
How to write an application for a passport: sample filling

An application for a passport is a very important questionnaire, without which it is simply not possible to get this document. This paper is an official request of a citizen, on the basis of which he can be issued a foreign certificate.

application for a passport

What does the profile look like?

So, the application for a passport is two A4 sheets with printed questions and lines in which you need to answer them. Surname, name, patronymic, date and place of birth, citizenship - all this must be indicated in the questionnaire. Still, of course, you need the data of an ordinary, general civil passport and information regarding the place of residence of the person. If he plans to receive a passport at the place of registration, then the address is indicated in the corresponding line. But there are other cases. For example, a person cannot contact the FMS at the place of registration, as he is in another city. Then in the application form, in addition to registration, you must write the address of your stay (i.e. actual residence).

There is also a line in the questionnaire where it is necessary to indicate the type of activity, that is, the position and company in which the person works. Plus, the period during which he is listed there. Studying at a university is also considered a kind of activity.

application for a passport sample

What is needed for processing a document?

An application for a passport is not the only thing you need to get it. In addition to this questionnaire, you must also bring a copy of the civil identification card and its original. Also, if a person officially works, a work book will be required. Copies of these documents are handed over to the employee of the Federal Migration Service, who is involved in the processing of documents, and the originals must simply be presented. It is not worth worrying about photographs - they are taken there, on the spot, because too often it was because of the photographs (or rather, because of their non-compliance with the standards) that they had to refuse to process documents. But the most important thing is, of course, a correctly filled out application for a passport and a paid state duty of 3,500 rubles.

Where to get the profile?

Many people involved in the issue of applying for a foreign ID card are worried about where to get the application form for a passport. A sample of it is in the same department of the FMS. The most important thing is to correctly fill out the questionnaire. Because of the mistakes that some people make, an application for a passport may not be accepted. Having discovered any defect, the employee of the Federal Migration Service has the right to send a person for a new questionnaire. By the way, they are sold in special offices (usually they are located near the office). They are also filled there, however, for a fee. The service costs about 400 rubles. Many people decide to overpay, but to be sure of the correctness of the completed questionnaire.

application for a passport new sample

Take advantage of public services

We live in the age of information technology, and today it is no longer necessary to get up at three in the morning and go to the department of the Federal Migration Service to enroll in the queue, and then make sure that the next person comes and writes his name on this sheet. Now everything can be done much easier. An application for a passport, many people began to send through the portal of public services, which has recently been particularly popular. Everything is simple - you need to select the service that is necessary (in this case, “issuing a passport”), and then indicate your details (all the same as in a regular, standard application). After this, it remains only at the appointed time to come to the department of the FMS to take photographs. This person will be notified in advance.

There are many pluses. Firstly, no queues.Secondly, everything is done quickly, without leaving home. Thirdly, there are separate days for receiving people who have solved the problem in this way. And in the rest, if they did not have time, they skip out of turn. Of the minuses - registration on the portal. There you need to confirm your identity. An electronic signature, for example. Or come to the office and register on the spot. In general, in this regard, not everything is so simple, but there are more advantages.

application for a passport form

Filling principle

So, we should talk in more detail about how to fill out an application for a passport. A sample can be taken at the FMS department. Data such as last name, first name and patronymic are filled strictly in one line of the first paragraph. This is the first thing to know. The second is that if it is not possible to enter information on labor activity in connection with filling out all the columns in the questionnaire, you must provide an application. Together with him, it will be necessary to submit an application for a passport.

The sample actually clearly explains what needs to be written in the questionnaire. But it’s not suitable for everyone. For example, for people who have changed passport data, this should be indicated in a document such as an application for a passport. A new sample requires this. By the way, you can’t start to deal with the issuance of a certificate if the last name (or first name with patronymic) has been changed, and the civil passport has not yet been replaced. It will simply become invalid immediately upon issue. First you need to change the general civilian ID, and then write an application for a passport.

application for a new passport

A new model - new standards

Any changes that have occurred in humans should be indicated on the questionnaire. This applies to marital status, passport details and even the place of work. By the way, it is worth noting that information on labor activity must be indicated complete and detailed, and over the past ten years. Even if the applicant was only 20-25 years old at the time of registration, he needs to indicate the date of graduation from school, university and employment. This information must be entered in the application for a passport. Even for this, a separate form has been created - on the first page the data relating to the citizen's identity (full name, residence, residence permit, etc.) are indicated, and on the second - labor activity.

application form for a passport

Things to Know

It should be noted one more nuance regarding the filling out of such a document as an application for a passport. The questionnaire form contains such items that you must fill out if the person had access to classified data or information of special importance (for example, state secret). This is also of particular importance.

After the application for a new passport is drawn up and handed over to the office along with all other documents, you can only wait. Typically, a document is issued after a month and a half. This is a little more than had to be expected in the case of an ordinary document. All because of the use of new technologies in the process of creating a passport. People who apply at the place of residence, rather than registration, will have to wait four months. And the individuals who had access to classified information, about three.

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