
Actual best business ideas in Ukraine from scratch: an overview and description of options

Many people, especially in times of economic crisis, are thinking about finding additional sources of income and making a profit. Of course, one of the most acceptable options for them is to create your own business. Firstly, it seems interesting to many; secondly, it allows you to become financially independent (or rather, dependent only on yourself); thirdly, it can become a launching pad for further success. Only the main problem that most people see is the lack of an idea and money for its implementation.

In this article, we prove that these are not the main problems. The most important thing that prevents you from starting your own business in a month is you yourself. Your inaction, fears and indecision - these are the main obstacles.

In this article, we will describe some interesting business ideas in Ukraine from scratch. In parallel, we will try to analyze how realistic the opening of this type of business is in our conditions and, perhaps, it will push you to your own entrepreneurial activity.

General view

business ideas in Ukraine from scratch

So, as you already understood, in this article we will only talk about those ideas that can begin to turn into reality today. Their main feature is the absence of any payment on the part of the entrepreneur. Of course, some minimal costs are possible, such as printing an advertising poster for your business or buying a domain name to create a website. In addition to these, there are no other expenses in our case.

Features of a business idea in Ukraine from scratch are that, firstly, you will either provide services or sell goods upon pre-order. This is obvious, because we will not be able to invest in the initial purchase. Secondly, most often such a business is associated with the personality of the entrepreneur and is conducted on the basis of some personal quality or ability / knowledge. Thirdly, sometimes for the implementation of such a business you need at least a room. This does not mean that you will need to rent an office or warehouse - no, it will be enough to do all the operations as part of your business at home. And now we will consider ideas that can form the basis of our business in certain areas of activity.


Various trainings, seminars and other educational events have long become an industry where huge amounts of money are spinning. Of course, without the presence of any attributes of success (an expensive car, some significant status in society, an office in the city center), you cannot organize seminars and make people come to listen to you. Therefore, if we are talking about small business ideas from scratch in Ukraine, the production of educational content could be an ideal option.

small business ideas from scratch in Ukraine

By such a vague category, first of all, we mean information products: videos, podcasts, e-books, websites with text materials.

The subject in which you will specialize also does not play a role - it can be either programming or beading. Income from such activities can be obtained in a variety of ways - from advertising to organizing sales of your products. It all depends solely on the quality of your work and the interest that it will arouse in others.

In order to open your small business from scratch and without investments in Ukraine in this area, you need to be well versed in some issue that interests others. You can distribute your materials on social networks, on Youtube, on specialized forums.

Production of hand-made goods

An interesting business area, which has become quite popular lately, is the sale of goods produced by own hands (hand-made). In this area, however, more often girls who succeed in making more attractive products enjoy success.

business ideas from scratch in Ukraine production

This may include handmade soap, some accessories for clothes, toys, decor and interior items, exclusive sweets (cakes, pastries) and so on. All this is actively sold through social networks and specialized portals.

The advantage of such a business idea in Ukraine from scratch is that a person, firstly, is engaged in his favorite business; and secondly, this his occupation can develop into something quite serious, into the creation of his own store, for example. And this is a chance to line up products in one brand and reach a new level with minimal investment.

Organization of an online store

An interesting option to start may be the launch of the store online. Do you think that this requires huge investments and a team of professionals? Not at all!

Many relevant business ideas from scratch in Ukraine are associated with online trading. Here you do not need to rent a room, hire personnel, or even get registered as an SPD (at first). You can even try to trade on free bulletin boards like OLX and at auctions like Aukro. If the business goes well, you can expand and run your own website.

relevant business ideas from scratch in Ukraine

In what exactly to trade, the ideas of small business in Ukraine are also not limited. This may be some rare product (for example, Korean cosmetics) or something highly specialized (special hooks for fishing). The main thing is to understand what you are selling.


By the same principle, you can start trading in large volumes. It is no secret that the cost of goods depends on its quantity in one batch. Let's say you could agree to buy 10 kilograms of honey in one place and sell it to two different customers for 5 kilograms at a higher cost. By analogy with honey, you could do anything. The main thing is to properly distribute and organize all the processes. And then you can expand your business ideas.

In Ukraine, from scratch, contrary to all expectations and multiple opinions (as in Russia and in other countries of the world), you can start your own business. The main thing is to want and work on it.


ideas of small business in Ukraine discussion of ideas

Many of the best and new business ideas for small businesses from scratch in Ukraine relate to the provision of outsourced services. This means that, for example, as an accountant, you could “maintain” control in several companies, receiving income from them. In this case, you will really be sitting at home with a computer in a more comfortable atmosphere and without the need to rush to the office.

Outsourcing can also be done as a mini-call center, taking calls for a particular company. It is possible to develop other business ideas on the basis of this. In Ukraine, from scratch there really are opportunities to open some kind of business!

Repair Services

Another option that might interest you is a repair service. Know how to sew - grab your clothes; versed in electronics - repair mobile phones and so on. Yes, the work in everyone’s hands is full!

This also includes apartment renovation, if you own this craft. Post an ad, find a customer, and help people who need your services. If you do your job efficiently, believe me, you will quickly have a client base and a fairly wide range of tasks.

Internet Services

small business ideas in Ukraine

A separate topic is online help. There you will find a huge number of different ads asking you to find a competent copywriter, designer, programmer, marketer, advertising services specialist and so on.All these specialties are in demand on the network, and you have the opportunity to learn any of them without the help of the university and books! You can just watch training videos, read various materials devoted to problematic issues - and you can really master a completely new development vector for yourself in a few months! So why not give it a try?


Do you know how to make good advertising for a company? You can independently agree on a percentage of the cost of the order with certain institutions, companies and private entrepreneurs - and engage in attracting people and get your legal percentage. And in order to search for customers, you can try working on social networks, various message boards - all this can now be called a powerful tool for making money.


small business from scratch and without investments in Ukraine

As you can see, there are different business ideas (from scratch in Ukraine). The production of goods, mediation in their implementation, the service sector - everywhere, with creative thinking and putting it into practice, you can achieve some kind of successful indicators. Even your business can be organized from scratch without attracting additional funds from investors. The main thing is to improve what you know how to do, and do it as qualitatively as possible. This approach guarantees success, customers and stable income.

In general, in this article you found only the most obvious ideas of small business in Ukraine. Discussing ideas with experts will help you come up with your own project. Perhaps you will come up with a more original and promising plan that matches your abilities and hobbies.

Attend courses and seminars where you can improve your skills. Surely there is something that you do better than others. Each person has a talent, the main thing is to be able to realize it.

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