
Dismissal in the army: the right to grant them, terms and duration

Firing in the army for soldiers is like a breath of fresh air. Each ordinary will be happy and happy to get outside his military unit - take a walk around the city, take a break from service, eat your favorite food, meet friends, if there is such an opportunity. And, accordingly, all the new recruits are interested in - but how to get this treasured ticket at will? It is worthwhile to sort this question out.

dismissal in the army

What does the law say?

The Charter of the internal service of the Armed Forces of the Russian Federation contains article number 240. It states that everyone who is called up for military service has the right to one dismissal per week - in the event that no disciplinary sanctions were imposed on him.

But at the same time, dismissal in the army is regulated so that the combat readiness of the regiment does not decrease. Accordingly, only 30% of military personnel can be released from the unit — such a percentage is established.

When do they give leave in the army? In general, after a soldier was sworn in. It says the charter. And, by the way, on holidays it is allowed to release soldiers for a day (more precisely, up to 24 hours). And on ordinary Saturdays and Sundays - until the evening check. Those. until 19:00 (usually). However, to appear, of course, is better in advance - somewhere around 18:30.

How are things really?

If you look this way, then 30% of those released on dismissal are not so small. But, after making simple calculations, you can understand: each ordinary has a chance to get out of the unit only once a month approximately. If he will serve with dignity, do not receive comments from superiors and do not violate military discipline. And, in principle, the system of the notorious thirty percent is fair. After all, a dismissal note in the army is a treasured gift for everyone, but only worthy people should receive it.

And one moment. The army has a second definition of the word “dismissal”. And its meaning for ordinary people is even more pleasant. After all, we are talking about demobilization! So, by the way, is called demobilization (colloquial form). And the interpretation of this word is: dismissal from military service in reserve.

 how many layoffs in the army

The very first “day off”

So, about how often in the army give dismissal, it was said above. Now - a few words about the very first weekend of each ordinary.

And he comes on the day of the military oath. More precisely, after this triumph. True, unfortunately, in most parts of the soldier they are released only with parents or guardians. This seems strange, considering that adult guys and held men are called up for service (after all, the draft age is from 18 to 27 years), and not small boys. But, they say, this is such a guarantee that the soldier will definitely return to the unit. Still letting go with their wives. And always - on the security of the passport. Which is also strange - before this was not. But now, if a soldier wants to receive an oath of dismissal on the day, and not an outfit, then it is necessary that people come who will hand over their passport to the company commander in exchange for a private. These are the rules now. By the way, since the oath is carried out on Saturday, the next day, on Sunday, privates can also leave for the city (but on the same conditions - with responsible persons).

 how often in the army give dismissal

What can and cannot be done?

This is also important to mention. When an ordinary person knows that this Sunday he will go for a walk outside the unit, he is already in anticipation of what he planned to do. The beloved girl comes to one, friends to the other, the third will spend time with other comrades in the barracks. But what can a soldier do free and what not?

Firstly, it is forbidden to use drinks containing alcohol and drugs. If, upon returning to the unit, it is noticed that the soldier has violated this rule, he will be reprimanded, possibly a fine, and certainly a ban on dismissal until the end of his service. You still can not swim in the sea and in other public reservoirs, as well as get behind the wheel (even if you have rights).

Avoid patrols and military police. Even if an ordinary soldier behaved appropriately and did not violate anything, there is a chance of receiving a reprimand or a remark - it happens. Now many are doing the following: if someone comes to the soldier for dismissal, the private soldier asks him to bring civilian clothes with him. Then the soldier changes into her clothes and walks calmly, without the risk of being noticed. This is not prohibited, even company commanders advise doing so. By the way, if an ordinary soldier went into dismissal in uniform, then in no case should you take off your tunic, even if it is very hot, a hat, etc. This is considered a violation of the rules. And before asking for leave, you need to put your uniform in order, even if you plan to change clothes. If the foreman sees a stained berets, a dirty hem on the collar, a torn sleeve or other sign of untidiness - he may refuse. And plus will reprimand for such an appearance.

 army dismissal note

"Weekend" while studying

Talking about dismissal in the army, it is worth noting another important nuance, which many forget.

