
Moving to another city: where to start? Tips

Probably, everyone once had the idea to part with the past and start a completely new life. The easiest way to make your dream a reality is to move to another city. Where to start and how not to regret your choice, this article will help you figure it out.

First an idea came up ...

Each action is preceded by an idea. It does not matter how it arose: spontaneously, whether a person went to her for many years, or a thought was born from the filing of a friend or an outsider. Or maybe the reason for all the banal promotion, promising a brilliant future in the professional sphere? Or did the newlyweds purchase housing in another locality in order to forge their family happiness on their own, without outside interference? The main thing is that the decision is made, and the most problematic stage begins - preparation for the upcoming change of residence.

moving to another city where to start

Problems arising when moving to another city

Those who were not afraid to face the unknown, should not be deceived first of all that there will be no obstacles and difficulties on the way to the realization of the cherished dream. A huge number of problems happen to idealists who believe that there is nothing easier than moving to another city. "Where to begin?" - for them the question is not particularly important. However, the situation changes radically when it comes time from the plan to move on to specific actions. Here the first difficulties make themselves felt. A number of questions arise, among which the most common are:

  • Where to start moving to another city?
  • How and which town to choose?
  • Where to collect the necessary information?
  • How to overcome the psychological barrier?
  • How to move to another city? Where to start preparing?
  • Will the children normally accept the news about the upcoming move?
  • What should be done immediately after arriving in another city?

where to start moving to another city

Calmness is the key to health!

There are many questions, but the cat wept! How to start moving to another city for permanent residence is not clear. Some are gradually disappointed in their idea, while others completely give up and refuse to do anything to translate a beautiful dream into reality. But such behavior can be a fatal mistake.

Perhaps this was a chance, having missed that, a person lost the opportunity to change his life so much that the past would seem gray, dull and worthless to him. Or in another city he was waiting for a meeting with real, destined for fate love. Or, perhaps, a proposal was waiting for him at the new place of residence, which he simply could not refuse. Everything's possible. Therefore, in order not to miss your happiness and not reproach yourself for your once wrong choice, you need to stay calm, cast aside all doubts and be patient.

Where to start moving to another city?

So, let's say that the decision is made, and there is no turning back. You are in a hurry to announce to others that you will soon move to another city. Where to begin? Know-it-all tips begin to pour in from all directions. Of course, one should not refuse assistance from outside. But only those people who are positive and ready to contribute with deeds or at least with a kind word can be allowed to participate in the implementation of the plan. It is not worthwhile to devote the rest to your plans, so that inadvertently some "well-wisher" does not overshadow the joy that overwhelms the soul in anticipation of change.

No need to worry about the fact that before you have never had to deal with such a problem as moving to another city.Where to start, prompt people who have already experienced such an event. Most of them will advise, first of all, to decide which city you want to live in, and then proceed directly to collecting all the necessary information.

City Information Collection

Disorientation - a condition that covers almost all immigrants. However, the feeling of panic fear, confusion and irritation can be significantly minimized by finding out in advance all the features of living in the city chosen for the move. First of all, it is necessary to collect as much information as possible regarding the streets and bus stops of the village, the presence or absence of industrial and other types of enterprises, educational institutions, medical centers, etc.

In addition, any sane person, once and for all leaves his native land, will find out what the demographic situation is in a foreign city so far for him, how high the crime rate is in him, what is the opinion of the local population about the performance by law enforcement officials and officials of their official duties. Only after the collection of these basic information and their thorough analysis can we safely proceed to the next stage.

Material issue

Some information has been collected, and very soon the most crucial moment is coming - directly moving to another city. Where to start calculating funds? Do not hesitate, without a penny in your pocket you will not see happiness in a new place. Do not hope that somehow it will cost! Disappointment comes surprisingly quickly.

There is an opinion that the desire to move to live in another city should be supported financially. And this is by no means without common sense, because during the period of adaptation it is necessary to live on something. Therefore, in order not to be in a hopeless situation and not spend the night on a bench in a park or train station, take some time to calculate the upcoming expenses. Find out the cost of housing if you plan to rent an apartment or a room for a while, food prices and basic necessities. Make a list of required purchases that you will need to make immediately after arrival, and calculate how much you have to pay for them. Please note that it is better to play it safe and take with you more cash than the amount received during the calculation. Do not forget to check the status of bank accounts and cards so that subsequently you do not find unpleasant surprises that will create additional problems.

