
Rules for transporting weapons in cars and aircraft: law, requirements and recommendations

Today, we will be presented with the rules of transportation of weapons. This issue is of interest to many citizens. Especially those who carry weapons. In addition, all hunters should be aware of the rules for transporting these objects. They are most often faced with the need to transport weapons and their components. This is a normal, common occurrence. Weapon trafficking requires special attention. In Russia, Interior Ministry officials are extremely careful about this topic. Therefore, it is necessary not only to clarify how to transport these or other things, but also to understand whether it is possible in principle to do this in a particular case. In fact, everything is not as difficult as it seems. Just a few tips and tricks will help bring the idea to life.

Is there any chance of transportation

To begin with, it remains to be seen whether a variety of weapons can be transported. Or citizens will not be able to realize the task?rules for transporting weapons

Fortunately, no one prohibits the transportation or transportation of weapons. Neither within the Russian Federation, nor abroad. It’s enough to remember some rules that will help bring the idea to life. It should be noted that in Russia the movement of the studied subjects is much less trouble.

The rules for transporting weapons are diverse. For cars and planes, different principles apply. All of them converge in some nuances. Which ones? What should every person know?

By car within the country

The most common option is to transport weapons and ammunition for hunters. Most often they are faced with the implementation of the mentioned task. There is nothing special or incomprehensible in this.

To begin, consider the situation in which we are talking about the transportation of hunting weapons by car within the Russian Federation. Violation of the established rules can lead to a number of negative consequences.

It is possible to transport weapons by car, but subject to certain rules. The first thing that every hunter should remember is that a license is obtained for the transported objects. Without it, the use, transport and storage of weapons is prohibited.

But this is only the beginning. In addition to the license, the rules for the transport of hunting weapons without fail require the citizen to have a hunting ticket and a hunting permit. The second document is needed if a citizen has owned the studied subject for more than 5 years.

In addition, the rules for the transport of firearms require a person to transport an object in a discharged state. Charging and transporting it is prohibited by the laws of the Russian Federation.rules for the transport of hunting weapons

Restrictions on car transportation

Carriage of ammunition and weapons in Russia by car is not prohibited. The main thing is to observe a number of established rules. They will help to avoid a huge number of various problems and consequences.

The rules for transporting weapons in a car allow the transport of only 5 weapons. Pretty much if you think about it. Moreover, as already mentioned, all of them must be discharged.

But the ammunition is more limited. So, in a car you can not carry more than 400 rounds of ammunition for weapons. Exceeding this limit may cause certain problems. But about them a little later.

International transport and cars

What other features should I look for? When transporting hunting weapons in Russia, it is enough:

  • take into account limits for weapons and ammunition;
  • have a weapon license;
  • get a hunter certificate;
  • if necessary, issue a hunting permit.

It's all. But international transport requires special attention. Getting it out on a car is harder. The rules for transporting weapons in international directions are prescribed by government decree No. 814 of July 21, 1998.rules for transporting weapons in a car

The transportation permit received must contain information on the quantity of ammunition transported and weapons. In addition, you must necessarily indicate the purpose of transportation of the studied objects. It is confirmed by the Interior Ministry.

Import and export of weapons in international areas involve certification of facilities. Otherwise, weapons may be picked up at customs. Transit through Russia provides for the execution of an international treaty. In addition, weapons must be licensed. Without it, implementing an idea will not work. Transportation of the studied objects will be regarded as illegal.

No car certification

The rules for transporting weapons to international destinations do not always require a citizen to have a certificate. There are rare exceptions that avoid this step.

Thus, it is not necessary to issue a certificate for weapons and ammunition if:

  • the facility has a declaration of conformity;
  • weapons are transported to Russia under an international treaty;
  • the facility is transported for sports competitions, exhibitions, cultural events.

There are no more exceptions. In other cases, you will have to comply with all the previously listed conditions.rules for the transport of traumatic weapons

Consequences of violation of car transportation

What will happen if you violate all the features listed above? If the rules for transporting weapons (hunting) by car are not respected, administrative liability is provided. And in case of violations of the transportation of other ammunition and weapons, you can incur criminal.

