
Security of military service. On military duty and military service

The security of military service is an urgent socio-economic and military-political problem for the army of any modern state, and Russia is no exception. That is why the solution to the issue of reducing the overall level of death, moral, psychological and physical injuries is one of the priority tasks that are posed to each military personnel. Indeed, if the security of military service is not ensured, the state simply cannot count on the fact that its prestige will increase in the future.

What it is?

military security

Military service is a special type of public service, which consists in the performance of military duties established by applicable law in the RF Armed Forces, as well as in other troops for a certain period of time. Due to its specifics, there is always an increased risk in this area, which is why the security of military service is so important.

Everyday activity and life of the military personnel of a certain unit or unit is carried out in full accordance with the basic norms of the General Military Statutes and other regulatory documents. They determine that the security of military service provides for the maintenance in a particular unit or military unit of such conditions and order that could ensure maximum protection of personnel and all employees individually, as well as local residents, their property, nature and the environment from the effects of any or dangerous factors arising in the course of their daily service.

Legal regulations

The law on military service includes a number of provisions of legal documents in force until 2020. The implementation of security is imputed to all current officials in the established areas of responsibility. Thus, the law on military service includes analysis military discipline in part by specialized bodies involved in working with personnel, as well as the definition of measures and the organization of classes to strengthen this discipline. It is also worth noting that activities aimed at preventing and preventing suicide cases must be carried out without fail.


military service law

There are many events aimed at ensuring that each conscript and contract soldier can serve in appropriate conditions. At the same time, different divisions have their own responsibilities:

  • The headquarters of the military unit coordinates the work related to ensuring that each conscript and contract soldier work in safe conditions while maintaining the appropriate law and order.
  • Unit commanders should organize various events whose main goal is to prevent injuries and deaths of military personnel during the operation of special automobile equipment and armored weapons.
  • The military medical service organizes a range of medical and preventive measures in order to maintain the health of the military personnel in good condition under a contract or in the process of their military service. In practice, this problem is completely solved during the conduct of combat training, as well as the daily activities of members of the personnel.

Fundamental concepts

on military duty and military service

There are several fundamental concepts that govern military service of an urgent type or under a contract:

  • Security is a state of protection of any vital interests of a society, a person or the state from any external and internal dangers.
  • Vital interests - in accordance with the basic provisions on military duty and military service, this implies a set of needs, the satisfaction of which will ensure the existence and progressive development of each employee, as well as the state and society.
  • Security threat - a complex of factors and conditions that create a danger to the vital interests of society, the state or an individual.

The main security features are:

  • Person, including its freedoms and rights.
  • Society, including its spiritual and material values.
  • The state, including its sovereignty, constitutional order and territorial integrity.

It is worth noting that the law on military duty and military service is considered the state as the main subject of security, and this function is provided through the executive, judicial and legislative authorities.

Key factors

military service security organization

The safety of a soldier is the state of his protection from the effects of any harmful and dangerous factors at the time of the performance of his duties. In this case, dangerous is understood as a factor, the influence of which can be the cause of a person’s reduced working capacity and occupational diseases, as well as malfunctions or failures of military equipment and weapons. Depending on the duration of exposure and the level of threat, the organization of the security of military service also provides for the concept of “dangerous factors”.

Security in this case is the implementation of a specific action or complex aimed at protecting military personnel from such threats. The main objective of this process is laid in the foundations of the security of military service - ensuring a state of service that guarantees the complete exclusion or minimization of the impact of specific threats on personnel.

Ensuring trouble-free and injury safety is especially important in the process of carrying out combat duty, guard and internal services, conducting repair and restoration procedures, operating military equipment and various weapons, etc.

Basic goals

Based on the features of this process, and also taking into account the importance of the security of military service in everyday activities, several main goals can be noted:

  • Education of personal responsibility for achieving the maximum safety of the conditions of service, as well as the instilling of abilities and skills of safe actions in various life situations.
  • The formation of the most favorable conditions that are required to preserve the health and life of employees in the process of combat training, training and further service, as well as in the operation of weapons and equipment, or in carrying out economic and construction work.
  • The organization of various activities aimed at ensuring control over the implementation of the requirements of various security measures when interacting with military equipment, weapons and ammunition. Such events are carried out in the process of training, shooting, as well as in performing a variety of activities related to the creation of safe conditions for everyday life.

