
Re-registration of weapons. What is the procedure for extending a weapons permit?

Our article will be useful to all owners of firearms. Sooner or later, the question of re-registration arises. This is where difficulties may arise due to ignorance of the rules. We will try to highlight this issue in detail.

What is a re-registration of weapons?

Anyone needs re-registration type of weapon being in use by citizens, at the expiration of the license (permit) for its wearing and storage.weapons re-registration

Renewal of permission is a mandatory procedure for continued use of weapons. Without a license, citizens do not have the right to use it.

Let's look in detail how the re-registration of weapons occurs and why you can get a refusal.

Where does re-registration take place?

Re-registration of weapons is carried out in a special licensing division. This is the same department in which you originally applied for its acquisition.re-registration of hunting weapons

Re-registration of weapons is a procedure consisting of several stages:

  1. First you need to contact the appropriate department with a statement and documents. The application is written with the name of the head of the LRO. Almost always there is a column in it, where you need to indicate the brand of your weapon. But you can not fill it. For example, you can simply indicate that re-registration of rifled weapons is taking place.
  2. Next, you need to contact the district police officer, who must check the conditions in which the weapons are stored. In addition, he will have to write a report requested by LRO employees. They need him to decide on a license extension.
  3. Next, you need to expect a written decision to your mailing address about the decision. Separately, it is worth dwelling on what are the terms for re-registering weapons. The letter should arrive within ten days.

Documents for re-registration

weapons re-registration deadlines

What documents (re-registration of weapons, license renewal) will be needed:

  1. Passport data, the original document and its copy.
  2. Matte photos (two pieces) 3 * 4 in size.
  3. A medical document (examination) with the conclusion of a psychotherapist, ophthalmologist, therapist and narcologist.
  4. A photocopy of the license for your weapon.
  5. Proof of payment of the fee. It must contain the details of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of the Russian Federation.

Nuances of re-registration

It must be remembered that a permit for any weapon is valid for five years. As for the application for its extension, it must be submitted three months before the end of the license. Why do you need to do just that? Yes, because at the slightest delay on your part, the employees of the licensing department will have an extra reason for refusing you to renew. And then you can re-arrange everything only after a year.re-registration of rifled weapons

This is the end of the re-registration of weapons for you. An application has been submitted and it remains only to wait for an answer. As soon as you receive a notification of a decision, you immediately go to the licensing department, where you get permission in your hands.

Possible reasons for rejection

It must be remembered that the re-registration of weapons is such a process in which you can also be given a refusal. To prevent such a situation, we advise you to follow some rules.

So what are the causes of failure? They may be as follows:

  1. Filing an application later than three months before the termination of the current license.
  2. Involvement more than two times during one calendar year for administrative violations relating to the protection of public order.
  3. The lack of a safe for storing weapons for some reason, although initially you had it when registering.
  4. Arrears in the registration of weapons.
  5. Registration for five years in a neuropsychiatric or narcological clinic.
  6. Changing the design of weapons that is illegal. Identification of such a fact is possible with a ballistic examination.
  7. The presence of a malfunctioning weapon.

If there are any malfunctions in the design of the weapon, the employee of the licensing department sets a deadline for eliminating such shortcomings.re-registration of smoothbore weapons

It should be noted that the permit can be revoked at any time if the citizen has committed some deliberate crime and is in custody.

What threatens the violation of deadlines?

If the deadlines for submitting an application for renewal of a license are violated, it must be canceled by the LRO. Otherwise, they may impose on you administrative penalty. After that, you can again apply for permission, but only after a year. And in this case, you will need to collect documents to obtain a license, and not to renew it. And these are slightly different things. This is worth remembering in order not to make mistakes and not to waste time in vain.

