
Departure to the oncoming lane: fine or deprivation of rights?

Many drivers are forced to go into the oncoming lane. The fact may be that they are somewhere in an incredible hurry and just forced overtake a slower transport, or something else, from the point of view of the rules governing traffic, is still a violation.

However, not all exit options for the oncoming lane are such. The most common situations are described below and explanations are given as to whether this is a violation or not. Also, in most cases, approximate amounts of the possible payment are indicated, which will have to be made by the careless driver in case of violation of the relevant rules and laws.

SDA. Departure to the oncoming lane

According to a recently clarified explanation from law enforcement agencies regarding when the traffic police inspector considers going into the oncoming lane as a violation of traffic rules, we can conclude that some situations fall under such situations. This is overtaking made in the oncoming lane when it occurs when traffic signs or markings are violated, overtaking is carried out where the sign "Overtaking is prohibited" is in effect. The wrong exit to the oncoming lane also applies if necessary, bypassing an obstacle when turning left or at an intersection.

All of these violations will lead to a fine on the driver or deprivation of rights for a different period. The size of the fine will vary depending on various factors, because there is a small chance to convince the inspector to write it out for the minimum possible amount, if you behave appropriately, do not be rude and do not threaten a law enforcement officer. Otherwise, the driver may be forced to pay for his incontinence with the loss of the ability to drive a car for a rather long time or with an increased fine.

Adjustable intersection

Once upon a time, it’s no secret that overtaking, which involves driving to the oncoming lane at a regulated intersection, is strictly prohibited. No matter what the situation is, wherever the driver is in a hurry and no matter what happens in the world, the punishment will be severe. It is possible that the driver will be prevented from driving for the next 4 or 6 months. This overtaking can potentially lead to a very complex accident, because inspectors are not inclined to enter the driver’s position, listen to the reasons for such behavior, and so on. It is recommended to refrain from this type of violation of the relevant rules governing the movement of vehicles, since subsequently appealing to a court or in any other way to return the selected driver’s license will be very difficult.

oncoming lane

Unregulated intersection

Nevertheless, many did not know that, unlike overtaking on adjustable intersection, overtake on an unregulated in some situations can be done with impunity. If such an action is performed at the indicated type of intersection, the driver is moving along the main road, and there are no prohibition signs or markings - this behavior will not be regarded as a violation of the rules. It should be borne in mind that failure to comply with any of the paragraphs automatically translates such overtaking into the category of violations and threatens with the deprivation of a driver’s license. It is also necessary to know that an attempt to do the same thing, but when the movement is not on the main road, is also a violation, and going to the opposite side of the traffic in this version will be regarded as a violation, with all the ensuing consequences.


The traffic pattern in many cities is changing at an alarming rate, simply forcing the driver to be in constant tension. Where, quite recently, he drove completely free, the very next day a sign prohibiting movement in this direction may appear. Ignoring it immediately qualifies as a violation, which is regulated by the relevant article. Departure into the oncoming lane in this case also entails deprivation of a driver’s license. It is recommended that you keep an eye on the changing signs that regulate traffic, since in this option it will be very difficult to regain rights by appealing against a court decision.

oncoming lane

Tram rails

In many cities, drivers are actively using tram tracks to accelerate travel. They are not shy even overtaking trams in the oncoming lane for them. Not so long ago, they could also be deprived of their rights for this, however, according to recent amendments to the Code of Administrative Offenses, leaving for the oncoming lane in this option is punishable only by a fine in the limit of one and a half thousand rubles.

This rule of law has saved a huge number of drivers who have already said goodbye to their driver’s license or were ready to fight for them to the end. Simply pay the specified penalty, and the problem is resolved. It should be noted that regardless of the degree of punishment, such a trip to the oncoming lane is still considered a violation of traffic rules and can potentially lead to accidents with various consequences for both the offender and other participants.


