
Cadastral engineer: duties, functions, activities and responsibilities

The profession that will be considered in this article appeared recently - in 2011. However, do not underestimate the importance and importance of this craft. Who are cadastral engineers and what do they do? This will be discussed later.

Who is a cadastral engineer?

The cadastral engineer is engaged in measuring the coordinates of the boundaries of land holdings, or, as it is called more officially, land surveying. The representative of this profession is obliged to make all necessary measurements of the land, after which he must determine the specifics and status of the measured site and the property located on it. He is also required to create and prepare the necessary number of plans and directions. The entire database of documents collected is sent to the appropriate state bodies. The job responsibilities of the cadastral engineer are very extensive.

It may seem that the work of the representatives of the profession in question is very boring and to some extent uninteresting. But not every cadastral engineer agrees with this. The activities of these specialists are quite extensive, so they certainly will not be bored.

cadastral engineer duties

The essence of the work of the cadastral engineer

It is necessary to consider in a little more detail everything that a cadastral engineer does. The responsibilities of this employee are very extensive. It is worth saying that the representatives of this profession also bear a very great responsibility. This is partly due to the fact that the craft in question appeared recently. Until 2011, land surveying and preparation of the necessary list of documents involved land surveyors. But as soon as the rules changed, the duties of the latter took on cadastral engineers. Moreover, these responsibilities have greatly expanded, and for the slightest mistake or mistake, each professional worker is personally responsible. So, how do cadastral engineers conduct their work?

Owners of many lands often face the problem of measuring their plots. It is difficult for the owners to collect the necessary list of documents in order to submit it to the appropriate state bodies. In fact, representatives of the profession in question help to cope with these problems.

rights and obligations of cadastral engineer

Responsibilities of the cadastral engineer

The first thing a qualified cadastral engineer must do is to make sure that all the necessary documents are available from the owners.

Without this item, all further work of the cadastral engineer will be, it can be said, meaningless. Next, you need to conduct a quality technical survey of the land. After all necessary measurements, boundary signs are set, plans are drawn up and all the necessary documents and reports are prepared. After carrying out all the necessary work, documents are submitted to government bodies.

The cadastral engineer also has the ability to resolve disputes between landowners by conducting careful measurements of the land. Precisely thorough ones - after all, any mistake made puts an end to the reputation of this specialist.

The cadastral engineer is engaged in work with land property, forest plots, fields and urban development units. His responsibilities are thus very voluminous.

cadastral engineer activities

Where can I learn to be a cadastral engineer?

To become a cadastral engineer, you need to get a special qualification certificate. And getting it is not at all easy. First, you need to get a secondary vocational education or graduate from a higher educational institution.The list of specialties that will make it possible to advance to the cherished work is quite extensive. Among them are the following:

  • land management;
  • property management;
  • real estate cadastre;
  • city ​​cadastre.

You can find the full list in the archive of documents on the website of the Ministry of Economic Development of the Russian Federation.

After graduating from an educational institution in the required specialty and having received a diploma, you will have to complete an internship for two years. At the end of the internship, you must pass the exam in a special cadastral commission. Having issued special insurance after the exam, you must join a certain professional circle. Most often, this is the Guild of Cadastral Engineers.

Only after passing all these stages, you can get the cherished profession - cadastral engineer. Responsibilities and functions, it must be said, will appear immediately.

Who is suitable for the profession of cadastral engineer?

The rights and obligations of a cadastral engineer are incredibly extensive. Therefore, representatives of the profession in question are one of the most attentive and orderly people on the planet. It is not worth mentioning the responsibility with which to approach work. That is why the profession of cadastral engineer is not suitable for everyone. And who is capable of performing all the necessary work efficiently and effectively? What qualities should such a person have?

duties of cadastral engineer when surveying

It is worth recalling the care and caution that should be inherent in such a professional as a cadastral engineer. The responsibilities of such a specialist are incredibly extensive, because of which he must absorb all the most positive qualities. It should be added that a specialist in the field of land management should, of course, have a technical mindset, scrupulousness (especially when working with documents), sociability and resistance to stress. The latter is especially important: after all, even the most attentive professional is still a person. Even he is capable of making a mistake. And one should relate to such a phenomenon quite calmly, without malice and longing. Stress makes an employee worse. A cadastral engineer should remember that for 10 mistakes made, a certificate is taken from such a specialist.