Getting permission

After applying for a license renewal, you need to pay a fee (one-time). To do this, you will need the details of the UMVS account in your city, since they are different by region. I would like to note that the amount of collection is different for different weapons. And this means that re-registration of hunting weapons, traumatic and smooth-bore will cost you a different amount.re-registration of traumatic weapons

Ten days after the submission of the documents for re-registration, a written notice will be sent to your mailing address, which will indicate the decision of the LRO on refusal or renewal of the license. If you are denied an extension, then, as a rule, the notice indicates the reason for such a decision. If for some reason it is not indicated, then you will have to personally visit the LRO, where they will help you deal with this issue.

In addition, do not forget that submitting documents is not all the work, then within ten days you will have to hand over your weapons to the LRO. This is done in order to check its condition (technical), as well as to make an examination that reveals changes in the factory design.

To re-register you will not be in danger of knowing some legislative acts:

  1. Law No. 150-FZ “On Weapons”.
  2. Administrative Code of the Russian Federation.
  3. Criminal Code of the Russian Federation.

In general, there is nothing complicated in the re-registration procedure if you follow all the deadlines:

  1. The license is valid for five years from the date of its issue.
  2. The application is submitted three months before the end of the permit for weapons.
  3. The issue of renewal is considered within ten days. Then, with a positive decision, you need to come to the LRO in fourteen days to obtain a license.

Re-registration via the Internet

If for some reason you cannot personally appear in the LRO or do not go to waste time standing in lines, then you can apply for re-registration via the Internet. The government services site will help you with this. If you have never used it before, then first you need to go through a fairly quick registration process. Further, step by step following all the requirements, fill out an application. Then you just have to wait for the LRO employees to contact you and invite you to a meeting. Whatever way you fill out the paperwork - in person or via the Internet, in any case, you can’t do without visiting the licensing department. The application that you have drawn up on the public services website only gives reason to consider your case, but you should come in person at the appointed time later and provide the originals of absolutely all the necessary documents. Only in this case you will be given a positive answer.

Making an application on the site, you need to collect the same list of documents that we indicated earlier. In fact, the procedure is not much different.

Features of re-registration of different types of weapons

The re-registration of smooth-bore weapons, hunting and traumatic, in fact, are not very different from each other. Let's compare the list of documents.weapons re-registration statement

Re-registration of traumatic weapons implies the provision of the following papers:

  1. Copy of ID card.
  2. Help f. 046-1.
  3. Receipt of payment
  4. Photo (2 pcs.).
  5. The weapon itself.
  6. Previous permission.
  7. Statement for self defense.

Documents for re-registration of a smoothbore intended for hunting:

  1. Copy of ID card.
  2. Medical document.
  3. Document on payment of duty.
  4. Weapons
  5. A copy of the hunter’s ticket (pages confirming the payment of membership fees must be copied, the seal of the corresponding hunting estate must be present).
  6. Application for the hunt.
  7. Old resolution.

As we can see, the difference in the documents is that for the extension of hunting weapons, you must also provide a membership card, which confirms the status of the hunter. In addition, the form of the application itself is different. It should be understood that the amount of one-time collection may also differ for different types of weapons.

Sometimes during re-registration, citizens are faced with the fact that they are asked to provide photocopies of papers about the necessary level of training and knowledge of the rules for the safe use of weapons. But such documents are not available. So, such a certificate is necessary only for firearms with limited defeat.

In addition, citizens who own weapons should always remember that when changing their place of residence, as well as when moving to another region, it is mandatory to come to the local LRO and remove their weapons from the register in this city. After the move, accordingly, you need to register it with the LRO in the new place of residence. You need to do this in ten days. This is nothing complicated. But such actions will help to avoid any problems in the future.

Instead of an afterword

As you can see, re-registration is not such a complicated process. If all the documents are completed on time, without violating the deadlines established by law, then no problems should arise. Of course, the process of preparing the necessary papers will take some time. Particularly often, difficulties arise precisely with the preparation of a medical certificate, since specialists are usually located in different areas of the city. And this makes the matter very complicated, it takes more time, and the queues will have to stand longer. We hope that the information provided in our article will help you understand the nuances of re-registering weapons.

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