
Own business: indoor karting. Go-kart club business plan: costing and cost of necessary equipment

business plan go-kart clubKarting is not just about races in which teens participate. Wealthy people who have an acute shortage of adrenaline are considered regular customers of such centers.

That is why karting as a business should be built taking into account all the subtleties and nuances.

If everything is organized correctly, then the profitability of entrepreneurship will be approximately 50 percent in one year. In this review, an approximate business plan of a go-kart club will be considered.

What do you need to consider when designing tracks?

The track is what should be in any go-kart center. It must embody the unity of opposites. From one position, the track should be organized interestingly, and from the other, no one should suffer during the races. Steep turns, bridges, narrow turns - with the help of all this, you can make the route more exciting and interesting.

But do not get involved in extreme sports during the construction of the track. It will be necessary to foresee everything so that potential customers are not injured. It is also worth considering that the elevation angle of such a structure on a highway like a bridge should be about five degrees.

On the highway, usually accelerate by vehicle to 70 kilometers per hour. But it should be understood that the spirit of competition, as well as the power of a steel machine, can become a good incentive to achieve higher speeds. Therefore, when designing a karting center, it is necessary to make sure that there are no too long straight sections on the tracks. All this must be taken into account when drawing up the business plan of the karting club.

How much will the equipment cost?

A significant role in the proper organization of their entrepreneurial activities in the field of karting is the selection of equipment. With the help of her potential customers are able to turn into racers of international level. The price of one set of uniform is able to reach one and a half thousand rubles.

You will have to spend about 450 rubles on a helmet. Naturally, it is necessary to purchase equipment of different sizes so that each client can choose a kit for himself in size. For example, if there are about 8 karts available, you will need to purchase twice as many overalls of 6 sizes. There should be exactly the same number of helmets, only 4 different sizes.

The spirit of competition must be maintained

indoor go-kartAccording to experts, an important component in the organization of karting is the chronometric system. It should be understood that such a center is entertainment on the verge of sports.

Any person will be interested in winning, overtaking, etc. Accordingly, the first and last participant will be determined based on the readings of the chronometric system. The price of such equipment will average 150 thousand rubles.

However, when drawing up a business plan for a karting club, it must be taken into account regardless of the high cost. In addition, all expenses subsequently pay off quickly enough.

Purchase and maintenance of cars

The cost of a card for karting will be from 70 to 150 thousand rubles. Many entrepreneurs opt for Czech cars. There is an opinion that they possess the optimum ratio of quality and value. In the event that the track reaches three thousand square meters in area, ideally it will be necessary to purchase eight cars.If there is a large initial capital, then you can purchase children's models. With this step, it will be possible to draw the attention of parents to the institution.

Using one car will cost about 15 thousand rubles in one month. The main costs will go to the maintenance of rubber. The cost of one set will be approximately 3 thousand rubles. Replacement should be done about two times in one month. In addition to tires, regular costs also apply to the purchase of fuel (95 grade gasoline), as well as spare parts and repair kits.

Cars break down quite often. And in most cases, the customers are to blame. But it should be understood that the entrepreneur will have to deal with the repair directly. These are unwritten rules of this field of activity. Therefore, the business plan of the karting club must be designed with this in mind.

The staff must be highly qualified

karting serviceFirst of all, you need to find a good administrator who has a calm and balanced character. On his shoulders lie the tasks of resolving conflict situations with clients.

That administrator, who will calmly communicate with people, is able not only to resolve all kinds of conflicts, but also to maintain the club's reputation at a fairly high level.

Do not forget about hiring mechanics. Finding specialists who can serve cards is not easy, as it might seem at first glance. Naturally, absolutely every mechanic will be able to deal with cards. However, one needs a specialist who has a fairly large experience in this field.

A professional will not only be able to repair the car, but also adjust the engine, the fuel consumption and ride comfort of which will depend on the quality of work. Owners of kartodroms have one thing in common: for specialists not only to work efficiently, but also to hold on to their place, it is necessary to make wages competitive.

Advertising campaign plays an important role

At that stage, when indoor karting is just open, you will need to responsibly approach the promotion of the institution. The most effective will be the ad that will be served through radio and men's magazines. Another good advertising move will be the organization of various competitions and championships. It will not be possible to get a lot of money from these events, but a professional movement will be formed. Accordingly, the company will be provided with a large number of potential customers.

Search for a place under the go-kart center

Indoor karting cannot exist without an appropriate room, which will ensure the relevance of this institution, even in winter. An outdoor area is required for summer races. Creating an indoor organization will become a more costly pleasure. It is precisely because of this that many entrepreneurs very often rent factory floors and arrange tracks there.