The solution of tasks is the responsibility of all officials of each military unit.


military security fundamentals

The safety of military personnel is ensured in the following areas:

  • legal;
  • organizational and technical;
  • socio-economic;
  • medical;
  • hydrometeorological;
  • moral and psychological;
  • ecological.

Thus, the general conditions for the security of military service include:

  • maintaining appropriate military discipline;
  • satisfaction of all fire safety requirements;
  • compliance with all internal rules established by the current Internal Service Charter;
  • providing the necessary social protection for each employee in full accordance with the requirements of the current federal legislation, as well as other regulatory legal acts;
  • ensuring the relevant sanitary-epidemiological condition of the unit.

Based on the structure of the process of organizing the security of military service, a place is provided for each soldier in the framework of the daily activities of his unit, as well as various activities aimed at achieving a specific goal and realizing the main tasks of the military based on specific and general security requirements.

Basic measures for the protection of military personnel

the importance of military security in daily activities

The main measures aimed at preventing injuries and death, reducing the incidence of military personnel, causing harm to the health, life and property of local residents are determined by the current Charter of the internal service. It is also worth noting that this document establishes various actions, the main purpose of which is to protect the environment from various threats that arise during the daily activities of military forces, as well as to ensure rational use of natural resources.

In particular, it is worth noting several key events:

  • ensuring the psychological stability of members of the staff, based on the analysis of its moral and psychological state;
  • maintaining the appropriate moral and psychological situation in any military collectives;
  • the formation of conditions necessary for psychological compatibility, as well as preventing a possible violation of the statutory relationships between employees;
  • prevention of possible offenses.

It is quite important here to ensure regular training of personnel for various activities of their daily activities, before which they study all the necessary safety requirements. In accordance with the rules prescribed in the Charter, the prevention of injury and death should primarily be carried out among those employees who are engaged in the performance of their duties at risk to their health and life. To do this, periodic checks of their practical skills and theoretical knowledge are carried out in the field of what constitute the security requirements of military service. A number of compulsory medical examinations are also carried out, including the involvement of a qualified psychiatrist.

The personnel should constantly be vigilant, ensure the most accurate implementation of various rules of service, and take measures aimed at ensuring rescue and fire safety, counter terrorism and many others.

Public protection

Among the main activities that are carried out in order to prevent harm to the health, life and property of local residents, the following should be highlighted:

  • The adoption of measures aimed at eliminating the possibility of using military equipment or weapons in the direction of the civilian population, facilities. Measures are developed in full accordance with the requirements of federal law, the current Charter, as well as relevant instructions and guidelines.
  • Placement of any military facilities that may be potentially dangerous for the population, outside the sanitary protection zones.
  • Organization of close interaction of the commander of the unit with local authorities to maintain the most friendly relations between the local population and the military.
  • Informing all local residents about any restrictions established in the area where the unit is located by prior agreement with local authorities.

Key activities to protect nature

military security requirements

Basic measures aimed at protecting nature from any threats arising in the course of everyday activities, as well as at the most rational use of natural resources, include:

  • A detailed study of federal legislation, as well as other regulatory facts that relate to the protection of nature and the environment, including the education of personnel and their environmental training.
  • Prevention of possible environmental pollution at the location of the unit, as well as in other areas where various activities are carried out daily activities of various units.
  • Restoration of nature and the environment, which was polluted during the daily work of units or due to emergencies.
  • The most rational nature management. In this case, it is supposed to introduce specialized technologies that ensure resource conservation, waste minimization, land reclamation, more rational use of water and a whole host of other factors.

In the process of developing and implementing the above measures, it is necessary to take into account the fact that the requirements of the current legislation in the field of environmental protection, which must be observed during the construction, placement and further operation of various civilian facilities, fully extend to the activities of military units, as well as to the operation of military equipment and armaments, and the only exception is emergency situations that prevent compliance with these requirements.

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