The decision on the acquisition (rental) of housing

What should you think carefully before deciding to move to another city? Where to start, so that a change of residence does not turn into a real nightmare? The answer lies on the surface - the search for suitable, comfortable and cozy housing. What it will be depends not only on the aesthetic preferences of a person, but also on his financial capabilities. It will not be difficult for the richest people to purchase an apartment or a cottage, while for others it will be difficult to pay even a very modest rental housing. Whether it is the first option or the second, in any case, the room in which to live, you must first find. The easiest way is to use the services offered by real estate agencies. True, it will cost money, and sometimes considerable.

If you cannot afford to pay a specialist for work, you will have to cope on your own. How to do it? Go to real estate sites and check out the offers presented on it. Compare prices and write down the options you are interested in. After analyzing all the information collected, start phoning the owners. However, be careful! Fraudsters do not sleep. Feel free to ask questions, ask again and specify any trifle! If you notice that the person on the other end of the wire is bustling, his answers sound uncertain and implausible, feel free to interrupt the conversation and dial the next phone number.Make an appointment with people whose proposal you are completely satisfied with.

where to start moving to another city for permanent residence

How to be with children?

The main question that puzzles all loving parents is how to start moving to another city with their children. Most problems will arise with those whose age is from 6 to 16 years. This is not surprising, because if an adult understands that such difficulties as the lack of acquaintances and friends, as well as the novelty of another city, are temporary, then for a child or teenager this is a real tragedy, comparable to the end of the world. Therefore, the main task of mothers and fathers is to help their child overcome the psychological barrier and not fall into a prolonged depression. Talk to your child. Tell him about the benefits of living in another city. Do not stop protests at the root, but pick up powerful counterarguments that will convince him of your innocence.

After the psychological state of your child ceases to cause concern, you can proceed to the next stage - the search for a kindergarten or school. Each parent chooses an educational institution depending on their priorities. For some, location is important, for others - safety, for others - the professionalism of teachers, etc. For all this, it is imperative to inquire about the views of the child himself. A joint choice of an educational institution is the key to the future success of a precious child.

where to start moving to another city with children

Employment problem

Some people who are catastrophically unlucky with employment have the bold and at the same time risky idea of ​​moving to live in another city. How to start a job search in a new place? Is the game worth the candle? Are hopes and expectations fulfilled? Unfortunately, it is impossible to answer these questions. Everyone must decide for himself whether he is ready to abandon the usual way of life and plunge into the unknown with his head.

If you feel the strength in yourself to overcome all the difficulties that will certainly arise in your way, then go ahead and be lucky! But before you leave, do not forget to thoroughly prepare for a job search in a new city: update your resume, prepare all available diplomas and other documents confirming your qualifications and professionalism, make sure that you do not forget to pick up a work book from a previous service, prepare a portfolio by looking into it, a potential employer simply will not allow itself to miss such a valuable employee as you.

Picking things up

Answers to most questions have been found, now it remains only to make the last leap and finally move to live in another city. Where to start collecting things, so as not to forget or lose anything? The easiest way is to throw off all responsibility and trust the professionals who not only pack everything that you show, but also do it efficiently and in the shortest possible time. In addition, you can contact a company specializing in cargo transportation. If you use their services, things dear to the heart will be delivered in complete safety at the appointed time and place. True, for this you will have to sacrifice a certain, sometimes considerable, amount from the family budget. If this does not scare you, enter into an agreement with the carrier company and your to-do list will be reduced by one more position.

move to another city


The long-awaited moment has come, and you are met with a rosy city, which is to become your hometown. Undoubtedly, memories will come at first, but do not rush to give in to emotions and return to where you were so eager to leave. Pull yourself together and enjoy a new life. It will not be easy, but do not forget that fortune is always on the side of persistent and patient. Good luck and all the best!

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