
What is a discussion: definition, purpose, forms

The question of what discussion is is related to the field of social and social sciences. After all, this is one of the forms of communicative communication, which has recently gained great weight not only in politics, but also in the educational environment.

General characteristic of the concept

A discussion is an exchange of views on a controversial, topical issue, which is conducted according to certain rules and under the guidance of the host of the event. The main content of this form of communication is the expression by the participants of their opinions, which are collectively discussed by the audience. The advantage of this type of dispute can be called the fact that it provides the opportunity to speak out to all groups without exception.

what is a discussion

The subject of discussion is most often some burning issue that is equally interesting to all members of the team. The content of such problems should be relevant, and in solving them, different, sometimes conflicting points of view are expressed. During its discussion, participants should come to a common consensus. This is the purpose of the discussion, the course and organization of which is aimed at reconciling, as far as possible, all contradictions on the issue under discussion by finding the most optimal solution to the problem that would satisfy all parties, or at least the majority of listeners.

Round table

The forms of discussion can be very different and depend on the goals and objectives. The most common of them are the following: collective discussion, expert group meeting, forum, debate, debate, the so-called “brainstorming” and others. One of the most popular types is a round table meeting, which involves a joint analysis of the problem by several participants with a parallel exchange of views with the audience. Perhaps this is one of the most common forms of dispute in the scientific and diplomatic environment, as it has undoubted advantages: a balanced approach to controversial issues, maximum democracy and attention to the opinion of all those present.

subject of discussion

Expert Group Meeting and Forum

Understanding what a discussion is is impossible without taking into account the features of its most important forms. Very often, specialists who are involved in a group and solve a problem at a scientific level are involved in solving the most pressing issues. Each of its members subsequently provides the audience with a short speech in which they summarize their vision of the subject being studied. However, in this case, there is no exchange of views with the audience.

The forum, in fact, resembles an expert group meeting, but during its meetings, the floor is given to the audience. These two types of dispute resolution differ from the round table in a more formal nature, as well as in the fact that participants make detailed messages.

Disputes and Debates

The solution to the question of what discussion is is limited by the comprehension of its organizational aspects. It differs from a simple dispute in that it is conducted according to certain rules and within a given framework, even when the participants adhere to directly opposite opinions. Two or three groups participate in the debate, each of which defends its point of view on the controversial issue. Here the emphasis is not on the exchange of remarks, remarks, as in the above cases, but on convincing opponents of the correctness of their position. Therefore, the course of the discussion becomes more acute and even differs in some psychological tension.

discussion objective

The debate is even more dynamism - a carefully organized debate on a problem during which the opposing parties seek to convince themselves that they are not so much each other as the third party. At the same time, they are trying to form a definite opinion among the listeners on a particular issue. This type of discussion is used in the political sphere: for example, they distinguish between presidential and parliamentary debates.


The solution of the question of what discussion is is impossible without taking into account the important fact that quite often it is aimed not so much at identifying the optimal solution to the controversial task as at developing the participants' creative thinking. In this case, the emphasis is on stimulating the thinking of groups whose members in such cases I can offer original, unusual proposals with the expectation that they will be heard and discussed.

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