Civilian smooth-bore weapons for hunting should be transported in accordance with all the features listed above. Otherwise, according to article 20.12 of the Code of Administrative Offenses of the Russian Federation, a citizen may receive a fine in the amount of 1 to 1.5 thousand rubles.

If the rules for transporting firearms in cars are violated, you must contact the Criminal Code. More precisely, then to article 122 (part 1). It indicates that the following sanctions may be applied as a punishment for a violation:

  • imprisonment (up to 3 years);
  • arrest (maximum 6 months);
  • imprisonment (for 4 years);
  • forced labor (4 years maximum).

In addition, you can get a fine of up to 3 citizen salaries. A payment of up to 80,000 rubles is considered to be its analogue.rules for transportation and storage of weapons

About firearms

A little bit about firearms. It must be treated with special attention. The thing is that the rules for the transportation and storage of weapons in Russia have many features. Thus, self-defense guns may only be transported and stored in certain places specified in the permit. What does it mean?

The transport of self-defense weapons (firearms) is permitted only in case of moving from one place of residence to another. If such a motive is not proven, a citizen can be prosecuted.

What about ammunition? They have exactly the same features as weapons. This means that each hunter must issue an appropriate permit when transporting ammunition.

Features of transportation in airplanes

Now a little about what in Russia there are rules for transporting weapons on an airplane. The thing is that the main issues of this case are regulated in the same way as in the case of cars. It means that:

  • weapons and ammunition cannot be transported without licenses, certificates and permits;
  • there are restrictions on the units carried;
  • it is necessary to carry weapons in a discharged state;
  • Be sure to report and register all units of the studied objects.

What else should every citizen know? The thing is that the rules for the transport of traumatic weapons (and not only) provide for informing the Ministry of Internal Affairs at the airport about this action. Before the flight, the citizen will have to fill out a number of documents for weapons and ammunition that will help confirm the legality of the action.rules for transporting weapons on an airplane

Actions at the airport

Now a little about how to act if a person wants to transport ammunition or weapons using an airplane. In fact, everything is simpler than it seems.

So, the rules for transporting weapons in an airplane require the following manipulations:

  • inform the airport security staff in advance (when buying a ticket and registering for a departure) about the transportation of weapons or ammunition;
  • check-in is not later than 1.5 hours before departure;
  • if transportation is carried out on the territory of the Russian Federation, a citizen must have with him permission to carry and store weapons;
  • when importing into Russia or during transit, you will have to contact the Ministry of Internal Affairs and obtain permission for this operation;
  • foreigners can carry sports and hunting weapons if there is an invitation from an organization, a license, a hunting contract, or permission from the Ministry of Internal Affairs;
  • weapons imitators in the cabin can not be transported;
  • all weapons and ammunition are given to airport security personnel during the flight; after landing, items are given to the owner;
  • all weapons must be accepted in packages (for example, in cases) that meet the safety and security requirements;
  • ammunition for gas weapons in aircraft is prohibited.

Another rather important point is that foreigners cannot transport civilian weapons (firearms and not only) if this is not indicated in an international agreement with Russia. Therefore, more accurate information is recommended to check at the airport. These rules are spelled out in the law "On weapons".

Summary and Conclusions

Now it’s clear what rules for the transport of weapons will help to avoid administrative and even criminal liability. In fact, everything is simpler than it seems. A law-abiding citizen will not have any problems with the case under study. It is enough to have all the permissive documents with you, defuse the weapon, pack it (including ammunition), and then either take it to the car or deliver it to the airport security personnel for storage. On board such objects are prohibited.rules for the transport of weapons and ammunition

If you remember all of the above rules for transporting weapons and ammunition, you can not worry about the fact that these or other objects will not work. Every hunter and ordinary citizen should contact the airport security staff before departure - they will help to draw up the documents necessary for the realization of the idea.

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