It should be remembered that according to changes in the rules of the road from 2014, overtaking (going into the oncoming lane) in the pedestrian crossing zone is prohibited, regardless of whether pedestrians are present or not. Previously, there was no such clarification, which made it possible to carry out such maneuvers with impunity, which, in turn, often led to various road traffic accidents with many injured (primarily pedestrians). This moment should be especially taken into account when performing such actions, but it is better to abandon them altogether, as the consequences may be the deprivation of the right to drive a car for a long time.

fine oncoming lane

Turn or turn

There are situations in which you urgently need to change the trajectory of movement to perpendicular or even the opposite. If you try to make such a turn or turn with an exit into the oncoming lane, if the driver ignores the markings and signs, a fine of up to one and a half thousand rubles will be imposed on him, since such actions could potentially lead to an accident. Departure into the oncoming lane if no prohibiting signs or markings are found, but it is not a violation. If the inspector continues to insist on drawing up a protocol, it should be remembered that the vast majority of cases in court with similar forms of “violations” were won by drivers.


If the driver does not overtake in the oncoming lane in order to avoid an obstacle, and at the same time violates traffic rules, he faces a fine of 5,000 rubles or a possible deprivation of rights for six months. Repeated violation is guaranteed to deprive of rights for 1 year. Do not forget to turn on the turn signal when overtaking, since such forgetfulness can cost all the same rights. Departure into the oncoming lane in order to overtake, if it was recorded by the camera, and for the second time it can result in only 5,000 rubles. Nevertheless, despite this point, it is better not to take risks and refrain from such actions, especially given the rather large amount of the fine.

oncoming lane punishment

Incorrect obstacle avoidance

It often happens that a two-way road has only one lane of traffic in each direction. In the event that the only row of the road is blocked off by a standing car, you can drive around it by leaving the oncoming lane, having previously missed all the vehicles moving along it.Such actions are forced and, as a result, cannot be attributed to violations. If the obstacle can be circled on the right, and the driver decided to simplify his path, then for this he will face a fine. Departure into the oncoming lane in this option is also a violation, which will cost about one and a half thousand rubles.

Departure from the yard

In many large cities, especially multi-million megalopolises, there is a very serious problem with the departure of vehicles from the yards of both high-rise buildings and their own estates. In some cases, leaving your own yard without violating traffic rules is simply not possible. If there is a solid line on the street you want to get into, then in this case the left turn is just a minor violation. Departure into the oncoming lane in this case will entail only a small fine of 100 rubles.

oncoming lane exit

Pedestrian part

In some extremely rare cases, the situation can be so urgent and critical that it becomes necessary to overtake by driving onto the sidewalk, bicycle path or pedestrian zone. In such a situation, regardless of the circumstances of the accident, the current situation or the location of vehicles on the road, a fine of 2,000 rubles will be issued to the driver. It should be remembered that even if such an amount may seem quite bearable, in comparison with the urgency that has arisen, there may be other people on the sidewalk who have caused injuries that cannot be escaped with such a small fine.

Public transport

If necessary, make a trip to the oncoming lane, which is used by public transport, and follow the same direction, you need to be prepared to pay a small fine, up to one hundred rubles for such a violation of the rules governing traffic.

It should be remembered that an attempt to move in the oncoming lane against the direction of traffic will automatically deprive such a motorist of a driver’s license. Despite the small size of the fine, this is still considered a violation of the rules of the road and will appear in the database, which will greatly complicate all attempts to get out of any other, more difficult and dangerous situation.

oncoming lane

Level crossings

In addition to all of the above, overtaking at level crossings and even at a distance of 100 meters from them is also strictly prohibited. Regardless of whether there is a train in sight, whether the road is clear, and whether there are other factors that could theoretically mitigate the penalty, such overtaking is a gross violation and entails the loss of the right to drive a car for up to six months. Fines, as well as concessions, are not provided for the first time. It should be remembered that it is impossible to overtake not only at a distance of 100 meters to the railway crossing, but also the next 100 after it, which motorists in a hurry do not remember very often.

crash oncoming lane


Listed above are the main situations in which the road leaves for the oncoming lane. The punishment for some of the violations of the rules of the road is very significant, starting with large fines and ending with the deprivation of the ability to drive a vehicle for a long period. It should be remembered that, despite the fact that some violations are not punished with such a large fine and there is a temptation to commit such an offense, it is recommended not to do this.

All violations of all drivers are entered into a single database, with the help of which at any time you can get access to everything that the motorist has committed since the moment he received the rights. This can greatly complicate possible negotiations with law enforcement agencies in the future, should a more complex and dangerous situation arise.In order to avoid the need to pay heavy fines, or even more so the services of lawyers in an attempt to save their own driver’s license, it is recommended not to violate traffic rules.

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