
Business plan: repair and decoration of apartments. How to find a customer for finishing work. Apartment decoration and repair business

apartment decoration and repair businessThe construction business has been and remains one of the most profitable. No matter how expensive the land on which the new home is to grow, and no matter how inflation increases, it will still be beneficial for you to build and sell multi-apartment buildings. Naturally, the apartment decoration and repair business is also considered one of the most profitable. He was, is and will certainly be as long as our civilization exists at all.

Business to which competition is not an obstacle

business plan repair and decoration of apartmentsExperts in this area are confident that while housing is being built, sold or exchanged, companies involved in repair and decoration work will be insanely profitable. Just think about how inexhaustible this market is.

Indeed, in addition to the trendy tendency to rent new apartments for self-decoration, there are thousands of apartments related to secondary housing, which at least once every 7 years need at least “cosmetics”.

In this case, only a few owners decide to glue wallpaper and rebuild linoleum on their own. The lion's share of Russians prefers to seek help from a specialized company. Thus, the business of decorating and repairing apartments is always relevant. Enough work for everyone, despite the high level of competition.

How is honey smeared? Why do many seek to open an apartment repair company?

how to find a client for apartment renovationLet's see why this line of business is so attractive. Firstly, the fact that it is customary to make all payments here in cash, and secondly, you can not pay taxes, since tax authorities simply do not have any opportunity to really evaluate the volume of work performed.

Thus, there are many loopholes in order to hide the true income. In no case do we urge this to be done. Taxes must be paid. They are not so large, but the consequences of concealment can inflict a very tangible blow on your pocket and ruin the image of the company.

Nevertheless, many negligent companies operate in this market using gray schemes. Sometimes, some organizations, having all the necessary permits, still carry out their activities as if "in the old manner", that is, without proper ordering.

So that finances do not sing romances

The second positive point is the relatively low threshold for entering this field of activity. At the first stage, you can do the sum of only $ 10,000. Moreover, this money will be distributed to the following needs:

  • for paperwork and obtaining a license of approximately $ 3000,
  • for the purchase of a professional tool for repair and decoration - $ 5000.
  • to buy a used car - about $ 2000.

As you can see, the investments are really small. The main expenses are related to the need to open an apartment decoration company and buy a tool for performing work. An office in the center of the capital with pathos flags and long-legged secretaries is optional. At first you can do without renting a room at all.

The most important thing for you is to recruit a staff of good specialists and solve the question of how to find a client for apartment renovation. Olit shows that almost all customers (and to be precise, 80%) apply for services according to recommendations. Therefore, we recommend focusing on the selection of excellent personnel and really high-quality performance of all work.Only in this case can one dream of luxurious offices and multi-million dollar earnings.

What services are provided?

open an apartment repair companyCustomers, as a rule, apply in order to order economy class repairs (with a claim to luxury, but performed with inexpensive materials), cosmetic (wallpaper plywood, painting and so on) and luxury (here the customer’s imagination is unlimited).

The latter type of work is considered one of the highest quality and most expensive. It can cost from about $ 100-150 per square meter. As part of this repair, the walls are aligned. They are covered with several layers of special material, and then sanded to obtain perfect surfaces.

On the ceiling can be arranged two- and three-tier constructions of gypsum plasterboard with a dazzling brilliance of spotlights. Needless to say, only the best European materials are used in the work?

And if cheaper?

A level below is repairing an economy class. It requires significantly less both financial and time costs. Such repairs may cost about $ 80 per 1 sq. m. How can the price be reduced? First of all, due to the lower complexity of all operations.

So, for example, not the entire wall can be leveled, but only part of it (20 centimeters above and below), this creates an illusory appearance of the geometry of the correct form. Finally, cosmetic work is considered the cheapest. They are priced at no more than $ 40 per sq. m. The maximum that is done by the construction and finishing company is to remove the old wallpaper, paste new ones, whitewash the ceiling and, if necessary, completely or partially replace the tile.

Now about the timing and profitability

In order to make a high-quality and full-fledged “luxury” level repair in an apartment with three rooms, it takes about three months. But this is provided that the company will have the necessary staff of highly qualified employees who will do everything in good faith and quickly. In practice, these works can last up to six months.

