
Fitness club - how to open a business

To lead a healthy lifestyle is very fashionable today. And this is due not only to the fact that everyone does it. Fitness clubOver time, people realize that it’s much easier to maintain health now than to be treated in the future. And in addition to a healthy diet and the absence of bad habits, training in sports halls is gaining more and more popularity.

Fitness club is chosen according to several parameters. For someone it is important to have modern equipment, highly qualified personnel, a certain contingent of trainees. But fitness clubs, which are located within walking distance, close to the place of work or home, are in great demand.

To open a fitness club, it is very important to choose a room. The area of ​​the premises is better to choose based on five square meters per visitor. Plus the area of ​​utility and office space. Ideally, a fitness club should cover an area of ​​two hundred square meters. In parallel with the search for premises, all documents for opening a company should be registered. The easiest option is to register as an individual entrepreneur.

It is better to conclude a lease agreement for several years. In about five years, all costs are paid off, so taking a room for a shorter period is not cost-effective. After all, the landlord may not renew the contract after the expiration date.

When planning the design of the room, it is important to determine the target audience and develop a specific concept. Fitness club can focus on young people, then it is better to add bright colors to the interior. If the club is aimed at middle-aged clients with a high level of income, it is better to use calm tones.
The next step will be the purchase of equipment. Here you should give preference to the highest quality simulators and auxiliary elements. A good addition will be the services of a solarium, beauty salon, massage room and sports bar.

Particular attention should be paid to attendance accounting. Subscriptions to fitness clubs may be provided for a month or longer. As a rule, annual club cards are offered to visitors at more favorable conditions.
The profit of the fitness club is formed from two components - revenue from the sale of club cards and income from additional services. Subscriptions to fitness clubs for a long period, as a rule, are purchased by 70% of visitors.

Immediately after the opening, you should not put a very high price on your services. It is important to attract the maximum number of visitors. You can arrange the distribution of flyers nearby, you can arrange an open day. The distribution of invitations is best organized at major stops, near metro stations, near large shopping and entertainment centers. Many fitness clubs offer to attend the first lesson for free.

If the fitness club is aimed at people living nearby, it will not be very advisable to advertise on the radio and on television. You can place several billboards on the road leading to the club. A good incentive to visit the club of potential customers will be the organization of a sports festival. And, of course, take advantage of word of mouth - to connect all your friends and acquaintances to attract customers. Typically, advertising costs do not exceed ten percent of all organization revenue.

Only after some time, having developed a client base, you can raise prices a little. It’s better not to do this often.

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Now a lot of attention is paid to a healthy lifestyle, so I think that such a business has a future
I believe that a fitness club is a good and necessary business for people.


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