
Business plan for the production of frozen semi-finished products. How to make frozen pancakes?

business plan for the production of frozen semi-finished products

The market for frozen semi-finished products in Russia is considered favorable for starting a business, despite competition. Its volume over the past year is estimated at about 1,900 thousand tons of products, or in monetary terms - $ 4-4.2 billion.

To open a profitable business in this structured market, of course, you should draw up a business plan for the production of frozen semi-finished products. The most popular segment of this production is pancakes / dumplings / dumplings / khinkali. It takes up approximately 30% of the turnover.

Initial conditions

How to start a business plan the production of frozen convenience foods? When it’s not worth undertaking it even with the availability of funds? The answer is obvious. Initially, it is necessary to achieve firm agreements or arrangements for the future sale of products. Inadmissible frivolity is to establish production without providing a dynamic sale of products.

Buyers of frozen products can be wholesale trading companies, supermarkets, convenience stores. Direct supply of catering is also practiced. Frozen convenience foods for cafes are popular. The entrepreneur should constantly expand the sales area.

It is important to maintain regulatory parameters. Of course, it is necessary to thoroughly study GOST R 52674-2006, which regulates the manufacture of semi-finished meat and meat products, as well as GOST R 51187-98, which prescribes the labeling of packaging of meat semi-finished products

But if you are a manufacturer, and you already have refrigeration equipment, then not opening this business is simply frivolity, because the cost of producing frozen semi-finished products will be half as much.


To start the production of frozen products with an output of 1 ton per day (with automation of the main processes), a staff of 7 people will be needed. In the future, increasing the yield, it is additionally necessary to recruit personnel.

Do not rush to start a business without having at least two qualified technologists in the state who are able to organize and manage automated (semi-automated) production.

frozen pancakes

To optimize the number of personnel at the stage of increasing production to 5 tons of products per day, it is preferable that the director performs the functions of an accountant, and the deputy supply (with the right to conclude contracts) - the functions of the driver.

Registration and rental

The legal form of such a business is usually an individual entrepreneur or LLC. Most of the founders open a medium-sized business, registering as an individual entrepreneur, choosing for themselves a simplified form of taxation. Recommended OKVED codes used during registration are 1511400, 1511410, 1511420.

For production rental with an output of 1 ton of products per day, we recommend using a production facility of a similar purpose with an area of ​​70 m2. At the same time, sanitary standards for food production will be automatically taken into account. And you without any problems during product certification will be issued a sanitary-epidemiological conclusion of the production premises and a declaration of conformity.

Main products

A business plan for the production of frozen semi-finished products (pancakes, dumplings, dumplings, dumplings, khinkali in packages of 0.5, 0.7 or 1.0 kg) begins with a description of the main points of activity.

Imagine his example. The daily output of the enterprise is 1 ton of products.The main assortment: pancakes (ground beef and chicken, cottage cheese, fruit filling), dumplings and khinkali (pork and ground beef and chicken), dumplings (liver, potato, cabbage).

Technology features: the production of pancakes, dumplings, khinkali will be produced without the addition of soy.

Raw materials purchase: farms "A", "B", "C", "G", "D" in the N-district.

Product sales: supermarkets "A", "B", "C", "D", "E", "F", "G".

Since we are limited in volume in this article, the further business plan for the production of frozen semi-finished products will be deliberately narrowed by us to the production of pancakes. We believe that entrepreneurs (our readers), having understood the principle, will be able to independently equip the production lines of dumplings, dumplings and khinkali.

Trademark Registration

For a registered entrepreneur who has understood the features of his production and the competitive advantages of products, it is time to register a trademark. You, as the copyright holder, submit to Rospatent a statement, a registered designation, a list of products for assigning a trademark, its verbal description. During the year, an examination of the package of documents will take place (during which clarifications are possible), as a result of which the petitioner receives an individual state registration. She turns his products into recognizable and prevents fakes.

Production method

Production can be organized in two versions. The first - using manual labor (for this you should pay for the work of 8-10 modelers), the second is based on the operation of automatic (semi-automatic) specialized equipment.