What will help the cadastral engineer?

There are a number of factors that can help a cadastral engineer do the job. These include the following:

  • The presence of a driver’s license. The driver's license will help out the cadastral engineer during business trips. Having the rights and the car, the specialist will be able to quickly reach the destination and do all the necessary work. The exact opposite situation will be with those workers who do not have a license and a car. Getting to distant places by public transport, wandering around for a long time in search of the right site, it’s worth agreeing, is not so simple.
  • Clear planning of your activities. Since the cadastral engineer is endowed with great responsibilities, it is worth correctly planning your hours, days, weeks, and even months. This will help to avoid all sorts of hiccups and inconveniences.
  • Knowledge of civil, housing, land and urban planning legislation. Of course, all such knowledge will be studied in an educational institution. However, it is worth keeping them in mind constantly, as well as periodically updating them. The same applies to working with special equipment. Nevertheless, many years of practice will help to gain experience, thanks to which the cadastral engineer can become a truly high-class specialist.

duties of a cadastral engineer when surveying a land plot

Career Cadastral Specialists

It’s worth mentioning right now that cadastral engineers are very much in demand in the labor market today. This is probably due to the complexity of the work. Not every person is able to take upon himself the whole burden of responsibility that rests with him. But all these heavy duties of a cadastral engineer when surveying and collecting documents are fully offset by the possibility of a good career growth.Starting his career during an internship as an assistant engineer or land management technician, an employee can acquire more and more professional skills. Climbing the career ladder, a specialist in the field of land management also raises his salary. So, the representative of the profession in question has an income of at least 30 thousand rubles. Having gained more valuable experience, the employee assumes all the responsibilities of a cadastral engineer. A resume, correctly compiled and submitted to the right organization, helps a specialist in land management to become a real specialist.

Responsibilities of Cadastral Resume Engineer

Disadvantages of the profession in question

Like any other craft, the profession of cadastral engineer has several disadvantages and drawbacks. What can be attributed here?

The first thing that comes to mind is an overly long path to obtaining the cherished profession. Studying at an educational institution, several years of internship, preparing for an exam, a long license, all this can ultimately drag on for a very long time. 2 thousand questions to prepare for the exam, 100 - on the exam itself. It is worth making a mistake in more than 10 questions, and all the knowledge gained can be safely thrown out of the head - the engineer "did not take place." However, it all depends on the activity of a person who wants to master the profession in question. The faster and better the person will master the material, the sooner he will get a workplace.

It is worth mentioning the difficulties with a large number of documents. Of course, over the years of hard work, you can get used to this problem. However, novice engineers will be very difficult. Registration of a large number of various papers is the responsibility of the cadastral engineer: when coordinating borders, when resolving land disputes, when installing signs, etc.

Advantages of the profession in question

There are many advantages in the work of the representative of the profession in question, and all of them more than cover the disadvantages. Perhaps because of this, work in the field of land management is so popular.

So, what are the advantages of a cadastral engineer? Firstly, it is a demand in the labor market. The fact is that every second landowner uses the services of specialists in the field of land management. So today, representatives of this profession are not even enough. Secondly, it is a decent salary. And here you can’t argue: a good specialist can get a very good income. Thirdly, it is an opportunity to do work independently. This refers to the opportunity to work as an individual entrepreneur. Although, having received a certificate and having completed an internship, you can work as a legal entity. However, the duties of the cadastral engineer will not go anywhere: when surveying a land plot, when drawing up documents, etc.

Responsibilities of the cadastral engineer in agreeing boundaries

There are many other advantages and advantages of the profession in question. But listing them all is unlikely to succeed. One thing is absolutely certain: work in the field of land management is truly prestigious. Complex, heavy, but well paid and in demand.

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