
Application for a new passport - an example of filling out and a form. Application for a new passport for a child under 14 and under 18

You can confirm your citizenship and verify your identity outside your home country using your passport. Therefore, every resident traveling abroad must have this document with him.

Required paper

application for a new passportIf you plan to travel to another country, then you need to get a passport. You can apply for it at the bodies of the Federal Migration Service. First of all, you need to figure out how to write an application for a new passport. But that is not all. You also need to find out which documents should be submitted with the application.

The usual passport of a citizen of the Russian Federation is mandatory. Men aged 18-27 are required to provide a military ID. It should be marked on the passage of service or on limitations or unsuitability.

When submitting documents, it is necessary to pay a state duty in the amount of 3.5 thousand rubles. A receipt is provided with the indicated papers. If you are writing an application for a new passport, but you still have an old version of this document, then you also need to bring it with you. It is subject to cancellation.

Order of registration

Any adult citizen who plans to apply for a special passport to travel abroad should contact the FMS. There he personally applies for a new passport. A sample of this document can be found there.

Parents, adoptive parents, guardians or guardians should take care of minor children or disabled citizens. Moreover, they must submit documents confirming their rights as legal representatives.

But personal submission is not the only possible option for processing a document for traveling abroad. You can also submit via the Internet application for a passport new sample. Moscow, although it is the capital of the Federation, is no different from other cities. The procedure for completing this document in the capital is exactly the same. Everyone can submit an online application on the public services website.

Personal filing

Application for a foreign passport of a new sampleIt is better to go to the FMS body with pre-prepared documents. You can even take with you an application for a new passport. The form is easy to find. But you have to remember one requirement - you need to print it on one sheet using double-sided printing. Applications on two sheets by the FMS inspector are not accepted. They explain this by the inability to scan such a document.

As a rule, you can get to the employee of the migration service, who is engaged in the reception of documents, having defended a considerable queue. All necessary documents are submitted to him. By the way, in every body of the FMS there is a special photographing complex, so you should not prepare photos for your passport in advance. By the way, you can fill out an application for a new passport using electronic computer technology. Freehand data must be written in block letters.

A passport is issued for a month, if you submit documents at the place of registration. If you contact the FMS department at your place of residence, then this period can be extended up to 4 months.

Registration through the website of public services

Application for a passport of a new sample formYou can apply for a new passport via the Internet.But even in this case, it will not be possible to avoid communication with the FMS employees. A few days after submitting the electronic version, the citizen should receive a message inviting the migration service to personally submit documents and mandatory digital photography. It will also indicate which documents you need to bring with you.

For paperwork, you must first select the necessary service, "a new passport" and the Department of the Federal Migration Service. After that, it is important to correctly fill in all the data about the recipient of the service. The main fields will be filled in automatically, the data that you entered when registering on the public services website will be used.

In addition to the above information, the system will need to enter passport data, type of registration and the purpose of obtaining this document. It will also be necessary to enter data on contractual obligations, military service, criminal record, labor activity. You will also need to upload a photo.

At the end of registration, a page with your data will be displayed on the screen, which will need to be carefully checked. After that, an application for a new passport can be submitted.

Document Processing Procedure

Application for a passport of a new sample exampleAll columns of the application for the issuance of a passport must be completed. It is impossible to cross out the written text or make corrections using corrective means.

On specially designated fields the full name is indicated. (including previously available data), gender, place of birth and date, place of residence or temporary residence, date of registration, passport data of a citizen of the Russian Federation.

If you already have a passport, then you must complete paragraph 13. Do not forget to bring this document with you to the FMS - it must be canceled.

In column 14, it will be necessary to indicate data on labor activity for the previous 10 years. Also, information about studies and military service is entered there. This data should be located on the back of the application.

The signature must be placed inside a specially designed field. It must not touch or extend beyond the bounding lines.

The procedure for applying for a passport for children under 14 years old

Application for a new passport for a child under 14 years of ageParents must figure out how to apply for a new passport for a child under 14 years old. The form and sample fill can be found in each department of the migration service.

To complete this document, photocopies of passports of both parents, the birth certificate of this child with an insert confirming the citizenship of the Russian Federation will be needed. Do not forget about the statement. In the case of filing documents for a child who is not yet 14 years old, one of the parents, adoptive parents or guardians fills out the questionnaire.

The state duty for issuing a passport in this case is 1.5 thousand rubles.

On the first turn of the application all data of the minor citizen are indicated, and on the reverse side - his representative. In order to avoid mistakes when filling out these papers, you must focus on the sample.

The procedure for obtaining a passport for children aged 14-18 years

A special procedure is established for minor citizens who already have a passport of a citizen of the Federation. An application for a new passport for a child under 18 years old is submitted to the FMS. Together with him it is necessary to bring the following documents:

  • original passport of a citizen of the Russian Federation;
  • passport of one of the parents or legal representatives;
  • birth certificate of a minor citizen;
  • previously issued passport, provided that its validity has not expired.

When applying for a legal representative, you will need documents proving their rights. The procedure for filling out the application is the same as for other minor children.

The cost of processing such a document is 3.5 thousand rubles.

Filling Rules

Application for a new passport for a child under 18 years oldWhen applying for a new passport of a new sample, you must be very careful. After all, a citizen is responsible for the accuracy of the information provided by him. You can find the form on the Internet and simply fill out an application for a new passport on your computer. It is better to take an example as a basis in order to prevent mistakes. But if you do not like this option, then you can print an empty form and fill it with a regular ballpoint pen in black or blue in block capital letters.

Features of filling out application forms

You can look at an example or consult with the migration service to figure out exactly what information needs to be entered. Not only data on the date of birth and full name are filled in. You must also indicate the exact place of residence and date of registration at the last address. Do not forget about the passport data, indicate the series, number, date of issue of the document and the authority to which it was issued.

On the reverse side, adult citizens fill out data on the place of work, study and military service over the past 10 years. For minors, information on the legal representative is indicated on the reverse side.

In addition, the citizen puts a signature, which confirms that he provided true information and agrees to its automatic processing.

Features of the passports of the new sample

Modern biometric documents are valid for 10 years. They are not subject to extension, after the end of the specified period, the citizen is forced to re-issue his passport.

Application for a new passport Moscow

The microchip built into the passport contains all the data that does not change throughout a person’s life: full name, series and number of the document, country and date of birth. Its presence is indicated by a special sign on the cover. You can also add fingerprint information to the microchip.

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