Manual labor introduces its limitations in production: the quality of mixing the meat in the processing of ice cream suffers meat, meat it is necessary to defrost, which negatively affects the shelf life and quality.

For obvious reasons, we will choose automation. Accordingly, in the business plan for the production of pancakes, we will include the purchase of special equipment.

Test Equipment

In today's market, you have to choose between Italian, Chinese, Russian-made equipment. Italian is much more expensive, but it is fully automated, it guarantees high quality and productivity, therefore it is recommended for large-scale production (where it pays off). For medium-sized manufacturers, Chinese and Russian semi-automatic equipment producing frozen pancakes are more suitable.

To prepare a pancake dough, a flour sifter, a dough mixer with a volume of 50 liters or more will be required. Pancake dough has a liquid consistency, being made from flour, eggs, milk, sugar.

Cooking minced meat and other fillings

The following are the nuances associated with the type of raw meat (half carcasses, or frozen briquettes).

To process frozen briquettes you will have to purchase:

  • band saw, sawing meat briquettes;
  • two “chest” type refrigerators with a capacity of 1.5 m3 (the first - to increase the temperature of briquettes to - 100With pre-cut, the second - for freezing minced meat);
  • a bath for thawing when cutting;
  • industrial meat grinder;
  • minced meat mixer.

pancake production lines

The approximate price of such a set of equipment will be from $ 5.5 thousand.

The option with processing half carcasses is more economical, it will require the purchase of a deboning table, an industrial meat grinder, a meat mixer, one refrigerated chest (from $ 3,000).

Other fillings are produced using an industrial mixer (from $ 0.7 thousand): cottage cheese with raisins, potatoes with mushrooms and onions, various fruit fillings.

For the heat treatment of fillings, additional equipment is required: steam converters and digesters ($ 3,000).

Finally, the pancakes themselves

Modern automated pancake production is implemented on a specialized line. Its price is from $ 20 thousand.

There are two technologies for baking the test basis of pancakes: drum type (stuffed with "Rotofour" type) and carousel type (traditional pancakes). In both cases, heating of the working surfaces is done by gas.

The businessmen experience we have considered involves pancake machines for double-sided roasting of a carousel type. They produce (optional) pancake tape, rectangular or round perfectly baked blanks. Then they move along the conveyor to the filling dispensing device and the folding device.

Thus, pancake production lines can ensure the dynamic development of production and the high quality of their manufacture.

Packaging, freezing

Pancakes are packed in packs of 0.5, 0.7 or 1 kg each on the packaging line, which includes a cardboard box, a horizontal packer, and equipment for automatically setting the current production date. The price of the above equipment is relatively low and is $ 1,500.

pancake business plan

The last step in the preparation of pancakes is their low-temperature freezing in an industrial refrigerating chamber. This equipment is the most expensive, its price is from $ 25 thousand. Modern technological equipment allows you to answer the question of how to freeze pancakes without filling and with a wide variety of filling.

Business profitability

There is no point in organizing human-made production in the 21st century, especially since the costs for the frozen semi-finished products workshop are relatively low. To open a business, provided with special equipment and capable of further dynamically developing, the minimum amount of initial costs is $ 60 thousand.

For a newly launched enterprise, achievement break-even points does not take much time (about 0.5 months). The lion's share of fixed costs will be rent, purchase of raw materials, depreciation, payment of electricity and gas, wages. To increase profitability, a course should be taken to increase production. The dynamics are obvious: with daily weight gross output 1 ton profitability will be 9%, for 3 tons this indicator will increase to 12%, for 5 tons - up to 5%.

Note that the manual production of frozen products can give a profitability of 15% for less daily output than 1 ton, but the prospects for growth and stability of such a business are doubtful.


In recent years, a positive trend has been observed in this segment for the replacement of price competition by quality competition. There is a growing population demand for cost-effective products that are close in their characteristics to home products. Consumers begin to focus on their favorite brands.

how to freeze pancakes without filling

Technologists go to the manufacture of very high-quality products, certify them. There is a consolidation of the business. Automation allows you to increase production volumes, and therefore, profitability. Small manufacturers that manufacture products by hand are being superseded by larger technology competitors that are able to work dynamically, demonstrating stable quality.

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