
Own business: production of frozen semi-finished products. Technology and equipment for production, costing and requirements of SES

Production of frozen semi-finished products

In Soviet times, the puff pastry production process was a rather difficult task. This happened like this: they took the finished yeast dough, which was sprinkled with ground frozen butter, and often even margarine, and rolled out. This work was fraught with complexity, which consisted in the fact that the oil was heated during the rolling process and melted, so first the whole mass had to be cooled. It turned out that cooling and rolling had to be repeated many times.

How can this be implemented?

The technology for preparing puff pastry also involved the use of an alternative. It was kneaded from flour, salt, vinegar, water and margarine, that is, it was already a fresh product. And then it was rolled out only 2 times. At bakeries and confectioneries, melange is now introduced into this dough as an emulsifier. This composition allows you to repeatedly roll out the dough.

Naturally, certain equipment is required. Here we are talking about the use of devices for kneading dough, rolling it, as well as packaging. In addition, freezers are required in which finished products will be stored.

Transportation of such products is possible only in special vehicles. Depending on the scale of production, one or several units for kneading dough, rolling machines, as well as specialized molding equipment, with which semi-finished products will be obtained, will be required.

The use of puff pastry

From this product, pies with a variety of fillings are currently being produced, starting with meat and ending with jam. This versatility is explained by the fact that now it is a fresh product, therefore it is combined with sweet and unsweetened fillers.

But the technology for preparing puff pastry received a huge innovation - quick freezing. At the moment, it is very popular to freeze small semi-finished products that are sold in pieces or by weight - these can be dumplings, meatballs, khinkali, pancakes with different fillings, dumplings and more.

Quick freezing also became relevant for a host of other products, for example, pizza, puff pastry, ready-made cakes. Its main purpose is to stop the fermentation processes in the dough so that it can be prepared directly at the point of sale, or stored for a long time in frozen form.

Idea for business

If you decide to start the production of frozen semi-finished products, you must understand that to maintain the quality of products at a height can only be achieved if the proper equipment is used. Puff pastry does not need a long kneading. But you will need to increase the cost of electrical energy due to the specifics of the cooking process.

You will need not only equipment for the production of dough, but also a good technologist who knows exactly what subtleties the process of preparing a frozen product is associated with, and which will necessarily follow the production technology methodically.

Raw material requirements

It is unacceptable to prepare puff pastry for freezing from ordinary flour, since such a product will have a very low ability to hold air, which will not allow it to rise well, and the pie from it will not be friable and airy, but, on the contrary, will have a completely unsightly appearance. Similarly, it will not work to make beautiful products from frozen puff yeast dough.

Therefore, everything happens like this: in a flour with a low protein content, first added gluten concentrate or dry gluten. And in the kneaded test, it should be at least 32%, since this very fact affects its ability to rise. The elasticity index for the flour used should be 100% or close to this mark, but at the same time, amylase activity should be weak, and the content of fatty acids should be low.

Convenience Freezing

Own business

If you decide to organize the production of frozen semi-finished products, you should know that yeast is the second important component after flour. They are responsible for the porosity and elasticity of the finished dough product.

If there is further freezing of the dough, then pressed yeast is usually used. And here it is important to choose the right manufacturer. Ideally, it is recommended to use special pressed yeast from manufacturers from Europe.

When organizing the production of frozen semi-finished products, it is worth remembering that domestic yeast slows down very much when the temperature drops, which requires them to use twice as much as the product from European manufacturers. In the latter, there are strains that can maintain their effect at low temperatures, which allows you to successfully continue the fermentation process.

If you are still interested in the freezing of convenience foods, then the price question arises, because imported yeast is more expensive, but better, and domestic cheaper. This fishing rod usually gets many manufacturers who want to save on raw materials, increasing their own profits. However, the result is only low quality products.

How to be

If your production of frozen semi-finished products is carried out in full accordance with all the rules, that is, special yeast is used, then the products will turn out to be flawless in appearance and taste. And when using ordinary yeast, you should determine the exact amount to obtain the desired effect. Earlier it was noted that you can cook puff pastry without yeast, but the yeast product is valued higher.

When cooking occurs without the use of yeast, splendor can only be achieved with butter or margarine. In the baking process, fat is absorbed and the dough is stratified. It is better not to save money when choosing margarine, preferring a high-quality product with a pleasant taste. Then you get thin and crumbly layers of dough.

So, after the dough is ready, its storage in the form of a semi-finished product is carried out at a temperature of -12 to -20 degrees Celsius, and the shelf life can be several months and it depends on the quality of the feedstock and on how exactly the production technology was followed . If storage conditions are violated (if the product has defrosted), it cannot be re-frozen.

Dough production equipment

After choosing a production facility, you will need to redevelop it so that it meets the requirements of fire supervision and SES, that is, install sinks for washing hands, observe a certain ceiling height, place fire extinguishers and evacuation plans, etc.

The production of frozen semi-finished products will require considerable financial investments from you at the first stage. Only equipment will cost several million rubles. And here it is important to understand that an attempt not to save anything will play a trick on you, because in the long run it will affect the quality of the products.

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