
Strip club business plan. The difficulties of opening a strip club. How to open your strip club

strip club business plan

According to research, in Russia the number of strip clubs always remains approximately the same. The fact is that because of violations, these institutions are closed more often than others. However, in their place, lovers of "easy" big money immediately open new ones. Is the strip club so profitable, what do you need to open it and maintain your work? Let's try to analyze.

Strip club business plan as a result of a team of professionals

Opening a strip club, like any other business, begins with the preparatory work. To begin with, an entrepreneur should consider: in very small towns, where everyone knows each other, such an institution is unlikely to be profitable. Opening such clubs in large cities is extremely difficult.

Now many authorities have a negative attitude to establishments where they sell alcohol. There are more and more laws restricting the functioning of drinking establishments. Therefore, before starting to implement his idea, an entrepreneur must well calculate and think through all the difficulties of opening a strip club. Not everyone can cope with such work independently: too much professional knowledge is required.

The business plan of a strip club should be made by economists, designers, choreographers, costumers. Why? Because most visitors to such places are wealthy, even prosperous people with high demands on comfort. Therefore, the club itself should look like a work of art, the same should be the kitchen, dancers, service. Only a team of well-trained professionals can draw up a business plan for a decent strip club.

The concept is the basis of success

Business striptease involves strict planning of all stages and directions of work. You will have to start with a clearly articulated concept. According to statistics, approximately 80% of success depends on it, and it is on it that the strip club's business plan should be based. Why is a concept needed? Because today you cannot surprise anyone with this type of service. In the cities there are many nightlife similar to each other as twins.

To attract guests and make them regular customers, you will have to come up with something outstanding, different from others. Counting on rich people only is very risky: their contingent is limited, tastes are spoiled, it will be very difficult to please such visitors. You might think about opening an institution "for everyone", without face-control and excessively high prices. But even in this case it is necessary to think over:

  • interior features;
  • originality of the kitchen or wine list;
  • content of entertainment programs;
  • performances of artists;
  • light show;
  • thousands of other little things.

By the way, professionals say that the success of this kind of business even depends on how the waiters look at strip clubs.

How to choose the right room

Opening an institution of this kind is most advantageous in the city center or in those areas where nightlife is in full swing. When preparing a business plan for a strip club, an entrepreneur must accurately calculate the rental price and its possible fluctuations. Rent in the center costs a lot of money, and its sudden increase can provoke the closure of the institution.

If an entrepreneur is confident in his organizational abilities and economic instinct, he may risk renting a room on the outskirts or even outside the city.However, the district must necessarily be “prosperous”, otherwise the public from the lower, disadvantaged strata will quickly turn the club into a cheap “eatery”, and the middle class simply will not go there, fearing crime. In addition, the country club program should be as original and interesting as possible: people should know why they are going to the outskirts.

If a businessman is not confident in his organizational and creative abilities, it is better to open a club near educational institutions, entertainment centers and other places where young people gather, but away from residential buildings. The room should be spacious (not less than 300 square meters), fully comply with the requirements of SNiP, fire and sanitary supervision.

difficulties opening a strip club

Production Requirements

This is the most expensive part after repair and decoration of the premises, which must be taken into account by the business plan of the strip club. The production part includes:

  • Kitchen, bar, refrigeration equipment.
  • Furniture for visitors and staff.
  • Musical and lighting equipment, the cost of its installation. They usually cost several million rubles.
  • The dishes. It can be inexpensive: a club is not a restaurant, in a darkened room young people do not attach importance to utensils.
  • Alcoholic and soft drinks. You can’t save on them: the wider the drinks list, the more visitors will be at the institution. The business plan of the strip club should provide for the purchase (at first) of at least 15-30 types of alcohol at a very different price.
  • Payroll staff. Even in the most modest club, the staff includes several dozen people: bartenders, cleaners, DJs, administrators, waiters, accountants, kitchen workers, watchmen, security guards, etc.

Types of strip clubs

The decoration and interior, the features of the kitchen and drinks, the form of employees, attendance and, as a result, profit depend on who the strip club opens for. Clubs can be of different formats.

  • Democratic. A striptease in them is shown 2-3 times a week, everyone is allowed into the club. Profit consists of the price of the admission ticket and the value of orders. The profitability of such establishments depends on price flexibility and high traffic. Usually, on weekends, owners raise prices to the maximum, but once a week girls (or all visitors) are admitted free of charge. Male striptease here usually alternates with female striptease.
  • Elite or closed clubs. Thinking about how to open a strip club for the wealthiest people, an entrepreneur should remember: these same profitable establishments exist for no more than 2-3 years. Why? Because they are visited by a limited and very few contingent.
  • Highly specialized strip clubs. Before opening them, you need to seriously think about how much such a club is in demand. In some cities, gay clubs enjoy great success (of course, that both striptease and the interior will be completely different there). Nightclubs with striptease elements can be purely feminine, exclusively masculine.

strip club

Staff recruitment

They begin to pick up people in a strip club before its opening. One of the most important employees should be a promoter - the person responsible for advertising parties, the concept of the institution and the entire creative part. It is he who must select dancers and actors. Some of them can be arranged on an ongoing basis, others can be invited for one-off performances. This person should know the preferences of regular customers, all the creative teams of the city, be able to draw up programs and be responsible for the training of dancers.

No less important is the bartender. How many regular customers the club will have depends on its appearance, skill and professionalism.

When selecting staff, you will have to pay attention to corporate ethics. This concept includes the behavior of service personnel, his uniform, work schedule, etc.

To avoid conflicts, protection is needed. It can be hired on an ongoing basis, or you can conclude a contract with a security company.

Where to looking for?

Where to find good staff? Use your personal contacts or lure employees of competing establishments, attracting them with high wages and favorable working conditions.

Advertising and promotion

You can’t save on it either. The media are not suitable here: they are ineffective. Therefore, you will have to develop a whole program designed to promote the club. Mandatory points of the program will be the development of:

strip club

  • Own a unique brand.
  • Outdoor advertising.
  • Media plan and full strategy.
  • Souvenirs.
  • Branded products (own disks, napkins, matchboxes, etc.).
  • Plan of image events and media attraction.

Naturally, one owner will not be able to cope with such a volume of work, so you will have to choose a person responsible only for this part of it.

To summarize

There is no fixed amount of starting capital needed to open a strip club. It largely depends on the city and region, the club concept, the cost of the production part. In any case, the opening requires several million. The main profit will be formed from the price of entrance tickets and the cost of drinks (margin on them is from 100 to 350%).

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