees of their debt and the incentives received.

Military discipline and responsibility

In addition to rewards for achievements, penalties are also provided for employees. They, like encouragement, are aimed at strengthening military discipline. In establishing guilt and penalties, various factors are taken into account. In particular, it takes into account the soldier’s previous behavior, the circumstances in which the misconduct was committed, and the consequences that arose in connection with such behavior, the length of time the culprit spent in the service. The severity of penalties is enhanced if a violation of military discipline occurred during combat duty or during the performance of other duties, as well as in a state of intoxication. For soldiers performing military service, such penalties may apply as:

  1. Rebuke.
  2. Deprivation of dismissal.
  3. Strict reprimand.
  4. The appointment of the order out of turn.
  5. Arrest with placement in guardhouse (up to 10 days). military discipline and order


Military units are currently solving various complex tasks. Of particular relevance is the problem of staffing. In this regard, it is important that every soldier is sympathetic to the requirements that are presented to him. A person should not serve out of fear, but for conscience. Maintenance of military discipline is ensured not only due to the influence of command personnel, established rules and norms. Equally important is the self-education of soldiers.

It involves the purposeful activity of employees, contributing not only to the weakening or strengthening of certain personal qualities, but also the formation of new, previously absent. As the analysis of the contingent of draftees of recent years shows, many of them were brought up in single-parent families, were under the influence of an unfavorable environment, and various informal associations. As a result, such soldiers more often allow unauthorized absences, drinking alcohol and other misconduct. Military discipline implies a soldier’s understanding that the formation of qualities that meet the interests of the service, the requirements of the oath, is not an end in itself. This is an urgent need for lifestyle in a unit or division.


It plays a key role in regulating the behavior of a soldier in extracurricular and official activities. A powerful stimulating factor is the reluctance to lose the trust of comrades. Military discipline is closely related to self-esteem and introspection. They reflect the life position of the employee, determine his attitude to duties. Favorably the upbringing is influenced by the examples of commanders and colleagues of a respectful attitude to the traditions established in the unit. Mutual assessments and characteristics of soldiers are also effective. Analyzing the behavior of comrades, a soldier or a sailor involuntarily compares during collective events. In the process, he gives an assessment of his own actions. military discipline and responsibility


It represents a higher degree of self-awareness. Introspection involves the soldier's mental separation of his activity, behavior, and actions into components with their subsequent evaluation. In this case, a simple statement “it’s bad, but it’s good” does not suit the employee. He has a need to get an answer, what exactly is bad, how to correct the situation.At the same time, it is important that introspection be aimed not only at negative points, but also at positive ones. In this case, the soldier will not lock himself in, experience complexes. On the contrary, he will strive to cope with problems on his own and improve his positive qualities. It is important that the employee learns to find the causes of his failures himself and knows how to draw appropriate conclusions.

Self control

Military discipline is not only following established "external" rules. It includes independent control of internal urges, the ability to critically look at your actions, taking into account the requirements of the service. As practice shows, the higher the exactingness in the team to each other, the stronger it is manifested by each warrior to himself personally. Self-control requires self-control and endurance, the ability to suppress actions and motives that are contrary to the norms of behavior established in the part. These qualities form the basis of the soldier’s moral-volitional stamina. A clear order in the unit, an established training process, and vigilance in the performance of internal and guard services have an active influence on its development. law and order and military discipline


It represents the behavior of soldiers, due to a correct understanding of the nature, necessity, role and tasks of established requirements and norms as a key factor in combat readiness and power of the RF Armed Forces. Consciousness in this case reflects the depth, level of perception of the rules as a special social phenomenon. A characteristic sign of consciousness is the presence of soldiers' motives of behavior, which are determined by strong personal beliefs in the usefulness and necessity of military discipline, understanding of their duty, individual responsibility to the collective, people, state for their behavior. They are the direct internal reason for the conscious implementation of the rules, compliance with requirements and norms.

The essence of the phenomenon

As you know, the improvement of military affairs constantly requires clarification of certain oath provisions, laws, rules, instructions, etc. For effective joint activities of employees, certain relations are established between them. The actions of soldiers within these interactions are, in fact, coordinated by the rules, requirements set forth in the charters, laws, and orders. This state of affairs is characteristic not only of official life, but also of ordinary life. Civil society has a specific order. It is also implemented through compliance with a set of requirements. In the statutory definition, rules and order act as signs of military discipline. Probably, not everything is thoroughly thought out in it. In particular, the fact that the goal of discipline is the establishment of order is ignored to a certain extent. As for the rules, they act as certain spiritual formations that are close or identical to the norms, methods, principles, methods of action, through which the achievement of the goal is ensured.

Personal positive attitude towards requirements

It consists in employee discipline. Being one of the qualities of a soldier, it is expressed in the relation of his personal consciousness to the established rules. It reflects his ability to build his behavior in accordance with the requirements. Meanwhile, the attitude to discipline can be negative and, accordingly, can be expressed in the lack of discipline of the employee. That is why it is important to understand the nature of the soldier’s awareness of the need to fulfill the requirements. In discipline, that is, in a positive attitude towards the rules, the spiritual state of a person is reflected.  maintaining military discipline

Methods to improve the situation

To improve the quality of activities aimed at strengthening discipline in military units, certain measures must be taken. In particular, it should:

  1. To seek to strengthen the personal influence of officials on the processes taking place in military collectives, a critical assessment of the behavior and results of the soldiers. The tasks of the command staff include preventing the separation of training and education. As practice shows, these processes are closely interconnected, and their differentiation is unnatural. The attempts of some commanders to take over only training, and transfer the training to officers, are completely unacceptable. Such activity does not bring success in either of these areas.
  2. To teach commanders, employees of educational units, staffs the ability to timely and correctly assess the situation, promptly make the necessary adjustments to the style of work.
  3. To qualitatively improve the education and training of officers, especially within the company-regiment link.
  4. To improve and widely implement the system of material and moral incentives for conscientious work.
  5. To increase the effectiveness of personal educational work with different categories and groups of employees, preventive measures with people with a tendency to commit illegal actions.


During the upbringing and strengthening of military discipline, the command personnel operates in various directions and solves many problems. The main emphasis is on improving the knowledge of employees about existing requirements and rules. On their basis, readiness and ability to comply with established norms are formed. Education of soldiers is impossible without the improvement of individual discipline, exact adherence to the requirements of internal norms, rules of conduct.

In this regard, issues related to the development of personal positive qualities of employees should be included in the training program. It is necessary to create conditions in which soldiers themselves will strive to fulfill disciplinary requirements. Moreover, such behavior should become the norm of life and apply not only to the time of their stay in the unit, but also beyond it. The employees of the Russian army should be distinguished by composure, readiness, fearlessness. They must fulfill their duty with honor, provide adequate protection for their state and people, be worthy citizens of their country and serve as an example, a model for all. This is achieved by strict adherence to established requirements, compliance with military discipline, strict self-control, and the continuous improvement of one's personal qualities and combat skills.

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