
Archivist: responsibilities in the enterprise

An archivist can be an employee of the archive or a keeper of documents. The duties of the archivist at the enterprise are aimed at the competent organization of work and workflow in the archive. Let's talk about them in detail in this article.

Where can the archivist work?

The duties of this specialist are great. An employee with such a profession is in demand where there is a large workflow. it there may be insurance, financial enterprises, banks, state institutions.

Archivist ResponsibilitiesThere is also such a position as an archivist in court. His responsibilities are in document management in this institution.

How did the profession come about?

In the twenties of the 18th century, Peter I issued the General Regulation, which laid down the basis for the formation of state administration in the country and which indicated the formation of archives in all departmental institutions. At the same time, a position such as an actuary was created. This was a scribe in court, who was involved in writing various acts, registering them in the register.

Over time, its functionality stepped over the scope of legal proceedings, and the profession became known as the “archivist”. In the 20th century, the word was outdated, and the post of "archivist" replaced it.

Key Points

Archivist is a technical executor. This position may be held by a person who has a vocational education or secondary education and any completed courses in this direction.

An employee can be promoted to a vacant position and be dismissed by company management.

What is the responsibility of the archivist?

The duties of this employee are as follows:

Archivist job responsibilities

  • archive formation: it can be both on paper or in electronic form;
  • reception of correspondence that comes to the company, fixing and filing in the archive;
  • the issuance of copies of archival documents or for temporary use of the original files in the archive;
  • formation of a report on their activities.

In addition, the duties of the archivist at the enterprise are as follows:

  • providing documentation to the company from which the request was made;
  • compliance with safety rules in the archive room and their control.

What skills must an archivist have? The duties of this employee are to know the following information:

  • various kinds of acts, provisions relating to his work;
  • the procedure for receiving and submitting documentation to the archive, methods and methods for its storage and use;
  • a unified system for clerical work, adopted at the state level;
  • methods of forming an inventory of documents, their brief descriptions, acts on the destruction of documentation;
  • the procedure for preparing documents for storage and use;
  • accounting and reporting procedures;
  • organizational structure of the company;
  • PC skills at the professional level;
  • methods of working with office equipment at the advanced user level;
  • skills to work with colossal volumes of information;
  • labor legislation of the Russian Federation.

Responsibilities of the archivist at the company

In addition, he should be able to correctly express his thoughts both in writing and orally. As for education, it can be both a higher education, and it is highly desirable that it be specialized ("archival business", "document management"), and incomplete higher education. You can also get this profession by taking specialized courses.

Advantages and disadvantages of the position

The profession "archivist", the responsibilities of which are outlined in this article, has its pros and cons.


  • simple work in the physical plane;
  • no special education required.

Cons of the profession:

  • most workers consider her the most boring profession;
  • low level of remuneration;
  • almost no career growth.

Archivist salary level

The amount of remuneration for this employee may be from 20,000 to 70,000 rubles. The level of salary depends on the region, the amount of work and other nuances. The average wage is 45,000 rubles.

Final Provisions

The archivist, whose duties are strictly enshrined in his job description, in his work relies not only on her, but also on the provision on the archive.

If we consider the abilities that the archivist should have, then this:

  • excellent memory;
  • the ability to analyze an enormous amount of information;
  • ability to pay attention to details;
  • stationery skills;
  • the ability to carry out long-term small monotonous work;
  • fine manual motility.

Responsibilities of an archivist in an enterprise

Considering personality traits, interests, we can distinguish:

  • ability to organize;
  • accuracy;
  • perseverance;
  • ability to control oneself;
  • definition;
  • perseverance;
  • pedantry, composure.

Qualities that will impede the effective implementation of duties:

  • sloppiness;
  • narrow horizons;
  • inability to organize oneself;
  • carelessness;
  • impulsiveness.

Principal activities of the profession "archivist":

  • the obligation to keep documents safe;
  • tracking application documents;
  • issue upon request of documents, certificates;
  • the formation of a list of documentation that must be deposited;
  • acceptance of documentation for storage for a long period;
  • verification of literacy and correctness of registration of incoming information;
  • creation of an incoming information system;
  • sending information on cases to the state archive;
  • formation of an inventory of documentation that is in the archive.

Archivist Rights

The employee has the following rights:

  • to know about the projects and decisions of the company's management that relate to its work;
  • make recommendations to improve their functionality;
  • within the framework of his position and instructions, notify the higher management in case of detection of deficiencies in the course of the performance of his work, put forward proposals for their elimination;
  • ask the senior management or other employees for all the documentation that is needed to carry out their duties;
  • contact the management of the enterprise for assistance and support for the performance of the prescribed duties.

Archivist in court duties

A responsibility

This employee is responsible under the labor law for the full implementation of his duties.

Considering the administrative and criminal aspect of the activity, we can say that the archivist is responsible for the violations committed during the work. In the framework of the Civil Code and the legislation on labor of the Russian Federation - for causing material damage.

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