
Gym business plan: cost of equipment and necessary documents. Gym Business Plan

Gym business planThe gym is a specially equipped room. The main purpose of such an institution is to conduct bodybuilding training.

What do you need to open a gym? Basically, the list of all the required equipment includes numerous treadmills, a variety of cardiovascular equipment, dumbbells, with which you can work out a variety of muscles, etc.

What are the differences between the gym and other sports facilities?

In contrast to the numerous fitness centers that provide services of a different plan, training facilities have a fairly narrow specialization. Basically, they do not provide for such separate rooms in which you can conduct yoga or fitness classes.

In the event that your priority is simply a healthy lifestyle and you would like to maintain your figure in a beautiful and fit form, as well as being a frequent visitor to gyms and versed in bodybuilding, you can try to make a profit from your hobby. It should be noted in advance that great knowledge on how to pump certain muscle groups is not required. A business plan of the gym can be made without frequent visits to this institution.

How big is the competition?

In the event that you had the idea of ​​opening your own gym, first of all, you should carefully familiarize yourself with the achievements of competitors. The situation is not only in the availability and quantity of such establishments in a certain area, but also in the possibility of their subsequent appearance. In other words, the business plan of the gym should include absolutely all the factors that can play a role in the formation of entrepreneurial activity.

In the event that there is a possibility of soon appearing competitors, you will need to consider one simple question: will there be enough potential customers for everyone? What if you suddenly need to finish your business so that it does not lead to large losses of money? In any case, it will be necessary to consider everything in the most thorough manner.

All nuances should be considered.

The specificity of the activities of the gym is to work in the interests of customers. Usually, training takes place in the evening, as during the day people are busy at their main job. It is at this time that staff is required to be strengthened.

In addition, the gym business plan should have items that talk about seasonality. As practice shows, the greatest load falls on the autumn and spring periods. In summer, attendance at gyms decreases. That is why, in order to attract the largest number of potential customers, it is best to start your own entrepreneurial activity precisely during the periods of greatest activity among athletes and lovers of a healthy lifestyle.

Drawing up a business project

How much does it cost to open a gymIn order to open your own business, you will need to draw up a business plan for the gym. In the event that you can’t do it yourself, you should trust the professionals. But you should remember that it is best to do everything on your own. This is how you can get the necessary experience in business.

In addition, you will need to consider all the necessary nuances.Do not forget about the seasonal aspects. For example, for comfortable training in the summer, air conditioning is needed. And in order for athletes to be able to practice in the winter, it will be necessary to equip good heating or at least purchase heaters.

Do not lose sight of the factor that hired personnel should have experience in this field of activity. Otherwise, situations may arise when you need to recover money for the damage.

The business plan of the gym, competently and efficiently drawn up, will help you to understand the essence of the opening of the "simulator" and decide on those opportunities, due to which you can reduce all costs. In addition, such a project will contribute to the demonstration of possible prospects. Well, and without an analysis of profits and expenses, the business plan of the gym can not do.

Purchase of all necessary equipment

Organizing your own entrepreneurial activity in the sports sector, it should be understood that, in addition to rent and repair fees, you will need to spend money on the purchase of all necessary equipment.

We are talking about such equipment as benches, exercise machines, dumbbells, barbells, etc. This is the most common equipment. In the event that you subsequently want to expand your entrepreneurial activity, it is worth paying more attention to the acquisition of more specialized simulators.

What do you need to remember when purchasing inventory?

In modern conditions, the cost of "iron" is quite high. And this must be taken into account when drawing up a gym business plan. You need to understand that it’s not worth buying equipment that is too cheap or old, as customers simply don’t like it. Having invested about 200 thousand rubles, an entrepreneur will be quite easily able to purchase such inventory as:

  1. Treadmills of a mechanical type.
  2. Exercise bikes.
  3. Complex trainers with counterweights.
  4. Cardio Trainer.
  5. Pancake bar and stand.
  6. Several benches and dumbbells.

If a used hardware is purchased, then it will need to be tinted, adjusted, and, if necessary, sorted and greased. But it will not cost too much.

