
The main responsibilities of the military: the rights and responsibilities of the military

The main responsibilities of the military are numerous. After all, these people are representatives of state power. And, accordingly, they have plenty of responsibilities. And the responsibility lies with the military people. However, in addition to all this, they also have rights. However, about everything - in order.

basic duties of military personnel

General position

To begin with, I would like to list the main responsibilities of the military. Firstly, each of them must keep the faith of the oath and, accordingly, the Fatherland. Serve the people, defend the Russian Federation, fulfill military duty and courageously endure difficulties.

Secondly, each of them is required to comply with the laws of the Russian Federation, the Charter and the Constitution. Thirdly, to constantly master new professional knowledge, improve skills and improve existing skills.

Also, the main duties of servicemen include the knowledge and maintenance in constant combat readiness of equipment and weapons that were entrusted to them. They must also protect all of the above, keep safe and sound. And make sure that strangers could not get closer to the gun.

Moral component

Every military must remain honest, courageous, and disciplined. The manifestation of prudent initiative in the performance of a duty is approved. But unconditional obedience to commanders and commanders is necessary. Also, all military must protect the Battle Banner. And, of course, to cherish comrades, to respect each of them and to observe all the rules of military politeness and honor - to keep state and other secrets.

what are the basic duties of a soldier

Service Nuances

The main responsibilities of the military were listed above. But this is only a small list of them.

In addition, each military should know - if there are any official questions, then you need to contact only the chief, directly. If necessary, to resolve the situation, he will be sent to higher personalities.

The same goes for personal issues. If you have any suggestions, a complaint, you want to make a statement or appeal, then, first of all, you need to be guided by the provisions of the Constitution and the Charter. After all, the basic rights and obligations of military personnel are determined precisely by these documents.

Still, everyone is obliged to observe and know the norms of international humanitarian law. The military must be able to communicate with the wounded, sick, other victims, as well as with prisoners, clergy and medical personnel.

In battle

Talking about what the basic duties of a soldier are the most important, one can not fail to note the attention that he must fulfill in the course of hostilities.

Even if he is isolated from his unit, he must by all means resist, so as not to be captured. Military duty must be performed with honor. And, even in the case of absolute helplessness and severe injury, he is obliged to try to find an opportunity to save his life and comrades, if they were also captured.

During interrogation, the military may indicate his rank, full name, personal number and date of birth. The main task is to preserve dignity, honor, and state secret. Any attempts by an opponent to use a soldier to cause damage to Russia and the RF Armed Forces must be stopped in the bud. All that remains is to wait for the release, which commanders and commanders will surely contribute.

list the main responsibilities of the military

A responsibility

Absolutely every military man carries it - regardless of position and rank. All are equal before the law.

The military is required to bear disciplinary responsibility. If he committed an offense, violated the Charter, honor or morality, he must be punished.

The military bears administrative responsibility on a common basis. But such penalties as fines and correctional labor cannot be applied to them.

They bear civil liability for failure to fulfill their duty. Or for damage to the state. Also, the military may be liable. And criminal. But, usually, for offenses they are attracted to only one type of responsibility. In punishment, the military is subject to disciplinary action. If material damage has been caused, the perpetrator shall indemnify it. The military is not exempted from criminal liability, regardless of his position and rank.

what are the basic duties of a soldier

About rights

As already mentioned at the very beginning, not only the military have responsibilities and duties. They also have rights.

Each of them is protected by its state. The basic rights and obligations of military personnel are determined by constitutional and federal laws. And no one has the right to limit them to the freedoms guaranteed to them by the authorities. Also, no one is allowed to interfere in the service activities of the military. Except, of course, authorized persons for this.

But the rest of the state guarantees its defenders not only legal, but also social protection. Their lives and health are protected by the authorities. Chiefs and commanders who neglect the rights of servicemen and do not fulfill their duties in relation to subordinates are punished accordingly.


