
Hunting business plan. How to rent hunting grounds

how to rent hunting grounds

Hunting entrepreneurs are often concerned with the question: “How to rent hunting grounds?” Where, where, and in Russia there really is plenty to choose from!

The total area of ​​hunting grounds, i.e., the habitat of wild animals, in the Russian Federation is 1.5 billion hectares. The number of species of animals that are allowed to hunt (hunting resources) is 228. The scope of the hunting economy provides a trade turnover of 80-100 billion rubles.

It is more cost-effective than feeding minks, Arctic foxes in aviaries. The traditional classification distinguishes between open, forest, marsh and water hunting areas. Public relations associated with their operation are regulated by the Federal Law “On Hunting and on the Preservation of Hunting Resources ...”

The most demanded are forest resources. Most often private hunting grounds are organized in their midst. There are several classifications. The first of them (according to the age of the stand) uses a ten-year gradation for deciduous trees and a twenty-year gradation for conifers. (Grade 1 and 2 - young growth, 3 and 4 - middle-aged, further - ripening, ripe and overripe plantings).

The second classification, according to D.N. Danilov, distinguishes between swampy, mossy, floodplain, complex, dry and lichen, rocky forests. These are the most general classifications, in fact there are much more.

The legal classification assumes three groups: the first - generally accessible hunting grounds (which by law occupy at least 20% of the total), the second - assigned to individuals and legal entities (in fact, the subject of this article), and finally the third - hunting grounds which is limited or prohibited by the established regime of protected areas.

Those who are interested in how to rent hunting grounds should focus on the second group.

Selection of land for rent. Preliminary planning

It is obvious that an entrepreneur in the hunting business chooses for himself such a lease of forest land that is promising and potentially profitable, while using the methods of hunting management. The activities that it includes are divided into preparatory, field and office.

Of course, you have to “measure seven times” before renting a hunting ground. During the preparatory measures, the documents of the land departments of the district executive committees, environmental organizations, veterinary services, and agricultural departments are studied. The meaning of field work is to qualitatively assess the populations of the leased territory.

The final stage of the assessment process is cameral work, during which the information of the preparatory and field stages is summarized, forest land is estimated in terms of value, the hunting economy is geographically planned, shooting is rationed, biotechnical and security measures are planned, optoeconomic maps and schemes are drawn up. The species abundance of hunting resources, how they are spatially distributed, and the adequacy of natural feeds are estimated.

Thus, those who are interested in renting hunting grounds cannot do without a ranger survey of the land.

What area is worth renting? Opinions, of course, may be different. We believe that the point of view of Aleksey Danilkin, Doctor of Biological Sciences, deserves attention.A more moderate approach involves an area of ​​thirty thousand hectares. The cost of such a lease in its moderate form will cost the entrepreneur $ 600.


If you answer from a legal point of view to the question "how to rent hunting grounds", then we will, of course, focus on documentary operations. The main stages of leasing are the acquisition of the status of individual entrepreneur or legal entity, the selection and lease of specific land, the conclusion of a hunting agreement with the State Hunting Inspection (as a result of winning the auction), and obtaining a state license for the use of hunting resources.

private hunting grounds

Licensing will require you to submit an application to the relevant executive body of state power containing information about the future hunting business, as well as the estimated qualitative and temporal parameters of the use of the animal world (shooting and recovery). It is reasonable to draw up a similar application based on the results of desk work. In fact, this is a draft hunting business plan.

It is possible to acquire hunting lands as property, however, it is an order of magnitude more expensive, and, accordingly, we can talk about profitability here only for long periods of time. It is, rather, an investment of capital than entrepreneurship.

Ways of development of a modern hunting economy

After acquiring the rights to use, the question of how to organize a hunting farm becomes relevant. The entrepreneur, having rented a hunting farm, not only makes profit from it, but also purposefully works to ensure that this profit becomes higher.

Of primary importance is the accuracy of determining the number of animals in a given farm at the beginning of the hunting season. This is the cornerstone from which all the main indicators of the hunting economy are planned. First of all, fur-bearing animals, as well as large artiodactyls, are taken into account. Their number is estimated in the number of individuals per thousand hectares of land. To do this, first, counting is done on test sites and routes, and then this sample is rounded for the entire land area.opening of a hunting store

The criterion for the quality of hunting enterprises is the coefficient of land productivity (this indicator is calculated for each type of animal).

For good lands it is 250, for those with a quality above average - 165, for medium - 100, for quality below average - 50, for bad - 15. In practice, this means, for example, that in good hunting farms there are 2.5 times more animals, than average.

To get good land for rent is, of course, great luck. And it, as a rule, does not happen. Be realistic, you will be given the maximum average farm rent.

You have to improve its quality: improve the forage base, increase the protective and nest suitable properties by increasing the forest cover and enriching the stands. It may even have to be reclaimed in a certain area. Only on the basis of a reliable "forage rear" will it be possible to further develop the hunting business.

With a sufficient amount of feed, good measures are demonstrated by additional measures for the artificial settlement of land by animals and birds.

Hunting farm success depends on rangers

Obviously, an understanding of how to organize a private hunting economy should combine not only the approaches of entrepreneurship, but also the specific aspects of the jaeger business. Competent management of the hunting economy should provide expanded reproduction of animals and birds.