What costs can an entrepreneur face?

business idea gymHow much does it cost to open a gym? You should consider in more detail all those costs that await entrepreneurs on the path to starting their own business.

One-time investments necessary at the very beginning of entrepreneurial activity will mainly relate to the costs of repairs and design of premises.

You will also need to spend certain amounts of money to install all the necessary equipment. All this will cost about 400 thousand rubles. Naturally, this is a considerable amount of money. But you can pull.

In addition to the initial one-time costs, you will need to calculate the costs that you will have to spend for the year of your activity. It is necessary to calculate the main cash losses that the gym business plan should include.

  • The main costs relate to the rental of the necessary premises. It should be noted that gyms can be placed even in the basement and basement. Moreover, in such a situation, the rent can be reduced. In addition, you may need to make repairs. For one year, rent reaches about 500 thousand rubles.
  • Salary to staff. Hiring employees will still have to. At least for successful business activities it will be necessary to attract at least an instructor and an accountant. In one year, approximately 210 thousand rubles will be spent on wages. But subsequently this amount will increase, as an increase in staff is required. Naturally, this will be needed only if the entrepreneur plans to further expand his activities.
  • Utilities.We are talking about electricity, sewage systems, a device for rubbish, etc. On average, for one year, an entrepreneur will need to pay 90 thousand rubles for all these services.
  • Without a good advertising campaign, no one will know about your business. However, to increase the popularity of your institution, simple leaflets hanging on poles in the yards may be enough. Therefore, advertising the gym can be carried out almost without cost.
  • It should be understood that for the comfort of potential customers you will need to think about creating good ventilation, as well as designing a toilet and shower. Do not miss the most different little things from your attention. It's about glasses and bottles of water. Naturally, those entrepreneurs who visit the gyms themselves will not have any problems with entering such details into the business plan. In addition, for them it will be not just a business, but the opportunity to express their souls.

Do not trust easily accessible information.

If you trust the information that is widely available, then the organization of such entrepreneurial activity can cost only 180 thousand rubles. However, in the process there are insurmountable circumstances, which simply cannot be avoided. And in the end, it may turn out that 800 thousand rubles may not be enough.

In addition, do not blindly trust untrusted sources. It is better to make all the calculations yourself and answer the question of how much it costs to open a gym, guided by the cost of all the necessary things. But on average, the organization of a gym may require about 900 thousand rubles. It should be understood that in this case it is better not to save, otherwise you can not count on the success of the business.

What documents may be required?

Gym AdvertisingNo special licenses or permits are required to open the gym. Enough and simple registration from the position of an individual entrepreneur.

You can provide the opportunity to register a business and any legal company. It will cost about 12 thousand rubles. But registering yourself is not so difficult.

In the event that the entrepreneur also plans to engage in the sale of sports nutrition or any drugs, then a large number of licenses, troublesome papers and special permits will be required.

It will be extremely difficult to knock out all this on your own, therefore, to save time, it is best to agree on everything with a company that provides services of this kind. Otherwise, the business idea will be very complicated. A gym with the ability to purchase all the necessary sports supplements, however, can attract even more attention.

How big will the income be?

The payback of the gym is another issue that worries entrepreneurs, especially beginners. In the event that the hall is equipped with 10 training places, then subject to a 10-hour work schedule, the cost of services is 100 rubles, and when the premises are loaded at least 50 percent, the income can reach an average of 120 thousand rubles per month.

It should be noted that those athletes who work out in the gym regularly try to purchase a monthly subscription. Especially for such customers, it is necessary to develop discounts. In the event that only athletes of this kind will be engaged in the gym, then the monthly income will exceed 90 thousand rubles.

In the event that all the above conditions are met, the initial capital will pay off in the first few months of entrepreneurial activity.


A healthy lifestyle in the modern world is becoming increasingly popular. Therefore, the opening of the gym may interest a large number of people. In order to save your money, you can resort to some tricks.

For example, rent a basement and purchase used equipment. Only these two indicators help to achieve simply impressive economic performance. But, of course, it is best to resort to such activities if the entrepreneur himself is an athlete or just cares for a healthy lifestyle.

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