
Business plan - juice production: costing, necessary equipment and SES requirements for the production of fruit and vegetable juices

business plan juice production

If you are tired of going to boring work every day and listening to complaints from incompetent authorities, it means that you have to change something in your life. Changes will be possible if there is not only desire, but also a certain amount of money.

Dismiss from your previous job and start your own business. Despite the apparent saturation of the markets, in fact, there are still enough niches to expand their own commercial activities.

Sweet business

An excellent opportunity for capital accumulation is the production of fruit juices. With the right approach, the presence of an analytical mind and good luck, you can make good money on this business. Natural juices can be obtained from freshly plucked fruits as well as dried fruits. In general, there are many different classifications of types and types of products.

So, juices are:

  • fruit, obtained as a result of direct extraction;
  • fresh squeezed juices (as a rule, they do not contain dyes and preservatives);
  • fruit with a high concentrate content;
  • restored juices (they are produced from concentrated nectar with the addition of drinking water).

Experts also divide natural juices into unclarified and clarified ones. It should be noted that this is only a small part of such products. The most high-quality and elite are considered vintage juices. They are produced only from special selected types of raw materials. Manufacturers of natural juices tend to make a clarified product. Although it is inferior to nectars with pulp in nutrition, it contains significantly more vitamin C and is more loved by consumers.

Only within the law

If you decide to engage in the production of juices, then the sanitary and epidemiological service can become your frequent guest. SES requirements are a set of rules, the implementation of which is mandatory for every entrepreneur engaged in catering.

When it comes to the sanitary and epidemiological service, for some reason, many businessmen have a phrase in their heads like: “They don’t know what to complain about.” In fact, all the requirements of this service are consistent with the legislation of the Russian Federation. These rules are very strict, but they must be observed in order to prevent mass poisoning of consumers. Here are a few of them.

So, for example, SES necessarily checks how perishable products are stored at the enterprise. The standards prescribe the raw materials to be stored in appropriate specialized equipment in order to ensure the optimum temperature. There is also a clear time frame for storing fruits and vegetables. All primary processing of raw materials should be carried out in specialized workshops of the enterprise in compliance with all sanitary and epidemiological standards. In case of violation of these rules, the entrepreneur faces administrative liability.

Do not forget about competitors

Before starting your own business, we advise you to familiarize yourself with the market. You should know how many companies currently exist, what product they supply, and what they emphasize in their marketing policy. Knowing competitors, understanding their strengths and weaknesses will make it easier for you to enter the market and the war for its share.

A business plan (the production of juices must be planned, compiling it) must take into account not only favorable conditions for the development of affairs, but also force majeure. For example, what to do if new companies appear, where to get raw materials in case of failure of the main suppliers, and so on. If you think through all sorts of risks in advance, then your business will be reliably protected. Do not ignore the detailed elaboration of the business plan. Be a strategist, and then you will certainly be able to make good money on this business.

Fresh fruit juices

Let's say you thought it all through. Do you have the financial means or you have secured the support of influential sponsors. Now it is time to delve into how the technology for the production of vegetable juices, as well as fruit and berry. It consists of several operations: the conclusion of contracts for the supply of raw materials, its inspection, delivery, washing, re-inspection, crushing process, obtaining juice, filtering and bottling.

During the first inspection of the raw materials, your specialists should sort the fruits. They should all be about the same size. In addition, there should not come across any extraneous impurities - twigs, leaves, stalks and other things. Inspection must be carried out for the time that the raw materials are on the conveyor belt. As a rule, at this stage of production several people are employed at once. If one employee is inattentive, others must eliminate his mistake.

juice production equipment

Rinse thoroughly

Further, all the most selected fruits fall into special washing drums, where they undergo a thorough washing. Berries are processed a little differently. Trembling processing is provided for them. After all, as you know, currants and raspberries are delicate berries, and they must be washed very carefully so as not to damage the thin skin and preserve all the nutrients.

Therefore, equipment for the production of juices necessarily includes special mesh baskets. They are immersed in water for a short time. After this, the brittle raw material is additionally rinsed under a light shower. Technologists admit that it is impossible to immediately remove particles of earth and sand from fruits and berries, so immediately after the first washing it is necessary to send raw materials to a second round.


When the raw materials are carefully selected and washed, it is necessary to grind it. This is done in order to get juice. Moreover, it often happens that after crushing, some raw materials very poorly excrete liquid. In this case, it is sent for additional processing, after which it is possible to achieve a technological maximum.

If it is necessary to use enzymes, then the whole crushed mass is heated to approximately 45 ° C, and technologists add the enzyme preparation in a strict dosage to it. The mixture obtained as a result of this process is thoroughly mixed, then left for eight hours and pressed.

Enzymes under heavy pressure destroy the protoplasm of the cells of fruits and berries, as a result of which all plant tissue in its structure becomes loose. This helps to isolate almost all the juice contained in the raw materials.

juice concentrate

The same operations

One of the final phases of production is pressing. At this stage, the juice takes on our usual form. Its quality and, in fact, the efficiency of the production itself depend on which model of the press is installed and what is the mode of its pressure.