Formation of the cost of services

It will be necessary to formulate the cost of using the karting track. Kart rental should be approximately three hundred rubles in ten minutes. On holidays, prices can be increased. For their money, potential customers have the right to receive full equipment, as well as lap statistics. In one hour, about 25 customers can miss the karting track.

Creating a ventilation system

By organizing indoor karting, you will need to design a ventilation system. It is necessary so that the exhaust gases do not linger in the room. Her purchase will cost about 300 thousand rubles.

What is the result?

Several examples of the design of a cartodrome should be given as an example. They are as follows:

  • Small organization. It will be necessary to lay 300 meters of asphalt, purchase three not entirely new cards, spare tires, uniforms.You will also need to pay a mechanic’s salary and build a small “shed” for the administration building. Total: initial capital should reach 120 thousand rubles at least. The area of ​​the premises will reach 3 thousand square meters.
  • Medium organization. It will take about 400 meters of paved roads, a modest building for the administration, ten cars, not too large staff. This option implies the presence of an initial capital of 900 thousand rubles.
  • Organization of a sports level. It is necessary to build a 900-meter highway and a building for the administration. You will also need to purchase a timing system, hire mechanics and workers who will perform karting services, design a shower, put a fountain in the lobby, etc. The initial capital in this case should reach several million rubles. The area of ​​the premises can reach 40 thousand square meters.

There must be a lot of potential customers

How to open a go-kart clubFor absolutely all investments to be fully justified, it will be necessary to constantly expand the client base. For this, it is necessary to organize additional sources of income.

For example, very often in karting centers you can see a bar. Naturally, a drunken client cannot be granted access to the card. However, after one mug of beer this can be done, since there will be no traffic police on the highway. You can also open sections in your company.

For example, for children. Numerous corporate events will provide a large profit to the go-kart center. With their help, it is possible to purchase about 6 thousand rubles in one hour.

However, one very important factor should be considered. For corporate clients, it is necessary to provide a very high level of service. The staff should be polite, and the restaurant, which is available on site, clean. In this area of ​​activity, you will also need to get acquainted with event agencies. With their help, it is possible to ensure the holding of show programs and various events on the territory of the karting center. Also, with their help, a script will be developed for all sorts of holidays.

With the proper organization of entrepreneurial activity, the opening of a karting club will pay off in about one and a half or two years.

Nuances to Remember

Creating your own go-kart center, it is necessary to take into account some subtleties. They should be listed:

  1. To maintain interest in the karting track, the shape and configuration of the tracks will need to be periodically changed.
  2. It will be more profitable for an entrepreneur to assemble cars with his own hands, rather than acquire them. If there are qualified employees, the initial capital required to open the center will decrease by an amount equal to approximately 30 thousand rubles per card. Cars are not subject to certification. Based on this, we can say that there will be no complaints from state bodies.
  3. The cost of karting can be reduced if some materials are produced independently. For example, the balaclava, which some customers constantly take to their home, is invisible to the administration.
  4. In order to get rid of the possibility of losing helmets for 2 thousand rubles, you need to purchase them for 500 rubles. In this case, the exit will need to put a guard. It is he who will ensure that no one steals anything.
  5. The resource of one card reaches 500 hours. After the end of this resource, the car will need to be sold. Otherwise, the cost of its maintenance will be increased.
  6. Car tires. This material is perfect for designing chippers. Moreover, in most cases, they can be provided absolutely free of charge by the owners of repair companies, since disposal will cost more.

Given all these points, as well as showing your imagination and organizational abilities, you can create highly profitable entrepreneurial activity, from which everyone will receive only positive emotions.We hope that this review helped to figure out how to open a go-kart club.

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Reason for complaint
A lot of pitfalls, starting with renting an indoor rental, it must be ventilated and warm, and this is expensive for an interesting route ~ and if you open an open route ~ then the weather and the season are no more than 6 months, they will not allow you to significantly turn business into business .. for everyone other expenses. Since having one administrator, one inspector, one repairman .. plus rental and consumables .. then a lot should coincide ~ region, district, village ... Himself burdened with this issue with a budget of 1 mil. it’s 5 cars, but there’s balance ~ (territory and price or location not) And invest 5 million in this business) ~ I’m not sure then what we do for those who rent land ~ (stupidly do business to the lessee) for building a karting track from scratch for 5 it’s definitely not an option .... Therefore, it’s not so simple friends .. it’s not so simple ... I bow to a seasonal open place with a dense regionality ... Where per capita workload of 5 cars will be daily high .. . else ... in winter there will be nothing to eat ~ and the more so feed employees ...
And what - the approximate total amount is not indicated for the opening of at least a modest center .. Forgot to say about lighting, repair, replacement of cover, etc. and is it possible to “swing” at it to ordinary citizens or only to high-income ones!


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