
Seasonal tire storage

Seasonal tire storageSeasonal earnings is a profitable business. Many resort towns only live seasonal business. All that they earn in the summer, they will need to stretch for the remaining year. Such a business has a number of drawbacks; weather does not always help or the human factor. Many different reasons. But all this business attracts a lot of people.

Seasonal tire storage is a business that can be built without too much investment. Quick payback and quite profitable. I already once spoke about the seasonal storage of motorcycles. This business is built on the same type, but you can earn more.

And so seasonal storage of tires will require you to have the status of a private entrepreneur. I already wrote how to open an IP on the account of the cash register, taxes, it is necessary to specify on the ground. You will also need a room with shelves, shelves. It will be necessary to take care of the protection of the premises, protection from thieves.

The room should not be in the center of the city; it may be on the outskirts of the city, where there are many storage facilities. The room does not have to be heated. Minimum requirements, you will not store products, but things. Thus, the rent will not be very large. In the room you need to make a small repair to ensure fire safety and put as many racks as possible in two or more floors.

One meter of storage space will cost about 150 rubles a month. After removing 200 meters of the room, spend (150x200) = 30,000 rubles. Of these 200 meters, about 50 will occupy walkways. One set of tires takes about a square meter. You will have three-story racks that will occupy 150m, they can accommodate (150x3) = 450 sets of tires. Suppose you will take for storage of one set 500 - 700 rubles. If you will have 300 sets stored at a price of 600 rubles per month, then you will earn 180 thousand rubles. You must admit that this is not bad money, having paid 30 thousand of it for rent, 30 thousand for protection, etc. your net profit will amount to 80 thousand rubles, maybe more.

The numbers speak for themselves, for a month you can make good money. Seasonal tire storage can turn you into a thriving businessman.

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Reason for complaint
Good day.
I have been working in this business for several years, I can say this - super profits (as well as super competition) will only be in big cities. Medium and small cities will allow you to earn money and slowly develop your business (and without any special investments). We started together with my brother - we had only a small warehouse in the country and a private car.
A year later, we were able to afford the rental of three premises and hire workers, we added the services of “check-out to the customer” and “mobile tire fitting” - it became much more efficient.
The business idea in my opinion is not bad. The rental price is correctly named, but the storage fee is a bit high. If you just do not live in Moscow or St. Petersburg. But I will throw this idea to my son. Thank.


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