Talking about what are the basic duties of a serviceman, as well as about his rights, one cannot but touch upon the topic of weapons. People protecting the state have the right to store, carry, use and use it. Moreover, both during the performance of duties and outside the service. Only in this case, the owner of the weapon must ensure its safety.

In special cases, it can be applied. The military has the right to resort to weapons in order to repel an armed or group attack on military and state facilities, military units, units, trains, sentries, etc. And also - if someone forcibly tries to take possession of equipment and weapons.

It is also possible to protect civilians and military personnel with weapons. But in the event that another way is not possible. And if someone takes illegal actions, resists and refuses to stop them, then he can also be detained using weapons.

basic duties of military personnel

Soldiers and sailors

Most of the people in the Armed Forces of the Russian Federation are ordinary. In our country, every guy has to go through military service. Which most of them do. And at first they are all ordinary (lower rank). Some manage to earn the rank of corporal or junior sergeant in a year. But the rank and file, according to statistics, is still the majority. And it is also necessary to tell about their duties, as this is the most numerous category in the RF Armed Forces.

All privates (soldiers and sailors) obey the squad leader. They are required to maintain the integrity of the property that was issued to them. When a soldier is entrusted with a weapon, he must return it in good condition.

Everything that ordinary commanders teach, they are obliged to remember. Naturally, the basic, general duties of military personnel (ordinary) include everyday hardening and self-training. Each soldier must know the name of all direct commanders, their positions and ranks, as well as give them due respect.

Private should always be dressed in uniform. Her condition must be carefully monitored, as well as for shoes. Weapons must always be intact, cleaned and ready for battle. Safety requirements, of course, must also be observed. And, if there is a need to leave, the soldier must go to the squad leader to ask permission. After - report on arrival.

Features of emergency service

The above is not all that a soldier will have to do. In addition to physical, combat, fire, theoretical and official training, he is still awaiting duty, patrolling and shift work. In a word - outfits. Each ordinary passes through them.

Duty on a company involves the fulfillment of a mass of duties. Firstly, the person appointed to this position monitors the exact daily routine, the safety of ammunition boxes, weapons and the proper day service. When the alarm is announced, the attendant raises the staff. He does the same at the set time (6:00). If any incident happens - takes measures to eliminate it. This is the most basic. The list of responsibilities amounts to dozens of items.

Any soldier can be assigned an object, daily and garrison outfit. Sometimes - out of turn, but this is a fault.

 basic general duties of military personnel


What should be performed by people under the control of which are entire units, companies, platoons, battalions, you should also know. Often, by the way, this topic is even addressed in schools - for general education it would not hurt to know the basic duties of military personnel. OBZH - this is the name of the subject within which students receive this knowledge. Typically, such topics are raised in the last class so that future defenders of the Motherland know what they will need to deal with.

So, students are often given the following question: "List the main responsibilities of the military and the commander." You can answer it quite easily.

The main task of the commander is to train his subordinates (soldiers). It strengthens their love for the motherland, instills respect for service, military equipment and weapons, develops combat training and improves physical endurance. It also controls the performance of subordinate combat missions. And not only in peacetime, but also in wartime. But each commander must take care of the soldiers, delve into their needs and provide everything necessary. Seeing a worthy example, ordinary soldiers will, with a sense of duty, fulfill their basic duties as military personnel.

OBZh, enlightening class 11 in this topic, can also arouse interest in the army in future soldiers. So the basics of life safety are a pretty useful subject.

basic duties of military personnel

About service

And finally, a few words about when a military person is considered to be in the service.

It is such if it participates in hostilities or performs tasks in an emergency or armed conflict. Also, a person carries out service while in the line of duty, combat duty (dress, guard), orders or orders given by the commander.

If a soldier went on a business trip, ended up in a hospital, at a training camp, or was captured, he is still in the service. Moreover, even in the event of his loss (absence), formally it is considered so. In general, if we conclude - a military man who has taken the oath is always in the service.

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