
How to get a weapon license? Rifle license

How to get a weapon license? A similar question today is relevant for both men and women. Many people assume that the process of paperwork involves a lot of significant difficulties, but this is only partly true. If you wish, you can prepare the necessary certificates in a short time, the main thing is to know what and how to do. Let's talk about how documents are processed, what is needed for this and where it is recommended to contact first of all.

Self-defense: the main types of weapons

The most popular question is: "How to get a license for a weapon for self-defense?". In our turbulent time in urban megacities, the availability of special means for self-defense has become more relevant than ever. In order to protect your own life and health, you have right (naturally subject to permission) purchase:

  • revolvers
  • gas pistols;
  • signal weapon;
  • national blade weapon;
  • barrelless firearms (only domestic brands).

Any other weapons for self-defense are strictly prohibited, permission to purchase, store and use them is issued in accordance with other norms and requirements. how to get a weapon license

Self-defense: a list of necessary documents

What documents for a weapon license should be provided in this case? Let's talk about this a little more. At first glance, the list of references and papers may seem pretty impressive:

  • Medical certificate (Form No. 046-1. It is a report from several specialists, in particular, a general practitioner, optometrist, psychiatrist and narcologist. If necessary, you will need to contact not only the clinic, but also the dispensaries).
  • Photos of the applicant for the license (size 3 by 4).
  • A photocopy of the passport (first pages, citizenship marks).
  • Application of the established sample (the sample is issued in the internal affairs department)
  • Notification of payment of the established fee.

Self-defense: stages of obtaining weapons

Now that you know what means and subject to what documents are available for self-defense for an adult, it is time to talk about exactly how the issuance of weapons licenses takes place.weapon license renewal

Of course, you should start with the passage of the medical board and the collection of documents mentioned above. A full package of papers should be provided to the police department of the area where you are registered or reside. You will need to contact the licensing department. It is the employees of this unit who will register your wishes and begin to engage in appropriate checks. Do not forget to get a ticket from the inspector confirming that you submitted the papers for consideration.

The specified unit without fail carries out verification of compliance with the conditions for storage of weapons, because obtaining a license for weapons is possible only when:

  • lack of access to it by strangers;
  • availability of space for storage.

Law enforcement officers have the right to refuse to obtain a license. If, according to the results of all measures, a positive answer is received, it will be necessary to obtain a document on weapons valid for up to five years.obtaining a license for weapons

How to get a hunting ticket?

How is a hunting weapon license issued? For this category of funds there is its own special algorithm. Many start collecting permits in this case with the receipt of a hunting ticket.It’s worth mentioning right away that this is not a mandatory, but highly desirable measure. The thing is that such paper provides you with the opportunity to transport weapons freely.

To get the ticket itself, you need to provide the hunting company:

  • 3 by 4 size photographs on matte paper;
  • copy of passport (first, second page);
  • application for entry. traumatic weapon without a license

Preparatory steps: go through a medical examination and get a safe

Your next step is to obtain a medical certificate in the prescribed form described above. Upon receipt of hunting weapons, the list of doctors remains unchanged. We remind you that it includes a therapist, optometrist, psychiatrist and narcologist. If you decide to get a certificate from a non-governmental medical institution, and private, be sure to bring a copy of the clinic’s license to carry out activities of this nature.

After medical formalities - take care of the issue of acquiring a safe, this condition is mandatory. Do not skimp, get the most reliable model of a sufficiently large size. The safe should include not only weapons and ammunition, but also means to care for them. hunting weapon license

We collect documents

A license for smoothbore weapons and hunting equipment is issued subject to the availability of a package of certain documents. These include:

  • passport of a citizen of the Russian Federation (original and copies of the first pages);
  • matte photos in the amount of 2 pieces (size 3 by 4);
  • form 046-1 (if necessary, a copy of the license of a medical institution);
  • certificate from the drug dispensary (at the place of permanent residence);
  • certificate from a neuropsychiatric dispensary (at the place of permanent residence);
  • document confirming successful training in using weapons;
  • application for a license;
  • duty receipt;
  • conclusion of the district police officer on the inspection (availability of conditions for storing weapons at home). smoothbore license

List of necessary actions

So, when all the preliminary preparations are completed, it is time to approach the question of how to obtain a license for weapons. For clarity, the process can be divided into the following stages:

  • entry into the hunting community;
  • preparation of medical certificates;
  • purchase of a safe of an established form;
  • providing the necessary documents to the district police department (the list is indicated above);
  • payment of necessary state contributions;
  • passing an exam on the rules for using weapons.

