
What is a crowdfunding platform? Description and overview of platforms

Modern Internet technologies have made a huge impact not only on our free time and range of interests. To a large extent, changes have occurred in the field of our work, as well as in the organization of business. Today, launching your own project using Internet solutions has become much easier than it was 10 or 15 years ago. For this, there are even special platforms open to everyone.

In this article, we will just characterize one of the models by which such platforms work. Today we will talk about such a method of raising capital as a crowdfunding platform. What is it, who can participate in the collection and accumulation of funds, where will they go in the future - we will try to give answers to these and other questions in this publication.

crowdfunding platform

General view

We begin, of course, with a description of such a term as “crowdfunding platform”. Regarding this issue, it should be noted that it comes from the English combination of the words crowd ("crowd") and funding ("fundraising", "financing"). That is, it is collecting money, financing something by the forces of a certain group of people, the “crowd”.

A site that works in this format provides an opportunity for everyone to start raising funds for an idea. For some, this may be the launch of the production of useful goods, someone wants to make a video, someone else wants to launch a social program. If the idea really turns out to be worthy, an interested user of such a site (“investor”) will sponsor it, for example, by providing $ 10. The more such contributions, the greater the chance that the idea will be realized. In return, the author of the project can promise his sponsors a trial version of the product or some kind of exclusive testing - it all depends on what is at stake.


Actually, this is what we are observing if we look at how any such structure, included in the top crowdfunding platforms, works.

crowdfunding platform in Russia

The difference between the solutions that exist today is in popularity, in the format of interaction that has developed between entrepreneurs and investors, as well as in the rules. Depending on how the work of such a platform is organized, it can be said that it belongs to one or another type.

"All or nothing"

There are several classic options, concepts of how any platform can work. The main criterion for differences in this case is the process of distribution of funds. For example, the first view is based on the principle of "all or nothing." It is most likely the most common in this area. According to him, the project makes it possible for the entrepreneur to receive money only if his idea collects the amount of money established in the plan. For example: a person sets his own amount for the implementation of an idea (for example, $ 1,000). If he collects $ 900, it is believed that his project failed, and all the money is returned to investors. In order for the money to be transferred directly to the author of the idea, it is necessary to collect more than 100% of the intended amount of money.

crowdfunding platforms of the world

“Any amount”

The second type of model on which the crowdfunding platform can operate does not “look” at whether the goal was achieved or not. All the money that was sent by investors will reach the author of the idea (of course, in addition to the commission of the system). Even if it was possible to collect 10% of the required amount, the author will receive them. This conceals both its pros and cons. After all, after collecting a small part of the required amount, there are no guarantees that the developer will be able to implement the project.


Another interesting model that some crowdfunding platforms of the world work with is the principle of “reward”. It consists in the fact that a project of some idea is being created, and the authors are people who do not want to take up its implementation themselves. Thus, they are dumped with money and, having received a certain amount of funds, offer it to everyone who is ready to perform a particular job.

Russian crowdfunding platforms

Such a project can contribute to the solution of some complex problem or the creation of a product that many people need.

“Free price”

Another type of projects operating in the field of crowdfunding is the support of investors, who themselves determine the amount of remuneration for the work done. This can happen when participants evaluate some kind of creativity, for example, a published book or musical composition.

The advantage of this format is undoubtedly the chance to get more if someone really liked your work. The downside is that you do not set a minimum of your income, because of which you can earn less than originally calculated.

top crowdfunding platforms


At first glance, it might seem that the crowdfunding platform in Russia is not so common, you might even think that it is wild to some extent. Indeed, most Internet users, as a rule, do not know “high-profile” examples when a company collected a large amount of money and continued to develop its products. However, believe me, in our country this phenomenon is increasingly popularized. At least the amount of money that Russian crowdfunding platforms collect annually is constantly growing, as is the number of projects submitting applications.

If we talk about domestic counterparts Kickstarter (this is the largest platform in the world operating in the United States), then it should be called Boomstarter, Planeta.ru, Thankyou.ru, Tugeza, Kroogi. Each of these resources has some specialization (for example, some collect money for creative projects, while some work more with social programs or startups). However, as a rule, each crowdfunding platform presented has the ability to add related types of projects.

planet crowdfunding platform

Mini review

Speaking in more detail about those resources that we presented above, the oldest of them is Kroogi. It was founded back in 2008, while, for example, Planeta began its activities only in 2012. Nevertheless, these sites cannot be compared, since the Krugs traditionally house the musical compositions and performers who create them, and on the Planet other programs are visible. In addition, we can even consider this site more developed in comparison with Kroogi and other platforms, because even on their main page it is indicated that Planet (crowdfunding platform) was able to collect more than 400 million rubles for its activities. A good amount for a market that is just starting to grow rapidly in Russia!

Thankyou hosts programs related to music and books, while Tugaza collects money for some social projects: to help the homeless, organize events, charity programs, and so on. The Boomstarter service, which we also mentioned, is a universal solution (here, according to statistics, more than 120 thousand users are registered who are ready to donate their money).

Other resources can be noted, including the work of the Ulej.by crowdfunding platform operating in Belarus. It also has a universal profile and functions on a principle similar to other programs.

crowdfunding platform ulej by


As we were able to verify on our own, in Russia (and Belarus) programs to raise funds for the implementation of any idea exist. They are at the initial stages of their development (compared to Kickstarter), but they are gaining momentum.

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