
Archival information: sample. How to get archive help

Any citizen who needs to receive certain information can become a user of archival information. To obtain an archival certificate, you must come in person or send an authorized person acting on the basis of certifying documents.

What information is stored in the archive

archive transcript

In accordance with the law on archival affairs of the organization, state bodies, individuals engaged in commercial activities are obliged to provide the applicant with the information contained in archival documents. Such a service should be free of charge.

An archive certificate is an official document drawn up on a special form and containing comprehensive information requested by the applicant. In addition to the certificate, citizens have the right to receive copies of archival documents relating to the applicant. The need to obtain such documents may be related to applying to social security authorities, drawing up pension accruals, and obtaining certain benefits.

Data privacy

archive reference sample

According to the law, the provision of archival information should occur through user access to the originals and search engines. It should be noted that all stored information is confidential, and therefore access to it should be limited to a certain circle of people.

Such caution is connected with the fact that the information bank contains personal data of citizens, information about their place of residence, marital status, salary, criminal record and other biographical features. In this regard, obtaining an archival certificate is not allowed without the consent of an individual. Workers with access to the archive are required to comply with the rules for providing information.

Archive Information Users

issue of archival certificates

Due to the fact that quite a variety of information is stored in archives, the issuance of archival certificates occurs to a large number of users. These include legal entities and individuals, former employees of enterprises, law enforcement and tax authorities, pension funds, insurance agencies and ordinary citizens.

For each individual user, there are rules for providing information.

Rules for the issuance of archival certificates, copies and extracts

archival information 9

All information requested in the archive is issued on the basis of a written application. This document outlines the essence of the request and all the details necessary for the search. The application also informs the applicant’s personal data, initials, address, phone number. The request must be signed by the personal signature of the applicant.

A certificate of work (archived) containing information on seniority is issued subject to the most accurate information about the applicant's place of work. Also in this case, you need to specify the position and period of work. When changing the surname, it is necessary to write the previous initials in the request.

The requested information from the archive must be provided within 30 days from the date of registration of the request. If additional time is required to obtain special information, the archive notifies the applicant of the extension of the term.

What does archive help look like, sample form

The certificate obtained from the state archive or from the personnel documents of a commercial company should be compiled on the letterhead of the organization and have a clear name. An approximate sample of such a request can be seen when applying.

obtaining archive help

The filling out of the archival document is based on the originals or certified copies.An archival certificate must contain accurate information about the documents used, and the information should be presented in chronological order. All names mentioned in the certificate are registered in expanded form, and excerpts from the original are enclosed in quotation marks. If discrepancies were found in the process of filling out the document, then they are transferred to the certificate in the form in which they appear in the original. A correctly completed certificate has full legal force and may be presented in the form of evidence in court.

What violations can make a document void?

archived work certificate

An official archive document may not contain corrections, blots, or illegible phrases. Also, comments and various personal conclusions of archive workers are not allowed in the text.

After the text part of the document are archived numbers of the registries used. The archival certificate is signed by the chief archivist or the head of the personnel department and certified with a seal. If the document consists of several pages, then each sheet must be certified. An archive request is issued in two copies, one of which is issued upon request, and the second is stored in the archive registry.

Issue of an archived copy of a document

Archival institutions at the request of citizens issue copies of original documents and archive extracts. Such information blocks are made on the letterhead of the organization. If a copy of a historical document is made, then there is no need to use such a form.

An archive statement is relevant if the source information is in a voluminous information register. Therefore, in order to optimize the work, the extract indicates only that part of the information that interests the applicant.

Copies of documents are issued to the applicant together with a cover letter. If the requested information is not available in the archive, the reason for the failure to fulfill the request is reported.

Archival certificate 9 forms

Form No. 9 is a fairly popular document among the population. This certificate carries information on persons registered in a certain apartment, on the size of real estate, the rights of the owner and his family relationship with other equity holders.

Such a document can be claimed at the time of filing documents for privatization or in the proof of inheritance rights. In the case of the sale of real estate archival certificate number 9 is currently not required. To obtain form No. 9, you will have to go to the passport office at the place of registration and present there a passport and a certificate of ownership of the premises.

Quite often, applicants face such a problem as the refusal to issue certificate No. 9 in connection with the resulting rent arrears. In fact, such an argument cannot be considered legitimate, since by law employees of the passport office must issue a document regardless of arrears.

In case of unlawful refusal, it is necessary to require written confirmation of the reason for the refusal, you can also write a complaint to the head of the passport office or go to court.

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