For this, one should be guided in migrations, know the biology of the main animal species and their ability to restore livestock. However, it is incorrect to assume that the population of certain commercial animals is advisable to increase above the optimum. The food supply worsens and diseases begin.Such purposeful activity, solving the problem of how to organize a hunting farm, is called hunting management, it is professionally run by huntsmen.

Some business moments

Where to start the economic activity of the hunting economy? First, measures should be taken to minimize the number of roads. Ideally, there should be one leading to the forestry, equipped with a roadblock and a barrier.

Extra roads, if even with their help deforestation, one must try to close legally. And then - dig and fill up. This puts a barrier to car poaching and prevents a certain amount of risks in the future. The cost of clearing the road and equipping the post will be about $ 1,000.

Hunting Documentary

What documents serve the hunting business? Each hunter, in accordance with the Federal Law “On Hunting,” must have in his hands an indefinite issued by the State Hunting hunting ticket single federal sample. (The restriction for receiving it is an unexpunged or outstanding conviction for a deliberate crime).

The second document received by the hunter is a permit (license) for hunting. It operates within the framework of the hunting farm that issued it. In turn, the hunting farm receives blanks of permits (licenses) from the territorial authority of the State Hunting Inspectorate.

When hunting for licensed animals, that is, hunting them by tracing and pursuing them in a state of their natural freedom, the hunter instead of a ticket receives a license from the hunting farm or signs a contract. It should be noted that the validity of both vouchers and licenses is limited in time. After using the forms of these documents are submitted by hunters to the hunting economy. In addition, monitoring the observance of hunting terms, accounting of voucher forms (licenses) is a function of the hunting farm.

Organization of the activities of the hunting farm

In general, the organization of the activity of a hunting farm is regulated and made by its staff. It is these people who know how to organize a hunting economy who determine the level of service for hunters visiting the respective lands. The basic package of services includes accommodation and meals, huntsman services, as well as trophy processing.

Significantly increase the profitability of the hunting economy additional services: bath services, massage, swimming pool, water routes, games (billiards, volleyball, table tennis), picnics with barbecue facilities, playgrounds for sports, shooting (shooting gallery), laundry, internet, transport services, hunting ecotourism.

The general activity of the enterprise in question is carried out on the basis of a plan that takes into account, in addition to products obtained directly from the hunting economy itself, also investments in it. It should immediately be noted that for the first two to three months after its establishment, the hunting economy is working towards break-even points. During the same period, entrepreneurs in the field of hunting business in order to increase the flow of financing are recommended to conclude agreements with third-party organizations.

Hunting staff

The minimum staff of the hunting economy includes a manager, huntsman and cook. The manager carries out planning for its development and monitors the implementation of this plan. Requirements for it: higher education (preferably special), the availability of vehicles, experience in the hotel business is welcome.

Personally, he negotiates and concludes contracts with partners, customers, organizes work, and controls staff.

The huntsman must have a higher special or secondary education and two years of experience in this specialty. It takes into account the number of animals, monitors compliance with hunting rules, conducts security measures and measures to regulate the number of animals.He prepares feed, salt licks, equips feed sites and feeders, artificial nests.

The cook, of course, must be a true specialist in the preparation of game dishes. The success of the hunting business will also depend on his skill. The cook and the huntsman should equip their accommodation separately from the guest houses.


Since the main types of costs we have already mentioned in this article, it remains for us to show the directions of profitability of the hunting economy. Each such farm approves its tariffs for trophies obtained by hunters. Only a small percentage of them is income from the sale of permits and licenses (300-1000 rubles).

The main source of income is the payment by hunters (clients of the hunting farm) of transport services, huntsman, cook, accommodation, services related to the processing of trophies (salting, smoking, freezing meat, removing and processing hides, intermediary services for making scarecrows). If there is a reservoir during the hunting economy, then it receives additional income from the rental of fishing equipment and a fee for caught fish (tariffication - by weight).

Hunting business

Hunter entrepreneurs, especially from the townspeople, are often interested in what is needed to open a hunting store? For this, firstly, you should be guided by the legal norms governing the sale of weapons. To open a business, you will need to invest about 3 million rubles in it. Documents required by the local government and local ATC and a license to sell weapons. Its price is 150 thousand rubles.

The remaining cost items are typical for all entrepreneurs opening their own business. These are state and tax registration, registration with a statistical agency, rent, a contract of security and fire alarm services. And, of course, the opening of a hunting store is associated with the purchase of equipment ($ 8-10 thousand) and goods ($ 5-6 thousand).


To organize a profitable hunting economy is a specific matter. For its successful functioning, it is important to combine the skills of huntsmen, extraordinary organizational skills, enthusiasm in arranging service, unique cuisine.how to rent a hunting ground

The farms that have concluded agreements with large enterprises on the rest of hunters from among their employees work successfully and rhythmically. The organization of elite hunting with planned trophies and the development of ecological tourism are also promising.

“Word of mouth” is of great importance: effective hunting, guaranteeing trophies, as well as well-established service are the key to the commercial success of the hunting economy.

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