
Sale of underwear

LingerieOne woman from America built her multi-million dollar empire to manufacture and sell slimming underwear. This idea is most likely to appeal to women because they will immediately understand what is at stake and how important it is for a woman to look slim and fit.

Sale of underwear

I want to tell you the success story of this woman. Her name was Sarah Blakey and now she is at 1,153 places of the richest women in the world. It all started from her own needs. When Sarah Blake wanted to go to a party, she found that her pants were not sitting properly and that she needed some sort of shapewear. And she just took and cut the gusset from the pantyhose.

Sarah immediately realized that this was a great idea for a business. Having invested all her savings, she developed sketches and patented her invention. Then she looked for a very long time for a factory that could produce linen according to her design. Not immediately she was able to find such a factory, she was refused everywhere.

Sarah almost gave up, but then she saw the program of Oprah Winfrey, in which she discussed the problem of uncomfortable stockings and tights, and she realized that this was a "sign from above." After that, she began to ring up factories and at one of them became interested in her idea, the first contract was soon signed.

After that, everything went and went. Soon, Sarah's goods lay on store shelves. Sarah decided to thank Oprah and sent her a set of slimming clothes and told her story. Oprah was touched by her story and invited her to her show. After this show, Sarah’s affairs quickly went up and now she received thousands of commercial offers from various parts of the country.

This idea brought Sarah millions. She can also bring you big profits. In the CIS countries, stretch underwear will disperse very quickly. After all, to be slim is the dream of every woman.

Now Sarah's company is developing new products that will be designed for men. Special stretch underwear, which will reduce the stomach, and make men slimmer will be in no less demand.

Taking this business idea as a basis, conducting a thorough advertising campaign, and concluding contracts with Spanex, you can earn hundreds of thousands of dollars.

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Olga Trunova
You're right. This is a very good idea for a business. For their beauty and harmony, many women are ready to give huge money.


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