If you receive an approving decision and license, you can safely go to the store to purchase your own arsenal. Do not forget to register the acquired funds, as well as obtain permission to store and carry them (the operation is carried out for a maximum of 14 days).rifle license

When and how to renew a license?

Many people are interested in the question of how to extend the license for a weapon, because it is issued for only five years. The repeated procedure is not much different from the primary, but still has certain simplifications. You will not need to be examined by a narcologist and psychiatrist, and you will not need repeated compulsory education. Of the prerequisites:

  • re-provision of a package of documents;
  • writing a statement;
  • passing an exam on the use of weapons;
  • provision of a certificate from an ophthalmologist and therapist (possibly form 046-1);
  • payment of state duty.

Weapon license renewal is carried out according to an algorithm that depends on the type of funds. If you have an arsenal for self-defense, repeat the rules for obtaining permission for this category.

About traumatic weapons

Another popular question: "How to get a traumatic weapon without a license?" For some reason, there are quite a few people who sincerely believe that this is quite possible and real. We hasten to disappoint you, this is not true, permission is also necessary to purchase this type of weapon.

Traumatic weapons are usually classified as self-defense.Preparation for obtaining a license to purchase it should include a list of the following documents:

  • medical certificate 046-1;
  • receipt of payment of required fees and duties;
  • certificate confirming training and instruction in the use of weapons;
  • document confirming the absence of a criminal record;
  • the conclusion from the district (for checking the safe).

As a rule, obtaining a license for weapons occurs after 10 days. During this period of time, the authenticity of the information provided is verified, and the responsible officers of the ATS decide whether to grant permission or not. Based on these data, we can conclude that traumatic weapons without a license are also not issued.

Rifled weapons: documents

The last question that needs to be addressed is as follows: "How is a rifle license issued?" First of all, it is worth noting that a document of this kind is issued only to people with significant experience in the possession of smoothbore weapons (from 5 years old). To obtain a permit, the following certificates are required:

  • original and photocopy of the passport of a citizen of the Russian Federation (first two pages);
  • information on form 046-1;
  • hunting ticket (original / photocopy);
  • receipt of payment of fees, duties;
  • permission to carry and store smoothbore weapons (photocopy possible);
  • photos in the amount of 2 pieces on matte paper (size 3 by 4 cm);
  • statement.

The decision to issue a license is made within one month. For the indicated period of time, the officers of the Department of Internal Affairs verify the correctness and authenticity of the data obtained, the availability of outstanding convictions and other possible grounds, because of which the citizen may not have the right to own rifled weapons.

Rifles: license nuances

Even after receiving the document in your hands, you should consider certain nuances of its use. So, paper is issued for a period of up to 6 months, for which you are required to either purchase one unit of funds or submit a document to the Department of Internal Affairs. If you still decide to purchase a weapon, within two weeks you will need to notify the licensing department about the purchase. Its employees will create a special card that will contain your personal information (about you and the acquired tool).

The total license validity period for the use of funds is five months, the document should be renewed one month before the expiration of the specified period. The renewal procedure is no different from the steps for obtaining an initial permit.

A few words in conclusion

Now you know how to get a weapon license. Remember that the list of necessary documents, as well as actions, is primarily determined by the type of funds that you plan to purchase. Please note that the information you provide to law enforcement agencies is carefully checked. If you knowingly submitted incorrect data to the ATS, you will have to forget about the permission to receive weapons.

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