And the point here is not only that specialists may not be at the level that was previously stated, but in the features of the process. Some operations are performed in strict sequence one after another and with certain temporary pauses, which enable the materials to dry properly and get stronger. In order for everything to go smoothly, the company draws up a business plan for the repair of the apartment, which is then agreed with the client and approved.

In the process of painting, leveling the walls, the parties can always appeal to him and thus, exercise control over the estimate and the timing of the assignment. As for ordinary repairs in an apartment with one room (without leveling uneven surfaces of the floor and ceiling), it can be done in about 10-14 days.

The most cost-effective types of work

Repairing an economy level may take a little longer. In general, among the leaders of finishing companies, it is considered the most preferable, since during the time, for example, the execution of the "luxury" order, you can make several economical ones. At the same time, the owner of the apartment will not put forward additional requirements and find fault with the quality of work performed.

how to find a customer for finishing workIn general, various works differ greatly in profitability. Some of them are capable of giving about 50% of the profit. These include an electrician. Perhaps it may seem to some that it is impossible to make money on it, because the prices are really low.

However, taking into account the scale of work on laying electricians in a three- or four-room apartment, we can calculate that their total cost is quite capable of exceeding $ 1000.

Each head of the company understands that electricity is a bonanza, therefore, it is always necessary to keep at least one electrician on staff.It is even possible on a salary, so that in the event of an order, quickly orient all profile employees to the object.

Something is profitable, but something is not

The business plan of an apartment building construction company can go up significantly if you include services for installing air conditioners, double-glazed windows and plumbing work. They are considered even more beneficial than the electrical part. If the client wants to supply a new toilet bowl, sink, heated towel rail, bathtub or shower, then for this work he will have to significantly pay the order executing company.

As for the tiled and painting works, they are very cheap and do not particularly pay for the applied labor. Therefore, you, as the future head of the construction and finishing company, should decide how to find a customer for finishing work that would include the most cost-effective types. However, you can’t refuse anything, especially at the first stage of the company’s work.

Indeed, if you, for example, successfully conduct electricity, it is quite possible that the customer will contact you again, but already with a request to do plumbing and double-glazed windows. And the best thing is to do everything in a complex and carry out turnkey apartment renovation. In this case, you can earn really good money. However, for this it is necessary to work on the market for several years, earn a good reputation, gain the respect of construction companies that will entrust you with the completion of the final (before the introduction of tenants) work.

How is the work process carried out?

After you register, come up with the name of the apartment repair company and recruit staff, you will need to find a client. Here you will need maximum charisma and business acumen. Clients can be sought by submitting an advertisement in a specialized newspaper, using their own website, active PR in the relevant forums and chats. The most difficult thing is to repair the first customers.

Then they will start talking about you, recommending you. Work will go uphill. And subject to the high-quality fulfillment of the tasks set by the client, you will not strain, thinking how to find a client for apartment renovation. They will contact you. If there is a client, the foreman is sent to him in order to estimate the estimate.

In the first months after the opening of the company, you can perform these functions yourself. Just so you can save on an expensive employee. During the preparation of the estimate, it is advisable to make postscripts for insurance (approximately within 10%), since you can not exactly know how much you need this or that material.

Constantly work on the development strategy of the company

turnkey apartment renovationWhen all the digital values ​​are clarified and summed up, they are shown to the client, and if everything suits him, the repair begins. The staff of new companies is usually very small. It can consist of a foreman, electrician, tiler and finisher. However, the facility can conveyorly work up to 20 people.

Having taken the object, you can start work by your own staff, gradually connecting hired employees. At the same time, it is important for you to continue work on finding new customers. As the head of the company, you will often need to draw up a business plan "Repair and decoration of apartments." It will be necessary if you have several objects in your work at once. Thanks to this plan, you can more correctly distribute labor and materials.

Do not forget about advertising

The business plan “Repair and decoration of apartments” will also help you to really assess the capabilities of your company, the prospects for its further growth and development. Keep in mind that for construction and finishing work, the term seasonality applies. Winter is almost a "dead time". Orders are expected from late spring to mid-autumn. This must be taken into account when preparing a business plan “Repair and decoration of apartments”. However, no matter what time it was in the yard, constantly work on the advertising and PR of your company.Then you will have orders, money, and, therefore, opportunities for real growth.

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