Now the system is this: first, the soldiers are assigned to the training unit. There they serve 2.5-6 months (the term depends on the specialty). And after that they are distributed in parts. So, from the “training”, as it sounds in military jargon, they rarely let go of leave workers. Although it all depends on the unit and the company commander. “How to agree,” usually those who wish to get out of the checkpoint are comforted like this. But, in any case, no one will forbid meeting with relatives at the checkpoint - only the ordinary will still have to approach the commander and take time off, plus this is possible only on a day off. A soldier with his visitors is even allowed to sit on the territory of the unit.

How to get permission to leave?

But then, when they are distributed directly to the service, it becomes easier. And the question regarding how to get a layoff in the army can really be resolved. Many believe that these are the parents, wives, girls and other close relatives of the soldier should call the chief of the unit and agree. No, on the contrary, this is not welcome. Unit commanders, commanders, and other military high-ranking officials have more important concerns than conversations with anxious relatives. Here the soldier should understand. But the question of the foreman “Why do you need to be fired?” Should be answered as reasonably as possible. The likelihood of obtaining permission will be greater if we say that, say, a girl arrives on this day, and she travels 1000 kilometers. But to say, of course, one needs real reasons, because it is not ruled out that the words of the private will decide to check, and invite the person he mentioned to the checkpoint. But the lie in the army do not like most. And severely punished for her.

are there any dismissals in the army

Early departure from service

This should also be briefly mentioned. As already mentioned above, “dismissal” is not only a day off, but also a departure from service to the reserve. So, in the fourth paragraph of Article 51 of the Federal Law “On Military Duty and Military Service”, information is detailed on how the private soldier can leave the army ahead of schedule. All of them, to put it mildly, are unpleasant.

The first is if the soldier has a father or brother. Moreover, either in connection with the execution military duties either while in service. Or if the death occurred as a result of injuries, shell shock, injuries.

The second reason an ordinary person can end the service is if his immediate family (wife, parent, sibling, guardian, etc.) needs constant care.When a soldier is the guardian of a minor brother or sister, this is also considered a reason for early dismissal from the army. Or if his child under three years old was disabled. And another reason (good or not - different for everyone) for early termination of service is the birth of a second child at a time when the military was in the army.

 how to get a layoff in the army

Information for the soldier

So, the answer to the question of whether there are dismissal in the army is, in principle, clear - there is. But how to earn it, how can an ordinary person end up in those thirty percent?

First, all the rules must be followed. They said to hand over the phones? You need to do this, and do not hide the second in your pocket. They will find it during the verification - it will not seem a little. They announced that there should not be any extraneous things in the bedside tables? So, only what is supposed to be put there. Mug, razor, shampoo, toothbrush, toothpaste - nothing more.

It is important to be neat, tidy and to respect the senior in rank - not to wrangle, not to ask unnecessary questions, not to be rude. And no matter how hard it is to get up early and constantly engage in physical activity from the habit, you need to do this. It is important to understand that there is no other way. As they say, this is an army, not a children's camp. You should also carefully listen to lectures in the educational part. In general, behave like a man. It will turn out to gain trust and even respect from the elders. It would seem - nothing supernatural. But in our time, many are too accustomed to physical and personal comfort, so it is often difficult for them to follow the above recommendations.

how many leave-breakers give in the army

In the end

Many people, even those who are familiar with the basic information regarding such a “weekend”, are still interested in the question - how many dismissals are given in the army for sure? There is no absolute figure. Someone is released several times a month. Some - never at all (if this is a secret unit or regiment is constantly in full combat readiness). No one will say for sure how many people leave the army, but everyone has the right to a day off, and if you are a good soldier, you can get out of the unit regularly. By the way, often ordinary people give out phones well in advance of the weekend so that they inform their loved ones about the dismissal - maybe someone wants to come.

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