The most optimal are hydraulic puck presses. They are most effective in this production. During the manufacture of sweetened juices, all obtained marc extracts are necessarily additionally mixed with water. So, no matter how manufacturers try to convince consumers that their products are the most natural and concentrated, you should not believe in it. Since the juice in any case will contain additives and preservatives.

Technology for the production of juices from concentrates

So, after the juice is mixed with water in a ratio of one to one, the resulting composition once again undergoes a pressing process. So manufacturers get a special syrup, which is then added to the juice concentrate obtained as a result of the first extraction. So, by constant pressing, filtering and diluting drinks are born, which we then eat.

Juice concentrate is the most valuable component obtained in the manufacturing process. Therefore, it is in strict dosage under the watchful supervision of technologists diluted with less quality raw materials. The most interesting thing is that production does not end there. The following are a few more steps, after which it is safe to say that the product is ready for use.

The most interesting thing is that the fruit business does not require extra costs for equipment. If necessary, you can organize production for $ 50-70 thousand. But will you then be competitive?

How to produce juice on a tight budget?

Experts in this business argue that the cost of units needed to produce a high-quality product ranges from two to seven million rubles. Also on the market you can find equipment for the production of juices, previously used and, accordingly, cheaper than new. In the absence of sufficient financial resources, it is an excellent offer.

Such installations can be purchased for about 3 million rubles. Their cost is highly dependent on the manufacturer and, of course, condition. Attention! Before purchasing such equipment, inspect it carefully. It may turn out that instead of saving you will get used cars that cannot serve you for a long time, and the money will simply be thrown into nowhere.

A conventional automated line for the production of juices from concentrates may include water treatment systems with various water filters, pumps and tanks for mixing raw materials, homogenizers, pasteurizers, heat exchangers, aseptic storage tanks, spill machines and other equipment.

Simple composition

The raw materials in the production of sweet nectars can be concentrates, sugar, water and numerous additives. Usually in the assortment of a significant part of new companies in this market there are from 10 to 15 types of products. At the same time, less than 50% of them are natural juices, and a significant part is nectars.

The resulting products are carefully packaged in special Tetra Pak containers. Much less often, manufacturers can use glass containers. This is understandable, because it costs much more, moreover, it is not so practical. It is more difficult to transport because of its greater weight, and the product remains worse than in Tetra Pak packaging.

Manufacturers pack the finished juice in 1 liter containers. They are considered the most optimal. In order to service one automated line, the productivity of which is about two tons of the finished product per hour, approximately 30 people are needed (this includes all workers, loaders and the staff of managers). Of course, as in any food production, the chief technologist in this whole “kingdom” of juices and nectars is. It bears all responsibility for the quality of the final product.

how to produce juice

Advertising and promotions

As we mentioned above, a successful business plan is necessary for the successful implementation of this business. Juice production needs to be carefully planned. In particular, it is necessary to carefully study the main issue - the implementation of the resulting product. No matter how well you set up production and no matter how wonderful everything works for you, but if there are no quick distribution channels, then such a thing is worthless.

The easiest and most logical way to solve this issue is to conclude agreements with grocery stores, kiosks, markets and shopping pavilions.It will be useful to back up this work with good advertising. By the way, include PR expenses in your business plan.

Juice production requires a competent approach, including the promotion of goods. Special promotions work great. Do not neglect the internet. Create the appropriate groups in various social networks. Today, the share of juice sales, thanks to good work with the Internet audience, is very high.

Choose the right time to sell products

Despite the fact that the contents of Tetra Pak are perfectly preserved throughout the year, the highest demand for products is observed in the summer. If we talk about other times of the year, then a significant increase in sales happens during the winter holidays. Therefore, when determining the volume of production, try to make sure that the increase in the number of juice packages produced falls at the right time. In this case, you are guaranteed to increase your profit or be able to cover the costs of other unprofitable months.

Everything within the law

Pay special attention to the fact that the entire production process must be carried out in accordance with the requirements of GOSTs. Their violation may threaten you with significant sanctions by the state. You must also get a certificate of conformity at Rospotrebnadzor.

Negotiator Talent

It is very important to have long-term contracts with suppliers of raw materials. To save money on its delivery to the processing place, it is advisable to place production near settlements where berries and fruits are picked.

To summarize. To get started, make a business plan. In this case, the production of juices can be made easier. The plan will be your beacon in the business world and in case of "storms" it will always be able to indicate the correct direction of movement. Next, find the money, at least 3-4 million rubles. Your company may consist of 30 people. This is enough to serve the average production of vegetable juices.

For a more successful sale of your products, consider an advertising campaign. A special demand for your products is felt in the hot summer months and during the New Year holidays. That’s probably all. Do not be afraid to take risks. But do it meaningfully. In this case, success will certainly come to you.

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