
Profitable business: pizza making. Pizza delivery business plan. Calculation of the cost of pizza

pizza brands

Pizza is one of the most popular dishes in our country. This fact makes us talk about the production and sale of it as a very profitable type of entrepreneurial activity. At the same time, one cannot fail to note the fact that simply writing a pizza delivery business plan is not enough.

In addition to it, it is necessary to obtain a number of permits and certificates, which, according to statistics, requires about three months of time. As for the legal form of the enterprise being opened, then the best option would be a limited liability company. Mandatory is the presence of such registration documents as certificates of state registration and registration with the tax authorities.

In addition, documents are required that certify the list of products sold, their volume, location, personal medical book, as well as a ticket for sanitary violations.

Choice of premises

Speaking about the choice of a place of activity, first of all, attention should be focused on the fact that it should not be located in a residential building. In this regard, it is better to stop the choice on the functioning food blocks of various enterprises or office detached buildings.

Another important requirement is the presence of at least three inputs - for personnel, the introduction of raw materials and the removal of cooked products. Do not forget that nearby should not be located any workshops that work with toxic materials. In this case, it is unlikely that it will be possible to obtain permission from the SES to open a small enterprise.


Making pizza is impossible without three elements such as an oven, dough mixer and refrigerator. In all other respects, the choice of equipment depends only on how the business develops. It is recommended to select the main units, taking into account the development coefficient of future delivery.

In other words, if it is initially planned to produce 100 pizzas every day, then you should be prepared for the fact that after some time the equipment should have enough capacity to produce 150 units. It is recommended to do so, taking into account the fact that the number of orders at certain hours is different.

The most common mistake is to save on equipment. This does not mean that you need to choose the most expensive units. It is enough to opt for high-quality (for example, Italian) equipment, the main indicator of which is high performance. On average, this expense item will have to spend about 250 thousand rubles.

Crockery and inventory

Now on the market there are many companies that specialize in inventory and utensils intended for both pizzerias and pizza deliveries. In this regard, any problems associated with this issue should not arise. All that needs to be purchased is screenshots (forms), a rolling pin, scapulas for working with dough and containers for storing it, pots, knives, cutting boards and a puncher. On average, such a set costs 35-40 thousand rubles.


Frozen pizza convenience foods that just need to be reheated in the microwave have long had a bad reputation. In this regard, the preparation of this food should be approached very responsibly. As practice shows, most businessmen who work in this area do not understand the technology of pizza production. Often they seek recipes on the Internet.

This is wrong, because such recipes are more suitable for home cooking, while for more serious production, technological and costing cards are required, which only a technologist or a chef is able to produce qualitatively. They can also train staff. This will require some investment. On the other hand, thanks to professionals, you can create real pizza brands that will attract many customers.

pizza delivery business plan


One of the main problems associated with this type of entrepreneurial activity is a very small number of specialized courses. In this regard, novice pizza makers are usually taught by hired cooks or technologists. The best option would be to invite a specialist who has experience with the test. In addition, pizzerias often take citizens who came from the Central Asian regions, where they dealt with cakes.

Experience shows that retraining them for making pizza is not very difficult. Ideally, with round-the-clock operation and delivery, two to four chefs are needed. In addition, you still need to hire two dispatchers, one accountant and four couriers. It should be noted that the last employees are often outsourced, because delivery can be entrusted to specialized services.

Cost and Profitability

Calculation of the cost of pizza is quite simple. It depends, first of all, on the ingredients that go into the dish. In a classic form, these include dough, onions, cheese, ham and sauces. After multiplying the required weight by the cost of the products, it turns out that two-gram pizza costs an average of 22 rubles. It should be remembered that the margin sometimes reaches 500%, which gives the right to talk about high potential profits.

In addition to the costs of equipment and inventory, which were discussed earlier, you will have to spend money on assortment certification. As practice shows, its cost is in the range from 30 to 60 thousand rubles. Due to the low cost and rather high margin, the profitability of enterprises specializing in the manufacture of pizza and its delivery reaches 60%.

Advantages and disadvantages

This area of ​​activity has both positive and negative sides. The main disadvantage is that the same sanitary standards apply to the delivery as to ordinary enterprises that operate in the food industry (for example, a bakery). In addition, poor location choices will lead to low demand. Well, one should not forget about frequent traffic jams, because of which the client has to wait, which, in turn, often leads to his dissatisfaction with the quality of the services provided.

Calculation of the cost of pizza

Be that as it may, making pizza as a business has more advantages. Among them, there is no need for expenses for the purchase of furniture and repair of retail premises, a relatively small number of employees, relatively cheap equipment and inventory, and a small menu (about 30 items will be enough).

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